Minutes of the IHS EC & Trustees meeting held on Monday 25th Mar 2013, at the Centre at 7.30pm,

Present: Sushil Soni (SS); Martin Spettigue (MS); Punna Athwall (PA); Ravi Bikannavar (RB); Pravin Desai (PD); Ashok Nathwani (AN); Mrs Chinmayi Nath (CN) and Chandresh Patel (CP).

Agenda Items

1Chairman’s welcome: In the absence of the Chairman Umesh Patel, SS requested Chairman of Trustees Martin Spettigue (MS) to Chair the meeting – with all present consent, MS took the Chair and welcomed all those present.

2Apologies: Apologies received from Shyam Modi, Umesh Patel and Harshad Patel

3Minutes of the meeting held on 28th January 2013: MS pointed out that in Punna Athwall’s name one “l” is missing. With this correction the minutes were approved & signed.

4Matters arising from minutes:

  • Localgiving.com: MS enquired of the “localgiving.com scheme “double your tenner” is still on. SS advised that the scheme finished in the 1st week of December, when the amount to grabbed (£500,000) finished. However, SS added that we raised more than £4,000 through the scheme, and further said that, SS will publicise at later stage, the benefit of on-line donation via localgiving.com.
  • Meeting with Graham Toyn, Workman LLP: Both SS & Ms gave a verbal report of their meeting with Graham Toyn (GT) held on 25thFeb. Besides other items extension of lease was discussed. It was agreed that we continue to discuss the extension of lease, and that we will not undertake any major improvement of the premises unless the lease is extended to minimum period of 25 years and security of tenure is secured. GT agreed to reduce the license fees by email correspondence for the installation of shower and new electric heaters. (Later SS said an email was received from GT of license fees reduced to £55). SS added that GT has agreed in principal that the middle wall between the Prayer Room & Lounge can be removed to make the room bigger – as this was erected by previous tenants “Buddhists. GT also agreed to let SS have the Insurance claim No for the unfinished work to be completed damaged Ameythurst room upstairs. SS added, we have now received the Claim No and the work will start soon.
  • 5 Thoroughfare: After discussion on new heaters it was agreed to employ an electrician to check the electricwiring in the premises, and to see if the timing clocks could be fixed with each night storage heater downstairs as they are no longer working on Economy 7.
  • NHS Winter Funding Project: PR said that there will be more than £1,000 under spent on the elderly lunches, and this amount be not returned to the NHS and use for items like disposable plates, art & craft material for supplementary school or yoga mats etc. Both SS & MS that it will be tricky, and will deal this question when the accounts are prepared. SS added that he will be submitting the evaluation report by 31st March. SS said that he will circulate report to EC & Trustees for any amendments or additions, before submitting it.

5. IHS Admin Asstt Report: CN presented a verbal report on the activities performed at the centre on women networking and children/youth activities, and of also meeting SCC officers for £1,000 grant for the supplementary school. SS chipped in to add, that policies needed to be in place for the grant will be approved at this meeting.

CN also mentioned of the SummerPlaySchool scheme. SS said that an application has been received for such grant for maximum of £1,500, and that SS will look into by end April.

6. Treasurer’s Report:CP presented the income & expenditure report to dated 15th Mar 2013, which was received with thanks. and signed by the Chairman. The A/c’s showed surplus of £7000, but SS said that there are still bills to be paid out by end March.

7. Secretary & Manager’s Report:

  • Events since last meeting: Ss informed the meeting on the successful celebrations of Maha Shivraatri & Holi at the Centre, besides the monthly Sat Sangh.
  • NHS Winter Funding Project: SS reported of the finishing of the project on 31st March. SS added that the project has also been briefed under matters arising.
  • Dementia Workshop Project: SS reported of the partnership with ISCRE on the workshop to be held on the awareness of Dementia and the services available to families. SS added that we receive £300 for the 3 workshops. Committee agreed to participate in the project.
  • Child Protection; Data Protection and volunteering policies (Already circulated to EC Members & Trustees): Ss added that the approvals of these policies are necessary for the SupplementarySchool scheme. The meting approved the policies and they were signed by the Chairman.
  • SupplementarySchool & SummerPlaySchool Schemes: SS added this has already been reported by CN in her report.
  • Indian Summer Mela Sunday 30th June: After discussion Committee agreed to participate in the Mela. MS said the Chinmoy Group will share the cost and PD said that he will ask Art of living Group & ISCKON to join the Samaj and to share the cost. Committee agreed to have two tables @ £70 each. SS said that he will complete the form and pass on to CP for payment.

8. Any Other Business:

  • Next Meeting 20th May: Agreed to meet on Monday 20th May, as the last Monday of the month 27th May is Bank Holiday.
  • Sachin Karale: At SS‘s suggestion Committee agreed to appoint Sachin Karale to one of the vacant position of IHS Trustees.
  • Keys & Security Policy: Committee agreed to the policy clauses as drafted by Mayuri Patel.
  • April events: Committee agree for the dates of the following events

Mata Devi Sat Sangh: Sunday 14th April, 4.30pm to 8pm > Sponsors Dr & Mrs Sushil Soni

Monthly Tuesday Sat Sang:Tuesday 16th April. &.30pm to 9.30pm. Sponsors Dr’s Pravin & Shilpa Desai

Rama Navmi: Saturday 20th April: 5pm to 9pm: Sponsors Dr & Mrs Sushil Soni & Dr’s Pulin & Dipika Thakerar.

Hanuman Jayanti: Saturday 27 April, 7pm to 9pm.

There was no other item to discuss, and the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

Umesh Patel Dr Sushil Soni

Chairman Vice Chairman/Secretary & Manager