IOWA Report: "Right to Life (Right to Lie)" Biggest Obstacle to Outlawing Abortion
From Missionaries to the Pre-born, Iowa: ( see more further below )
[ emphasis added, edited for quotation marks ]
"The coalition of Iowa Pro-life Groups, The Iowa Catholic Conference, Iowans for Life,
Iowa Right to Life, andIowa Faith and Freedom Foundationare pushing for passage of
HF5 Fetal Pain ["]and then you can kill your baby["] Bill."
"The biggest obstacle to outlawing abortion has not been Planned Parenthood, NARAL, or any other pro-abortion organization. Our biggest obstacle to outlawing abortion is Right to Life!"
From Columbia Christians for Life, South Carolina: ( see links to reports with documentation
further below )
The four major visible enemies of State-level personhood legislation to END "abortion" in America are:
1) ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS [ appointed by Rome’s Pope ]
2) NATIONAL RIGHT TO LIFE [ originally founded under auspices of U.S. Roman Catholic Bishops ]
3) AMERICANS UNITED FOR LIFE [ with two CFR-members, and a Jesuit priest as Board members ]
4) EAGLE FORUM [ led by Roman Catholic, Dame of Malta, Phyllis Schlafly ]
There are presently eight (8) States known to have principled personhood legislation
(bills & amendments) active in the 2011 legislative year:
2011 Principled Personhood Legislation (Bills & Amendments) and
other selected Legislation, in Eight (8) States:
Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas
- a/o February 28, 2011
In addition there is Federal-level personhood legislation in the U.S. House (H.R. 212) and the U.S. Senate (S.91). All four of the Romanist groups above are basically opposed to State-levelpersonhood legislation. But now also ask yourself this question:"Why do we not even hear about any of these four Romanist, "Pro-Life" [sic] Establishment groups above even supporting the Federal-level personhood legislation ???"
Answer: (Counter-intuitive, Hard Truth) Rome does NOT want to END "Abortion" in America.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: ..." Hosea 4:6a, KJV
Steve Lefemine
March 1, 2011 / Revised March 2, 2011
From Missionaries to the Pre-born, Iowa:
[ edited for quotation marks ]
From: dan & donna holman <>
Subject: Right to Lie
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011
The coalition of Iowa Pro-life Groups, The Iowa Catholic Conference, Iowans for Life,
Iowa Right to Life, and Iowa Faith and Freedom Foundation are pushing for passage of
HF5 Fetal Pain ["]and then you can kill your baby["] Bill.
The biggest obstacle to outlawing abortion has not been Planned Parenthood, NARAL, or any other pro-abortion organization. Our biggest obstacle to outlawing abortion is Right to Life!
Life at Conception BillHF153 would outlaw ALL abortion. We hear no rallying cry from the Coalition of Pro-life groups to support it. Instead they ask us to waste shot and powder on feel good legislation which does nothing for the babies slated for death.
We need to outlaw baby-murder not regulate it!
We have to fight Right to Life, along with the pro-abortion organizations in order to get
baby-murder outlawed!
Below are the relevant contacts for the Iowa Legislature. Copy and paste their e-mails into the ["]To["] or the ["]Cc["] box of an e-mail. Tell them NOT to support HF5; tell them to support HF153 instead.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Representative Erik Helland ; Representative Dave Deyoe; Representative Steven F. Lukan ; ;
CCL Note: This organization below, “Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition” is the ecumenical
organization promoting the incremental, child-murder/”abortion” regulation bill,
i.e., the HF5 Fetal Pain “and then you can kill your baby” bill.
[ edited for punctuation ]
Norm Pawlewski – Lobbyist
February 22, 2011
The coalition of pro-life groups, The Iowa Catholic Conference, Iowans for LIFE, Iowa Right to Life and Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, as well as many pro-life individuals across Iowa have patiently pursued the passage of HF 5 in the Iowa House of Representatives. The people of Iowa, especially those in Council Bluffs, who vehemently object to the establishment of a late term ”abortuary” in this state, want action NOW. No more dialogue, no more reasoning, begging or cajoling. It is time to move HF 5 from the House of Representatives by any method available to the majority party.
HF 5, which has been labeled the late term abortion bill, fetal pain bill or the 20 week limit bill, will save the lives
of some unborn children. It has languished in the Human Resources Committee of the House for over six weeks.
It matters not why; it just has. It is time to get it moving through the process on the House side so that we have enough time to work on the Senate and get it to the governor’s desk for signature.
We have talked to all the players on many occasions in these past six weeks. We have convinced some, but not all, that, do I dare to say the word, ”incrementalism” is not a bad thing. Sometimes it’s a good thing if it saves lives.
HF 5 becoming law will save lives. I for one don’t care how many; the more the better. But doing nothing is reprehensible.
We need you to contact your state representatives and ask them to pass HF 5 out of the House NOW. E-mail or call your state representative today and tomorrow and the day after until they act on HF 5.
If your state representative is a Democrat, you may be wasting your time. But you can contact Republican leadership in the House or members of the House Human Resources Committee or any other Republican representative. That is where the power is.
Listed below is contact information for the Iowa House Majority (Republican) Leadership and the House Human Resources Republican members.
To find YOUR Representative, visit
Type in your address or your nine digit zip code.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to find your State Representative.
Iowa House Human Resources Committee
Linda J. Miller (R, District 82), Chair
Home Address: 6766 Ridges Court, Bettendorf, IA, 52722
Home Telephone: 563-449-9956
Capitol Phone: (515) 281-3221
Joel Fry (R, District 95), Vice Chair
Home Address: 1473 - 195th Avenue, Osceola, IA, 50213
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Richard Anderson (R, District 97)
Home: (712) 542.2581
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Mark Brandenburg (R, District 100)
Home Address: 2308 Thallas Street, Council Bluffs, IA, 51503
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Julian Garrett (R, District 73)
Home Address: 19978 - 115 Ave., Indianola, IA, 50125
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
David E. Heaton (R, District 91)
Home Address: 510 E. Washington St., Mount Pleasant, IA, 52641
Home Telephone: 319-385-9342
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Ron Jorgensen (R, District 54)
Home Address: 5921 Pine View Dr., Sioux City, IA, 51106
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Kevin Koester (R, District 70)
Home Address: 3514 SW Edgewood Lane, Ankeny, IA, 50023-9565
Home Telephone: 515-963-9996
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Mark Lofgren (R, District 80)
Home Address: 2310 Forest Parkway, Muscatine, IA, 52761
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Glen Massie (R, District 74)
Home Address: 8054 Warren Drive, Des Moines, IA, 50320
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Kim Pearson (R, District 42)
Home Address: 2951 SE 64th St., Pleasant Hill, IA, 50327
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Renee Schulte (R, District 37)
Home Address: 1734 Chestnut Lane NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, 52402
Home Telephone: 319-431-6150
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
House Majority Leadership
Representative Kraig Paulsen - Speaker
Home Address: 1305 Cress Parkway, Hiawatha, IA, 52233
Home Telephone: 319-294-2062
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Representative Jeff Kaufmann - Speaker Pro Tempore
Home: (563) 732.2902
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Representative Linda L. Upmeyer – Majority Leader
Home Address: 2175 Pine Ave, Garner, IA, 50438
Home Telephone: 641-923-3398
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Representative Erik Helland – Majority Whip
Home Address: 505 NW Marningside Drive, Grimes, IA, 50111
Home Telephone: 515-986-1030
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Representative Dave Deyoe - Assistant Majority Leader
Home Address: 911 Shagbark Drive, Nevada, IA, 50201
Home Telephone: 515-382-2352
Session Telephone: 515-382-2382
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Representative Steven F. Lukan – Assistant Majority Leader
Home Address: Box 15, New Vienna, IA, 52065
Home Telephone: 563-921-3725
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Representative Renee Schulte – Assistant Majority Leader
Home Address: 1734 Chestnut Lane NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, 52402
Home Telephone: 319-431-6150
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
Representative Matt W. Windschitl – Assistant Majority Leader
Home Address: 422 1/2 E. Erie, Missouri Valley, IA, 51555
Home Telephone: 712-642-4334
Capitol Telephone: 515-281-3221
dan & donna holman
Missionaries to the Pre-born, Iowa
P.O. Box 135
Keokuk, Iowa 52632
office: (319) 524-5587
cell: (319) 601-9349
Missiona[r]ies to the Pre-born, Iowa is a weak and pathetic response to baby-murder in America.
If you do not wish to receive future e-mails type "REMOVE" in the subject box on a return e-mail.
From Columbia Christians for Life, Columbia, South Carolina:
This issue above is a major reason why "abortion" has not already been outlawed years ago,
and why there continues to be this unbiblical focus on incremental, "abortion"-regulation legislation, instead of a unified cry from pro-lifers for principled "personhood" legislation
to END (and not just "regulate") child-murder-by-"abortion".
National Right to "Life" [sic], Jesuit and CFR-advised Americans United for "Life" [sic], and
the rest of the Romanist/ecumenical "Pro-Life" industry establishment (including ecumenical Focus on the Family and ecumenical Family Research Council) incessantly come up with new ways to "regulate" the murder of children.
But after the ultrasound, or the 1-hour wait, or the 24-hour wait, or the parental permission, or the informed consent, or the regulation of the conditions of the "abortion" chamber, or whatever, ... in the end, it's "and then you can kill the baby".
This is an abomination. It is not Biblical. God's Requirement for Murder is JUSTICE,
not "Regulation" !
See additional Reports and Information at:
Now at least Seven States' Roman Catholic Bishops have opposedPersonhood efforts
Roman Catholic Bishops of these Seven States have OPPOSEDState-Level Personhood legislation:
- MICHIGAN: 2006
- GEORGIA: 2008
- COLORADO: 200820092010
- MONTANA: 20082009
- FLORIDA: 2009
- MISSOURI: 2010 [ April 19, 2010 ]
May 20, 2010 / Corrected and Revised May 22, 2010
Montana chapter of Rome's National Right to Life also opposes
Montana Personhood Constitutional Amendment ballot initiative
Bible-believing Christian and other principled pro-personhood pro-lifers:
- These are the three principal Romanist enemies of the many efforts to
recognize the God-given, unalienable right to life of every human being
as a "person" beginning at fertilization, in State Constitutional and/or Statutory law:
1) ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS [ appointed by the Pope ]
June 18, 2010 / Corrected and Revised June 27, 2010
National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) originally founded in 1968 under the auspices
of the National Conference of [ Roman ] Catholic Bishops (NCCB)
"The Supreme Court decision of January 22, 1973, overthrowing all existing abortion laws, led
to an enormous growth in the movement. The National Right to Life Committee which had
been founded in 1968 under the auspices of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops,
in 1973 became autonomous and non-sectarian. It is the largest and most influential national
organization, with well over two thousand local affiliates by the 1980s."
Posted August 1, 2010
Romanist Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum Opposes Colorado Personhood Amendment
Dame of Malta, Phyllis Schlafly of the Roman Catholic Establishment is yet another prominent
Roman Catholic voice against recognizing now, the God-given, unalienable right to life of every
human being as a "Person" beginning at fertilization, in State statutory or constitutional law.
Multiple States over the years have been pursuing this principled pro-life effort to END "abortion"
in America.
The four major enemies of State-level personhood amendments to END "abortion" in America are:
1) ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS [ appointed by the Pope ]
October 20, 2010
Anti-State-Level Personhood legislation Americans United for Life has two CFR-members and
a Jesuit Roman Catholic priest on their Boards.
Romanist, Jesuit-advised, Americans United for "Life" [sic] senior legal counsel attacks CCL's "Personhood" position
Americans United for "Life" [sic] has been an opponent of State-level Personhood Legislation to END abortion.
September 21, 2009 / Revised Nov. 11, 2009 / Revised Nov. 12, 2009 / Corrected Nov. 17, 2009 / Updated June 7, 2010
Catholic CFR-members (two) on Americans United for Life (AUL) Directors/Advisory Boards;
AUL Sr. Legal Counsel attacked Columbia Christians for Life Personhood position
AUL Board of Directors - Catholic CFR-member George S. Weigel, Jr., Ethics and Public Policy Center, Washington, DC
AUL Board of Advisors - Catholic CFR-member Professor Robert P. George, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
September 22, 2009 / Revised Sept. 23, 2009 / Revised Nov. 11, 2009 / Revised Nov. 17, 2009 /
Updated and Revised June 7, 2010
Related Reports:
The Jesuits and Modern America - "The Jesuits have been out to Romanize America ..."
" ... as late as 1920 many Protestants were concerned about the inroads Roman Catholicism was making
into the politics of the United States. Spearheading the advance was the same old Protestant nemesis,
the Jesuits, who have sought to overthrow the Protestant Reformation since the inception of their order."
"Americans, as late as 1920, were still concerned about the scheme the Jesuits were planning for the
Romanizing of the United States. Jeremiah J. Crowley, who was a Roman Catholic priest for twenty-one years
before his conversion to Christ, wrote a large tome on the effect Roman Catholicism was having upon the
United States in his day. He entitled his work Romanism: A Menace to the Nation. The book was published in 1912."
Antichrist Exposed (The Reformed and Puritan View of the Antichrist), by Ronald N. Cooke, 2002.
New World Order's Roman Catholic Pope called for One-World Government:
"A True World Political Authority"
Pope Benedict XVI - "There is urgent need of a true world political authority"
Globalist Papal Encyclical published July 7, 2009
Pope calls for a new world order [CNN]
Pope calls for a new world order
"Pope John Paul II launched one of the most important diplomatic initiatives of his long papacy ...
when he called for a new international orderto replace the one that emerged from the second world war."
"The Pope called ... for the reform of world institutions and deplored any failure to respect international law."
" "More than ever, we need a new international order that draws on the experience and results achieved
in these years by the United Nations," he [ the Pope ] declared..."
Pope: Roman Catholic 'Church' only one true church
Repeating centuries of history, Rome has once again revealed its own dominion theology of primacy, and indeed,
sole legitmacy, as the only true "church" on earth, in a document approved by the current false prophet occupying
the antichrist Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI, on June 29, 2007. This blasphemous, perverted assertion is in fact just
the opposite of the Truth. The false religion of Romanism is NOT Biblical Christianity, but is in fact a "Christianized" form of the ancient pagan religion of historical Babylon.
"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah)
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 794-6273
Columbia Christians for Life
March 1, 2011 / Revised March 2, 2011