Island Heights Environmental Committee

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 10/15/08 Time: 7: PM

Attendees: Al Gabriel, K.C. Baney, Rob Harrington, Mary Judge, Pat Sherwin

Absent: Robert Wilber Jr., James Ryan, Pete Lukowiak, Marsha Cudworth, Greg Heizler

Visitors: Margie Laratta, George Kotzas


Minutes / ·  We note with sorrow the passing of Mayor David Siddons.
·  Minutes of previous meeting distributed via email. Thanks to Rob Harrington for taking them in Pat Sherwin’s absence. / Motion by K.C. Baney to accept minutes as submitted. 2nd by P. Sherwin. Carried.
Recycling / ·  Recycling insert will be forwarded to Greg Heizler to present to council on Oct. 28.
·  Post Office is close to recycling as per new contract. They will provide the needed dumpster.
·  Clarification of I.H. School’s recycling procedures will be done by Robert Wilbur at next meeting.
·  Al Gabriel not able to attend Oct. County recycling meeting. /
M. Judge and K.C. Baney volunteer to attend Nov. meeting if A. Gabriel cannot. / .
Energy audit / ·  Next steps remain unclear. Need to have local volunteers trained / M. Laratta & P. Sherwin interested in being trained.
Speaker series / ·  Paul Jivoff , expert on blue claw crabs, and Dr. Stan Hales, Head of the Barnegat Bay Estuary Program added to list of possible speakers
·  Plans are to have speakers in Jan, Feb. and March
·  Possible locations: Church,, school, firehouse / .
Website / Island Heights website has been redone. Info about the E.C. is needed / R. Harrington will submit this to April
OC Hazardous Waste / ·  Collection is taking place on Oct. 25. Must call for appointment. / G. Kotzas will copy flyer about collection to post for citizens
Upcoming events / ·  State of the Bay Conference will take place at Georgian College this Thurs and Fri. Topic is the eutrophication of the bay. Sponsored by the B.B. Estuary Program.
·  Mayors monthly breakfast on Friday. Topic will be the nitrogen loads in our water. Mayors will be asked to write & enforce regs. re fertilizer use.
·  Applications for grants from the B.B. Estuary Program are being printed. / .
Members are encouraged to apply for a town project such as a rain garden, or plantings along the bulkhead to discourage geese.
Scout project / ·  Past discussion of rain gathering device for post office: project will be postponed until painting and repairs of post office are completed.
Adjournment / ·  Motion by Mary Judge to adjourn. 2nd by Pat Sherwin. / Meeting adjourned at 7:50

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 7PM