PRE or CO-REQUISITE:ISAM 5030 and/or Basic concepts of Visual Basic and Object-Orientedprogramming, data structure, file-structure, and database.
CLASSROOM & TIME:SSB 3310/2.201.12Monday, 4:00 PM – 6:50 PM
INSTRUCTOR:Mohammad A. Rob, Ph.D.
Office:SSB, Suite 3-202-9 Voice: (281) 283-3191 E-mail:
Web site:
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 2-4 PM; walk-ins and appointment.
COURSE MATERIALS:Required Text: Visual Basic 2012 How To Program, Sixth Edition, Author: Dietel & Dietel, Pearson Publishing, ISBN: 978-0-13-340695-5.
Required Text:EXAM 98-361- Software Development Fundamentals, Wiley Publications. ISBN: 978-0-470-88911-4.
Software: Microsoft Visual Studio (available in PC Labs and MIS labs); Visual Basic Express Download:
COURSE OBJECTIVES:To understand and apply design principles of graphical user interface.
- To provide further understanding ofobject-oriented programming.
- To provide a solid understanding of Microsoft Visual Basic programming.
To provide programming knowledge of developing business information system using databases.
- To prepare students to appear for any of the Microsoft Certification examinations: 98-361 Software Development Fundamentals or equivalent.
COURSE ACTIVITIES:The course will contain problem-solving demonstrations, problem-solving assignments, discussions and tests. Although the assignments are outlined at the bottom of this syllabus, there might be some additional assignments.
ASSIGNMNETS:Students will be required to complete a set of problems on a weekly basis: in-class and homework. They will then save their assignments in a web server as they complete their work. There will be a folder for each student in the server.
TESTS:The tests can be an in-class hands-on problem-solving session or a multiple-choice. The final test can be replaced with the certification test as mentioned below.
DISCUSSION/ATTENDANCE:Students are expected to be present in the class and participate in all activities including class discussions.Typically rolls will be called in each class period.
Tests (two)50%
In-Class Assignments20%
Homework Assignments20%
OPTION TWO:Tests (two)40%
In-Class Assignments20%
Homework Assignments20%
* Students successfully completing98-361 certification exam by the assigned date will earn points according to the following schedule:
Certification Score / Points>=70 / 10
60-69 / 8
50-59 / 6
40-49 / 4
30-39 / 2
<30 / 0
GRADING SCALE:A–=90 – 93,A=94 – 100,
B–=80 – 83,B=84 – 86,B+=87 – 89,
C–=70 – 73,C=74 – 76, C+=77 – 79,
D–=60 – 63,D=64 – 66,D+=67 – 69,
F=59 and below
- Class attendance: Regular class attendance is required for the course (Rolls may be called).
- Missing Tests and Laboratories: Missing tests and laboratories will be counted as zero. Make-up of missing tests and any late submission of laboratory materials will be acceptable only under extreme emergencies.
- Academic Honesty:
The Academic Honesty Policy at UHCL (found on the Dean of Students’ website, the Faculty Handbook, the Student Handbook, the Senior Vice President and Provost’s website, the Graduate Catalog, and the Undergraduate Catalog) states: Academic honesty is the cornerstone of the academic integrity of the university. It is the foundation upon which the student builds personal integrity and establishes a standard of personal behavior. Because honesty and integrity are such important factors in the professional community, you should be aware that failure to perform within the bounds of these ethical standards is sufficient grounds to receive a grade of "F" in this course and be recommended for suspension from UHCL. The Honesty Code of UHCL states "I will be honest in all my academic activities and will not tolerate dishonesty."
- Special Academic Accommodations: The University of Houston System complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for students with a disability. In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, each University within the System strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them. If you believe that you have a disability requiring an academic adjustments/auxiliary aid, please contact your University’s student disability services center.
Any individual with a disability who requires special accommodation should inform the professor and contact Disability Services Office, Room 1402, or call (281) 283-2627.
- Incomplete Grade: A grade of “I” (Incomplete) will be administered only under extreme, verifiable emergency” situation where the student in unable to complete some minor portion of the course work due to circumstance beyond his/her control provided the student is passing the course.
COURSE SCHEDULE (Subject to change if deemed necessary)
If you complete in-class problems, you may continue with the homework assignments for the chapter until the class is over.
SUBMISSIONDate/2014 / Text / Demonstration/Test / In-Class Assignment
End of Chapter Exercises / Homework
End of Chapter Exercises
January 13 / Dietel
Dietel / Syllabus Review
Chapter 3: Introduction to Visual Basic Programming / Chap 3: Problem 3.8 or 3.12
January 20 / Holiday (Martin Luther King Day)
January 27 / Console Application
Chapter 4: Introduction to Problem Solving and Control Statements / Console Application for Problem 4.11 / Chap 3: Problem 3.13, 3.16
February 3 / Chapter 5: Problem Solving and Control Statements: Part 2 / Chap 5: Problem 5.9, 5.15 / Chap 4: Problem 4.14, 4.17
February 10 / Chapter 6: Methods
Use of VB Module / Chap 6: Problem 6.8
Using Functions / Chap 5: Problem 5.6, 5.13
February 17 / Chapter 7: Arrays / Chap 7: Problem 7.5 / Chap 6: Problem 6.10, Problem 6.11 - use a VB Module with Subroutine or Function for the calculation
February 24 / Chapter 8: Files / Chap 8: Problem 8.3 / Chap 7: Problems 7.10
March 3 / Test-1: Chapters 3-7 (in-class problem solving/coding)
Open text and notes and everything, but absolutely no sharing!
March 10 / Spring Break
March 17 / Chapter 9: Object-Oriented Programming / Chap 9: Problem 9.7 / Chap 8: Problem 8.6
March 24 / Chapter 11: Introduction to LINQ / Chap 11: Problem 11.6 / Chap 9: Problem 9.9
March 31 / Chapter 12: Databases and LINQ (Working with Data in a Connected Environment) / Chap 12: Problem 12.3 / Chap 11: Problem 11.9
April 7 / Working with Data in a Disconnected Environment: Use Northwind or other Database / Create an Access database with three tables and related forms: Login, Customer and Order. Verify Login in the Login Form and display customer details in the Customer Form. / Chap 12: Problem 12.6
April 14 / Chapter 13: Web Development with ASP.NET / Chap 13: Problem 13.3 or 13.6 / Continue the in-class work:From the Customer Form, display all orders of the customer in the Order Form.
April 21 / Chapter 13: Web Development with ASP.NET / Chap 13: Problem 13.5 / Chap 13: Problems 13.4
April 28 / Chapter 14: Windows Form GUI: A Deeper Look / Chap 14:Problem 14.5
May 5 / Test-2: Chapters 8, 9, 11-14 / Multiple choice