Donation Form
Isha Vidhya transforms the lives of underprivileged rural children by making a holistic, high quality, English-medium education accessible and affordable to them. Isha Vidhya runs several schools in villages and plans to build many more to demonstrate that high quality education can be delivered to the poorest in rural areas in a sustainable manner on a large scale.
Using this learning, interventions are also being carried out by adopting Govt. schools to enhance the quality of education in these schools through addition of teachers to fill critical gaps, English language training, introduction of sports, yoga, arts, etc to make the education in Govt. schools more interesting and holistic.
The funding requirement for Isha Vidhya schools & adopted Govt. Schools are as follows:
Unit Cost Rs. / Unit Cost $ / Unit Cost £ / Unit Cost €Scholarship/Subsidy
Full Educational Support/child/per year / 20,000 / 480 / 300 / 333
(Covering Tuition, books, notebooks,
noon-meal, transport, uniform)
Scholarship/child/year / 10,000 / 240 / 150 / 167
(Covering Tuition, books, notebooks)
Transport Subsidy/child/year / 5,250 / 130 / 80 / 88
Noon-Meal Subsidy/ child/year / 3,000 / 72 / 45 / 50
Infrastructure & Other Requirements / Unit Cost Rs. / Unit Cost $ / Unit Cost £ / Unit Cost €
Class rooms (690 sqft each including corridor) / 6,60,000 / 13,200 / 8,800 / 11,000
Classroom Furniture / 95,450 / 1,909 / 1,273 / 1,591
Toilet Block & Handwash area / 6,60,000 / 13,200 / 8,800 / 11,000
Computer Lab Eqpt / 8,02,600 / 16,052 / 10,701 / 13,377
Science Lab Materials / 68,500 / 1,370 / 913 / 1,142
Math Lab Materials / 67,800 / 1,356 / 904 / 1,130
Arts & Craft Material / 11,000 / 220 / 147 / 183
English Lab: Karadi Path Materials / 28,200 / 564 / 376 / 470
Learning Materials (DVDs, Montessori Material, Others) / 90,000 / 1,800 / 1,200 / 1,500
Library Books / 100 / 2 / 1.33 / 1.67
Solar Power Backup / 3,00,000 / 6,000 / 4,000 / 5,000
School Bus / 16,50,000 / 33,000 / 22,000 / 27,500
Motorcycle / 30,000 / 600 / 400 / 500
Photocopier / 45,000 / 900 / 600 / 750
Govt. School Adoption Program/School / 400,000 / 8,350 / 5,350 / 6,667
Endowment : (Donation will be invested and interest will be used each year for purpose indicated)
Full Educational Support/per child / 280,000 / 6700 / 4200 / 4,700
Scholarship/per child / 140,000 / 3350 / 2100 / 2,350
Infrastructure requirement (Minimum) / 50,000 / 1,200 / 750 / 850
Govt. School Adoption Program (Minimum) / 50,000 / 1,200 / 750 / 850
Tax Benefits available in India (sec 80G), US (sec 501 (C)(3), UK. Date:
Sl. No. / Donation Options / No. of children / Amount
( Rs./ $ / £ / € )
1. / General donation(any amount)
(Your donation will be the used where it is most needed)
2. / Full Educational Support @ Rs.20,000/$ 480 £ 300/€ 308 per child per year
3. / Scholarship @ Rs.10,000/$ 240/£ 150/€ 154 per child per year
4. / Transport @ Rs.5,250 / $ 130 / £ 80 / € 81 per child per year
5. / Noon Meal @ Rs.3,000 / $ 72 / £ 45 / € 46 per child per year
6. / Infrastructure at Isha Vidhya Schools(any amount)
(for classrooms, toilets, school buses, furniture, Academic material, Math & Science Lab material, library books, computers, office eqpt.,etc.)
7. / Govt. School Adoption Program [GSAP] (any amount)
(for teachers’ salary, English Language Program, Sports Eqpt, etc.)
8. / Endowment (This donation will be invested and the interest used every year)
In honour of: Mr./Ms.
- Full Education Support @ Rs.280,000/$6700 £ 4200/€ 4700 per child [ ]
- Scholarship @ Rs.140,000/$ 3350/£ 2100/€ 2350 per child [ ]
- Infrastructure [ ] d. Govt. School Adoption Project [ ]
Total Amount (Rs./ $ / £ / € )
Title: Mr./Ms./Messrs. First Name: Last Name:
{Phone} Cell: Home: Work:
Email ID (print clearly):
Mailing Address:
City : State: Pin/Zip Code:
PAN No. (mandatory for donations equal to/more than Rs.50,000):
Payment Method (tick one) Cash Cheque Credit/Debit Card
For Payment by Card: Card Type: Visa MC Amex Discover
Card Number: / Expiry Date: / CVC Code:
Name on Card: / Phone No. linked to card:
For Payment by Cheque: Cheque No: Cheque Date:
Cheque in favour of: Isha Education [for India], Isha Foundation Inc. [for USA & Canada] and
Isha Institute of Inner Sciences [for UK]. Please send your Cheques to :
India / USA & CANADA / UK
Isha Education,
14, CA Thevar Layout,
Kannaperan Mill Road,
Coimbatore- 641 028
Ph: +91-9442544458, 91-422-4272740 / Isha Foundation Inc.,
Attn: Isha Vidhya
951 Isha Lane,
TN 37110, USA.
Ph: +1 8134343515 / Isha Institute of Inner Sciences
Attn: Isha Vidhya
10 Thorpland Avenue
Ickenham, Uxbridge
UB 10 8TW, United Kingdom.
Ph: +44 7837060625.
Singapore & Malaysia:
Your donation is deeply appreciated. Thank you for your support.