USE: Immediate

ISSUE DATE: 15 April 2015

CONTACT: David Ritchie, 01436 655040 / 07776480406

Islay and Jura Health and Social Services Review Implementation Group

Latest News from Group Co-chairs Dr Pat McGrann and Alison Guest

Accommodation for incoming clinicians - last month in the Ileach we highlighted the two newly appointed therapists working across Islay and Jura from their base in Islay Hospital – the occupational therapist and the physiotherapist. In the update in the Ileach of 24 January there was mention of the ongoing discussions with West Highland Housing Association and these discussions have now come to fruition with the agreement of a lease for a property in Bowmore which will provide accommodation for these incoming clinicians and enable continued provision of these vital services for the islands. The islands of Mull and Colonsay also have similar arrangements in place to ensure accommodation is available for incoming clinicians.

Dental Services - The newly appointed Dental Practitioner for Islay is due to commence in mid July and plans are also continuing to be developed for the new dental treatment rooms in the hospital. There is also an independent dental practitioner investigating the possibility of operating on Islay.

GP Services - In order to improve patient access to GPs and other healthcare staff the computer systems at each of the three Islay practices are in the process of being upgraded. Improvement work has already begun and it is anticipated that the new system will be completely operational by Friday 24th April. During this period we hope to keep any disruption to an absolute minimum. Emergency appointments will be available daily during the improvement work.

The ordering of repeat medication may be affected next week and patients are kindly requested to reorder repeat prescriptions earlier than required (Rhinns patients by 6.30pm on Monday, Port Ellen patients by 1pm on Wednesday). Patients may continue to order medication at any point next week however repeat medication may take longer than the two working days routinely required.

There will be considerable benefits for both patients and clinicians by upgrading the IT systems and more information about improvements to patient access will be provided in future publications of the Ileach and displayed in your local surgery. Your patience with us during this time will be greatly appreciated.

Dr Donal Murray will be taking up his post on 20th April and Dr Catriona Davis will be joining the team on 25th May.

May public holiday dates: Monday 4th & Monday 25th