Advanced Drama Syllabus 2016-2017

Ms. Dickson:

Office phone: (520) 407 - 4244.


Office Hours: By Appointment

Teacher Biography:

Ms. Dickson finished her student teaching at Ironwood Ridge High School in May of 2014. This will be her third year teaching and she couldn’t be more excited to return to IRHS.

Ms. Dickson’s passion towards Theatre stems from being on stage. She has been performing for 15+ years. Towards the end of high school she discovered her passion for teaching and directing. This led her to the University of Arizona to pursue a degree in Theatre Education. Ms. Dickson graduated Summa Cum Laude, and as the Outstanding Graduating Senior for the College of Fine Arts with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

This year Ms. Dickson looks forward to providing a safe environment for students to explore their talents. She also looks forward to sharing her passion with her students, in the hopes that they have a fun year, and learn to respect the arts.


Absences: Nine or more unexcused or excused absences may result in loss of credit. In regards to homework a student who misses class due to an excused absence will have as many days to turn in the make-up work as he/she was absent. Unexcused late work will not be accepted. Only under special circumstances and teacher approval may late work receive full credit. If a student is absent for an unexcused reason, the student will receive a 0 in participation for the day.

Advanced Drama is a class and takes priority over all extra-curricular activities. If you are in any extra-curricular activities you will bring, in writing, the dates of your special activities as soon as they become available to you. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for missing work in a timely manner and arrange to perform early if necessary for an assignment if they know they will be absent.

Tardies: If a student enters the class after the last bell the student is tardy; students will lose half of their participation points for that day. Anyone who arrives more than 7 minutes late will lose all of their participation points for that day. The parent will be contacted on the third tardy. A referral is given on the fourth tardy in a semester.

Excuse Notes: If an incident occurs where a student needs to be excused from an assignment due to family obligations, an excuse note is due within one week of when the assignment was due. No exceptions.

Electronic Devices: Students who bring electronic devices to school bring them at their own risk; stolen items will not be looked into (page 18 of the student handbook.) Electronic devices are to be placed in attendance pockets, and locked away until the end of class. 1st offense = teacher warning, 2nd offense = device confiscated until the end of class, and student loses half of his/her points for the day, 3rd offense = device confiscated and sent to administrator (detention assigned and device picked up at the end of the day) and student loses all points for the day, 4th offense = device confiscated and sent to administrator (detention assigned and device is picked up by parent) and student loses all points for the day.

Behavior: The rules in the school handbook will be enforced. Overall, respect of yourself and others is rule number one. (Take note of page 9 in the student handbook: Do not dress in a way that will disrupt the classroom, be reasonable and practice self-control in the classroom, do not engage in profanity or obscenities.)

Maintain a positive attitude toward class activities. Inevitably you will like some activities better than others, but this does not obligate you to share opinions such as “this is stupid” or “I hate this” with the class. Such comments set the entire class up for failure and that is unacceptable. If you have problems with any class activity for any reason you can speak to me about it outside of class.

Encourage your classmates. This is not a talent competition but a forum for learning. Unconstructive criticism will not be tolerated and be subject to loss of participation points and possibly a referral. All behavioral disruptions will be documented on administrative referrals. If a student has been documented more than 3 times, the referral will be sent to an administrator, and the parent will be contacted.


Participation 5 points weekly 10% of Grade

Performances 40% of Grade

Classwork/Homework 40% of Grade

Tests/Quizzes 10% of Grade

Grade % Equivalent Description

A – 100 – 90, Excels in class

B – 89 – 80, Above average

C – 79 – 70, Average

D – 69 – 60, Below average

F – 59 – 0, Failing

“A” Quality work (Excels in class): Lines and Blocking are memorized before due date; there is no need to call for lines. Student always promotes a positive attitude/perspective in and out of class. Student is always professional and exudes professionalism in and out of class. Student has a clear grasp of their character by the time the lines are memorized and performs naturally.

“B” Quality work (Above Average): Lines and Blocking are memorized before due date. Student always has a positive attitude/perspective. Student is always professional and encourages professionalism in and out of class. Student has a good grasp of their character by the time their lines are memorized and performs naturally.

“C” Quality work (Average): Lines and Blocking are memorized by the due date, but lines are needed at times. Student usually has a positive attitude/perspective and does their best to be positive when they are not. Student is always professional in class. Student has a fair grasp of their character by the final rehearsal and performance shows effort.

“D” Quality work (Below Average): Lines and Blocking are practically memorized by due date. Student usually has a positive attitude/perspective. Student is sometimes professional and has some self-control in regards to behavior and language. Student does not have a grasp of their character by the final rehearsal and the performance only shows some effort.

“F” Quality work (Failing): Lines and Blocking are not memorized by due date. Student does not have a positive attitude/perspective. Student is rarely professional and has limited self-control in regards to behavior and language. Student shows no effort and is distracting.

General Class Rules: Plagiarism and Cheating will not be tolerated. The rules in the school handbook will be enforced. Listed below are general rules that will be followed. (Insubordination or lack of participation may result in the loss of participation points that day, phone call home, and/or referral.)

1.)  Everyone is to be treated with respect. (Hands/feet/objects to yourself. If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say it at all.)

2.)  Remain in designated student areas. Certain areas are off limits in concern for the safety of the student.

3.)  Students will be prepared for class when the bell rings (in assigned seat and have class supplies.)

4.)  The bell does not dismiss the class; the teacher dismisses class.

5.)  Students will keep their work areas clean. No food, drink, or gum is allowed in the theatre.

6.)  Proper language and dress are required.

7.)  Raise your hand and wait for acknowledgement to speak or ask a question.

8.)  Cell phones, cameras, I-pods, and other similar electronic devices are not allowed to be used during class. Continual disregard for this school-wide regulation will result in loss of points and administrative referral.

*This is a performance class; everyone must participate and volunteer to participate.

*All students enrolled in Drama are encouraged to attend Drama Club, Musical Club, and/or Tech Club. (Technical Theatre II & III/Intermediate/Advanced Drama students are required to attend.)


Advanced Drama/Drama Troupe – This class is designed for the serious drama student devoted to maintaining excellence in theatre production. Each student will participate in all aspects of a theatre production. Students enrolled in this class should prepare themselves for after-school and evening rehearsals. This course is traditionally open to grades 11-12 after taking beginning drama and auditioning. Students in this class are the leaders of the IRHS Theatre community and are expected to participate in every meeting. The class may be repeated for credit.

Course Objectives: At the end of the semester students will know:

1.)  How to prepare to enter a college theatre program

2.)  Different areas in building a production

3.)  How to lead a group

4.)  Theatre competition preparation

5.)  How to direct

Overview: Units/material taught over the year include:

Play Performance and execution, Direction, Characterization, Shakespeare, etc.

Required Materials:

Loose-leaf paper (in binder.)

2 number two pencils

2 black or dark blue pens

1 highlighter

Clothes suitable for movement

Grading: Students will be responsible for:

Having their necessary materials

Daily participation points in the form of participation

Performing and executing troupe productions

Class Quizzes

Class Tests

Positive attitude



* This is a class in which there is much in class work that cannot be made up such as rehearsal with a partner or with a group. Attendance is important.

Semester Projects: Because this is a performance class it is imperative that students watch live theatre. Students will be required to watch one show each semester at Ironwood Ridge High School, another high school, or a professional theatre, and write a critique about the performance (format can be found on the theatre website.)

Drama students must pay full price, but are allowed to see the show for free if they work as part of the house crew that performance (usher, ticket taker, etc.) A sign up sheet will be put up the week of the show if they wish to work. (Students in every show are exempt from assignment.) Critiques are due one week after seeing the performance. All critiques MUST be turned in by December 2nd and May 8th.

Shakespeare Showcase: Students in Advanced Drama are required to participate in the Shakespeare Showcase. They will rehearse for the play in class, as well as 2 weeks after school in January from 3:45-6:00 PM. Performance dates are January 26th and 27th.

Extra Credit: Extra credit may be given throughout the semester spontaneously. However, students may come to after school technical building days and receive extra credit for help, or work the front of house/backstage during a show. Students will not be eligible for extra-credit if they have any outstanding tardies.

Note on Literature: It is important that advanced students are exposed to the wide variety of artistic literature available in the avenue of theatre. Students will be reading published scripts ranging from light-hearted comedies to thought provoking Tony Award winners. Scripts will be read with the instructor and discussed with the instructor as a group during and after each reading. If you want to discuss what will be read in class or would like your child to have an alternative assignment after understanding the merit of the literature please feel free to contact me.


PARENTS/GUARDIANS -- please keep this document so you have easy access to information on the theatre website and my email if you have questions.

In August I will be asking your child to provide contact information so I can easily email you regarding upcoming projects and your child’s progress in class. By having email contact I will also be able to easily send any documents that may assist your child in class.

*All parents, guardians, and theatre lovers are welcome to the first Theatre Booster Club meeting in the Blackbox Theatre August 18th at 6:00pm. Get to know who the parents of your kid’s new friends are. Please help be a driving force in the IRHS Theatre community.

Included is a tax credit donation form. Tax credit money goes towards class supplies or specifically for your child’s trip if they are attending one. By filling out this form you basically give the department free money since you are reimbursed. Fill out the form, make a payment, and then the government reimburses you when you complete your taxes. As the form says, “please check with your tax advisor for answers to specific tax-related questions.”

Get involved/keep tabs on what the IRHS Theatre Department is up to by joining our facebook pages!

IRHS Drama Club, IRHS Musical Club, IRHS Tech Theatre, IRHS Theatre Booster Club

Because these are classes directly associated with the business of publicity and advertising pictures and videos of performances or production work may be taken. If you do not want this to be allowed please contact me.

I am pleased to be working with each and every one of you. Your thoughts, opinions, and creative contributions will help make this class fun as well as educational. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns by e-mail, phone, or by setting up an appointment.

Ms. Mary Dickson

Ironwood Ridge High School Theatre Instructor

2016-17 Optional Drama Trips

Activity Descriptions

Arizona Thespian Festival: This is a two-day overnight trip to central Phoenix. Students from throughout Arizona take over the Phoenix convention center to take acting, technical theatre, and miscellaneous workshops from theatre professionals throughout the world. Students will also be watching two live theatrical productions from Arizona schools. Trip Dates: November 18th and 19th.

Total Cost: $180 for Non-Thespians, $170 for Thespians.

$50 will be due on September 16th to secure a spot on the trip.

The rest of the sum will be due on October 21st.

Disneyland Performing Arts Workshops: This is a 4 day trip to Anaheim, California where Drama, Musical, and Technical Theatre club members will be able to take performing arts workshops from Disney Cast members. During their stay they will attend workshops, and team build. Trip Dates: February 22nd-25th (Rodeo Break)

Total Cost: $400

$50 will be due on September 16th to secure a spot on the trip.