iPadSign OutProcedures
- Teacherwill determine a curriculum requirement that benefits the students by using iPads. Teachers should have prior knowledge/training on the use of iPads before you submit a request to sign-out one of the iPad carts.
- Theteacherwill submit an email to Ms. Joanne Prettyman at requesting to sign out an iPad cart. This email should contain the dateor days and time (periods) required as well as the number of students that will be using the iPads.
- Ms. Prettyman will determine the availability of the iPad cart and notify you via email as to whether the request has been approved.
- Ms. Prettyman will update the Media Center calendar with your request if it is approved. (You can view the calendar at to see if your date/time selection is available)
- On the sign-out date, the teacher will go to the Media Center to pick up the cart. If you feel you are unable to push the cart to your room, please contact Ms. Prettyman at ext. 5168 and she will get someone to assist.
- Theteacherwill return the cart immediately upon completion of use unless other arrangements have been made with Ms. Prettyman.
- Ifyou receive aniPad cart and there are iPadsmissingimmediately notify thefollowingindividuals.
- Ms. Prettyman - Media Center Coordinator - - ext. 5168
- Jim Roberts - DirectorofInformationTechnology - - ext. 5194
- Every cart has a combination lock. The teacher will be provided with the combination upon receiving the cart.
- Carefully detach the power cord from the iPads when removing them from the carts. Replace the iPads in the cart and reattach the cords carefully.
- iPadsshouldneverbeleftoutorunsecurediftheteacherisnotinthe classroom.
- iPadsare not to be removed from the classroom they are being used in.
- DONOTallow students to signinoroutoftheiTunesaccountforanyreason.
- IftheiPaddisplays a messagetoupdatesoftware,clickignore.
York County School of Technology (YCST)iPadPolicyandProcedures
YCST provides for the use ofmobile learning devices (iPads) in school. iPads will contain predetermined applications that are installed.Throughout thecourse oftheschool year additional applications will be installed at the request of the Teacher. Data will be maintainedon theactualuse of thedevices.
Studentuse oftheiPad in school fallsunder theguidelines oftheschool’s Acceptable Use Policy.Access totheInternetis monitoredthroughour school’s contentfiltering softwareand all rules and expectationsare applied totheuse oftheiPad.All applicationsand documentsstoredon theiPads are thepropertyofYork County School of Technology and are subjecttoregular reviewing and monitoring.
Distribution: Document the sign-out of the iPads to the students
- Check out iPads one at a time or have them on the desks with a number assigned to each student
- Students should walk back to their desk holding the iPad with both hands
- iPad should be places directly on the desk and remain there for the entire class period.
- Check-in each iPad one at a time and ensure there is no damage.
Studentsshould not:
•Remove theiPad fromtheclassroom or school premises.
•Leave theiPad unattended.
•ModifytheiPad in any way otherthaninstructedby theadministratoror other district personnel.(thisincludes adding/deletingapps or modifyingthehome
•screen layout)
•ExchangeiPads withanotherstudent once you are assigned one in the classroom.
•Allow otherstudentstoretainor remove iPad fromtheirpresence.
•Apply any permanentmarks,decorations,or modificationstotheiPad.
•Remove thesupplied cover fortheiPad.
•SynchronizetheiPad withany other device
•Clear or disable browsing historyor setpassword protectionon thedevice.
•Disable theiPad or itsapplications.
•Save any documents/pictures to the iPads– all material students want to keep must be sent through their student email
Failuretocomply withtheseguidelines will be treatedas failuretocomply withthe District’sAcceptableUse Policy and will be dealtwithas specifiedin thedistrict’s discipline code.
•Use oftheiPad will require necessary taskstokeep thedevice performingwell.
- Clean the screen with soft cloths, do not use paper towels
- Make sure your hands are clean beforeusing.
- Keep away fromfoodand drink
- Carefully detach/reattach theiPad withtheincluded charger in the iPad cart.
- The iPad should stay stationary - students should not be walking around the room with the iPad
- Notify the Teacher of any software/hardwareissues as soon as possible.
- Secure theiPad in theprovided cartwhen notin use.
•Reporttotheteacheror administratorany violationsof the policies.
•ReportingTechnicalIssues: Anyerrors or problems withtheiPad should be reportedas soon as recognized.Thiscan be done by informingthe Teacher who should submit a schooldude at their earliest convenience.
•Allsyncing ofthedevice will be handled throughtheTechnology Department toensure like applications and configurationsare foundon every device tomaximize thepotentialofthis device. Syncing will be done twice a month depending on the requirements.
•New application requests must be submitted through a schooldude. If there is a cost to the application, it must be approved through the normal requisition process.
•Damagedue toa determinedcause will be addressed on an individual basis. That is why it is important to document who is using each iPad. Damage due tonegligence may resultin the studentassuming thefinancialresponsibilityofreplacementoftheiPad.