Program Review for Unit: Social Science / Needs Clarity / Clearly / Exceptional Clarity
The Purpose:
1.  Does the unit’s purpose statement clearly support the College’s mission, vision, and values? / 1/5 (20%) / 4/5 (80%)
2.  Are the program’s goals and objectives appropriate to the academic discipline and are they designed to support the College’s goals and objectives? / 2/5 (40%) / 3/5 (60%)
Section Total: / 30% / 70%
The Faculty:
3.  Has adequacy of support for this program been addressed in terms of faculty qualifications, status, workload and student/faculty ratio? / 4/5 (80%)
(workload, fac/stu ratio not discussed) / 1/5 (20%)
4.  Has it been explained how and to what extent faculty research, professional practice, commitment, self-improvement and public service activities contribute to the program? / 5/5 (100%)
Section Total: / 90% / 10%
The Students/Diversity:
5.  Has there been a clear explanation as to the characteristics of those students (using demographics) who utilize the program and also those who do not? / 3/5 (60%) / 2/5 (40%)
6.  Has the unit commented on the utilization of courses in the discipline by students in other programs in the College or other colleges? / 1/5 (20%) / 4/5 (80%)
Section Total: / 10% / 70% / 20%
7.  Has the unit identified ways in which its budget may be better utilized by referencing the previous operating and capital budgets, costs per students, or other unit cost comparisons? / 5/5 (100%)
8.  Has the review addressed the quality and quantity of space (for instruction and office work) as well as specific resource needs (library, laboratory, classroom support, office personnel, etc)? / 3/5 (60%) / 2/5 (40%)
Section Total: / 80% / 20%
Definition of Program:
9.  Has the unit identified the need this program serves and whether it has changed in any way to adjust to these changing needs? / 4/5 (80%) / 1/5 (20%)
10.  Has data been utilized to identify current trends that may affect the program? / 5/5 (100%)
11.  Has the unit identified any changes that have been made in the past several years to curriculum and have they been successful? / 3/5 (60%) / 2/5 (40%)
Section Total: / 80% / 20%
12.  Has the unit identified any areas where the program improved or deteriorated in the past several years? / 5/5 (100%)
13.  Has the unit included technological needs in its review and do those needs include distance learning planning? / 3/5 (60%) / 2/5 (40%)
Section Total: / 80% / 20%
Student Performance Outcomes:
14.  Have two to three student performance outcomes been identified that are specific to the coursework or program area? / 1/5 (20%) / 4/5 (80%)
15.  Are the student performance outcomes assessed with appropriate criteria and are the assessment results specific and clearly utilized? / 2/5 (40%) / 3/5 (60%)
16.  Has the unit utilized data to demonstrate accountability, including enrollment patterns, and identifying curriculum student retention and graduation rates? / 3/5 (60%) / 2/5 (40%)
17.  Are efforts being made to involve students actively in their learning though opportunities such as internships, practicum, work-study, or seminars? / 5/5 (100%)
Section Total: / 55% / 45%
Opportunities and Challenges:
18.  Have the program’s strengths and weaknesses been identified; also including possible remedies for weaknesses by non-budgetary means? / 5/5 (100%)
19.  Does the review identify how this program impacts other programs in the College as well as the community? / 3/5 (60%) / 2/5 (40%)
20.  Has the program established specific, measurable, assignable, reachable and timely strategies for change? / 5/5 (100%)
Section Total: / 87% / 13%
Future Resources:
21.  Have new directions for changes in curriculum, research resources, reorganization, or staffing been identified to strengthen the program? / 4/5 (80%) / 1/5 (20%)
22.  Has the unit addressed plans to modify the curriculum, or adjust equipment and space, or meet faculty needs to assist in future growth. / 2/5 (40%) / 3/5 (60%)
Section Total: / 60% / 40%
23.  Is the program review clearly written in terms that can be understood by students, other faculty, and the public? / 3/5 (60%) / 2/5 (40%)
Overall Program Review Total: / 64% / 34% / 2%

