Irresponsible Cycling

For some time now we have had reports and have witnessed irresponsible cycling in Shenstone. This is usually male youths on mountain bikes rearing up and doing wheelies in close proximity to pedestrians and motorists; sometimes on the wrong side of the road thus facing the oncoming traffic! We cannot stress the danger these youths are putting both themselves and other people’s lives in.

Not only are they behaving in a totally irresponsible manner, they frequently do it when it is dark, they are wearing dark clothes, they do not wear protective cycling helmets and they do not have lights on their bikes. If they do they chose not to use them. These youths need to be aware of the possible consequences of their behaviour. Will it take one of them to be hit by a vehicle before they become more responsible? A hit to the head could bring about life changing injuries, brain damage, paralysis or death.

The roads today are much more dangerous than they were thirty or forty years ago; cars are faster, drivers are often more impatient and roads are busier. It is not enough to say that they are only ‘kids’ having fun.

The PCSO’s have stopped the youths, strong words of advice have been given to them and their parents have been informed; however, this behaviour persists and we strongly advise parents to be aware of how their children are using their bikes in the community and to confiscate them if they are not using them safely. If you see your neighbour’s child behaving irresponsibly on their bike, tell them and let’s work together to make the community a safer place.

Latest update – 28.03.17

Following a number of reports about a small number of youths behaving in an anti-social manner in the village, a Community Protection Warning Notice has been issued to a one of them. This means that the person has been given conditions which must be complied with immediately. These conditions are:

Not to cycle across driveways and gardens belonging to other people.

Not to cycle in a manner that causes alarm, distress or harassment to other people.

Not to use language that caused alarm, distress or harassment to any other person.

Failure to comply with these conditions will result in the Police serving a Community Protection Notice, which, if breached, may result in prosecution. If convicted the individual could then face a fine of up to £2,500; an order may be issued requiring the individual to carry out work on behalf of any specified local authority and the court may require the individual to surrender possession of any item used by the person in their failure to comply with the Notice. The court may then require the item to be destroyed or disposed of by the Police. Other Police action may also be considered to stop the problem. We are sending out a strong message that we will not tolerate such behaviour in our community.