Individual Administrator Professional Development Plan
to be developed collaboratively between administrator and supervisor
Name: School Building(s): XXXXXXX Date submitted: 9/15
District or Building Focus
General District Goal Area (from CSIP or other improvement plan) If using a goal area not included in a plan, include data which shows the need for focusing your leadership
actions in this area: 1. Life-long learner who is positive and passionate about student learning. 2. Interact is ways that validate, coach, and lift up. 3. Collaborate, reflect, and continually adapt to meet individual learning needs:
Part I: Measurable Component: During the 2015-16 school year, collaborate, document, and assess the implementation and interactive work with Instructional Coaches and Lead Teachers. Facilitate, support, and communicate with teachers through PLC collaboration time and implementing a systemic approach to differentiated instruction to enhance student achievement as measured through FAST assessment, Iowa Assessments and Formative Assessments. Mentor colleagues who are new to the profession, and measure effectiveness through contact logs and satisfaction surveys.
Part II: Process Component: 1) During the 2015-16 school year data collected for implementation of TLC initiatives with individual and small groups of teachers, and through professional development will be used to measure the implementation of strategies and 2) Pre and post data from data teams in the context of PLCs, classroom assessments, and the FAST assessment will be collected regarding student achievement before and after the implementation of differentiation strategies are implemented for reading and math. 3) Collegial shadowing, observations, book study, and professional development will be implemented during the mentoring of new administrators.
1. Specific School or District Goal (for above general goal area)
2. 1) I will assimilate, utilize and implement my learning from workshops and professional development during the past year when participating in administrative training of the Teacher Leadership Program acquired from: “Leading School Change,” “Administrators Supporting Teacher Leaders to Increase Student Achievement,” “Building Coaching Communication Skills, and “Instructional Leadership Symposium”, and will participate in book studies and read current articles about TLC.
2) I will focus on supporting adults to enhance teacher effectiveness (Simon Sinek), and continue to collaborate informally, and do classroom observations of teachers through the evaluation process.
3) I will meet regularly with mentees, participate in professional development, and learn through a mutually beneficial professional relationship.
Specific Leadership Goals*(1-3 things the administrator will DO to increase likelihood that goals in steps 1 & 2 will be achieved) / Related
ISSL / Indicators of Progress
(Document the effect of chosen indicators.) / Start &
End Dates / Review
Date(s) / Items discussed during
1) Actively engage in the implementation of the TLC system, through collaboration and study. Continue to provide leadership, modeling, and support in the implementation of PLCs, and specifically data teams and differentiation. / 1a, 1b, 1c, St.2
3a, 5c, / Collaborate with colleagues and analyze observed strategies in the classroom, using the results to support teachers in determining instructional needs. Help to facilitate TLC initiatives and Elementary PLC Grade Level collaborative meetings through modeling, providing resources, and supporting teachers as they participate in these opportunities. / Start: Oct. End. May / Regularly scheduled
meetings throughout the year.
2) Participate in TLC training and mentor training to continue to learn and increase my knowledge of strategies and tools to effectively support adults in their work with students. / 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2c, 2f 3e, 6a / Collaborate with administrators and teacher leaders to develop and implement strategies that enhance relationships, support a professional work environment, and allow for the implementation of new learning of effective strategies. / Start: Oct.
End: May / Oct.
Learning Goals*
(1-3 things the administrator will DO to increase likelihood that goals in steps 1 & 2 will be achieved) / Related
ISSL / Indicators of Progress
(Document the effect of chosen indicators.) / Start &
End Dates / Review
Date(s) / Items discussed during
Participate in all professional development opportunities with the staff…
1) Actively engage in TLC initiatives with staff. Continue my learning and understanding of the program, and hone my skills to readily observe and document strategies while teachers are teaching. Continue to interact and collaborate with coaches, mentees, individual teachers, and PLCs to support the adults, and to influence improved instruction in the classroom. Foster and be purposeful in providing a safe, accountable, and supportive relationships with adults.
2) Increase my knowledge and understanding of specific differentiation strategies so I am able to support teachers in the implementation the new Reading and Math curriculum. Remove system barriers regarding schedules, collaboration time, and provide the resources necessary so teachers can provide the needed strategies to increase student achievement. / 1a, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2c, 2f, 3e, 6a / 1) Work collaboratively with district Administrators and Instructional Coaches to participate in opportunities to read, reflect, interact and implement the TLC program. Monitor the progress of teachers and mentees in their implementation of effective strategies.
2) Upon implementation of the new reading and math strategies utilize pre and post formative and summative assessments to monitor instructional enactment and student achievement. / Start: Oct.
End: May / Ongoing
Supports for Plan Implementation (check all that apply and describe):
XSupervisor/Board: - Superintendent XAEA/Regional: TLC Training, Reading and Math PD
XPeer: Administrative Team, Administrative Mentees XOther: teachers – PLCs, Teacher Leadership
Administrator Signature/Date ______Supervisor Signature/Date______