Island Heights Environmental Committee

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 08/18/09 Time: 7: PM

Attendees: Mary Judge, Betsy Hyle, Rob Harrington, Don Roberts, George Kotzas , Norm Sheer, Margie Laratta, John Pomeroy

Absent: K.C. Baney,Pat Sherwin, Marsha Cudworth

Visitors: Barb Serpi, Daniel Clancy, Councilperson Jeffery Silver


Minutes / ·  Minutes of previous meeting distributed. / Motion by M. Judge to approve minutes as submitted. 2nd by D. Roberts. Carried
Visitors / ·  Danielle Clancy , an OCC student who visits IH and enjoys the boardwalk , was present. Ms. Clancy expressed concern that more recycling containers were not available along the boardwalk Don Roberts, has photos of a container that may give guidance. Mary judge to investigate potential OC Solid Waste grant / Discuss took place. Committee was in agreement that more containers may be necessary. Committee agreed to research available products and make recommendations to council regarding the appropriate receptacles.
Possible Scout project / .
Reorganization / ·  R. Harrington will continue as Chair for today Election of officers: the chair suggested a slate of officers as follows:
Norman Scheer , Chair
K.C. Baney Vice Chair
Mary Judge, Secretary
M judge Declined the nomination.
George Kotzas Was subsequently nominated as, Secretary
·  Discussion regarding hiring someone to take note during the meetings. This is being done currently by health department. Possible $20.00 per meeting. / With addition of K.C. Baney to the committee Mr. Baney was included in the slate for clarification.
Discussion of recording secretary to continue at future time. No decision was made.
Committee voted on proposed slate of officers. All in favor non opposed.
Bulletin board / ·  D Roberts reported on flyer consumption
o  Energy audit info over 200 flyers
o  How to stop Junk mail, 300 flyers
·  Suggestion s made regarding addition al information to be posted, don’t feed the ducks info, fertilizer info
Tree request / ·  M. Judge reports / ·  list being sent to April Elly to be put on letterhead
·  Zelkova added to list in place of pear trees / M. Judge
Energy Audit / ·  Councilperson Hyle reported that Councilperson Heizler is collecting energy expense data to complete the first phase of the energy audit request. / Committee remains available to help with future phase of audit
TPL Grant / ·  R. Harrington potential costs for plant ID stakes.
·  D. Roberts reported on future infill planning
·  Looking for soil to make “berms” / R. Harrington to pursue soil for berms. D. Roberts to order plant material for next planting
R. Harrington asked D. Roberts to start thinking about report prep for completion / R. Harrington
D. Roberts
Budget / ·  Chair person Harrington reported expenses to date are as follows:
·  Rain barrel $100.00
·  Registration for sail fest 37.50
·  Signs for bulletin board
Sail fest / ·  Sail fest Sept . 12. Booth reserved.
·  M. Judge has tent, R. Harrington has tables, p. Sherwin has river grass info.
·  D. Roberts reported that “Porch light” has requested a booth at sail fest. / P. Sherwin, N. Scheer, G. Kotzas, M. Loratta, all available for sail fest
Adjournment / ·  Motion by M. Judge to adjourn. 2nd by D. Roberts. / Meeting adjourned at 8:25PM
New business / ·  Councilperson Hyle reported on bylaws revision.
·  D. Roberts reported on upcoming wind symposium / ·  asked the committee to consider mission and status as committee or commission
·  grant money available

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, September 16 at 7:00PM