Iowa County Recorders Association

CLRIS Project Task Force

Meeting Summary

August 10, 2004


Joan McCalmant, Linn County Recorder Kathi Waterhouse, Des Moines Co. Recorder

Sue Vande Kamp, Story County Recorder Liz Kenison, Worth County Recorder

Joyce Jensen, Cass County Recorder Diane Swoboda Peterson, Woodbury Co.

Mary Miller, Adams County Recorder Deputy Recorder

Colleen Pearce, Cerro Gordo Co. Recorder Michael Cobb, ACS

Dwight Reiland, Wright County Recorder Scott Williams, Marshall County ICIT

Kathy Flynn Thurlow, Dubuque Co. Recorder Jeff Rodda, Polk County ICIT

Deb Winke, Allamakee County Recorder Mitch Tollerud, Scott County ICIT

Deb Peyton, Delaware County Recorder Jim Rice, Cerro Gordo County ICIT

Karen Ford, Fayette County Recorder Bob Rafferty, The Rafferty Group

Bernise Wallace, Henry County Recorder Phil Dunshee, Enterprise MidAmerica

Marie Kutzfield, Jones County Recorder Lisa Sinclair, Enterprise MidAmerica


Participants were welcomed to the Task Force meeting and additions to the board books were distributed. The July 13th meeting summary was distributed and reviewed. Joan McCalmant moved, and Sue Vande Kamp seconded, that the summary be approved as submitted. The motion carried.

Service Provider Contracts / Agreements

There are no pending issues for Phase One service provider contracts.


The contract with ACS is in process and may be revised to combine Phase One and Phase Two activities. The cost of the standard project plans has yet to be determined.


Incode/CMS have agreed to a tentative Scope of Work. The cost per county using Incode/CMS for indexing and imaging will be $14,750.


The discussions with Cott representatives continue. No cost estimates for the standard project plans are available at this time.


Solutions has signed a contract for Phase One. More negotiations will be needed to address the Scope of Work for the next phase of the project. The compensation basis being offered to Solutions for the standard project plan is the same as has been offered to Incode.

The Rafferty Group

The contract with Bob Rafferty to assist with inter-affiliate planning has been approved.

Application Hosting and Storage

ABCV/IMAGETek Hosting Update

ABCV informed the Project Team that the original hosting plan overestimated the expected discount for hosting equipment. The hosting plan has been modified to reflect this change.

Incode/CMS requested that the necessary messaging system be provided to them. The Project Team discussed this possibility at length and determined it was feasible and should be offered to all service providers as part of the hosting service at no extra charge. This additional cost and Scope of Work has been included in the ABCV Hosting Plan. This development work by ABCV will cost $12,000, but overall costs remain within the budget parameters.

Equipment Purchase, County Invoices

Invoices and purchase orders from ABCV and IMAGETek were distributed to the participants. Also, a draft Iowa County Recorders Association invoice was distributed to demonstrate the process and documentation to be used. Association members will receive this invoice at Summer School. Counties should remit $5,674.66 by August 31st. If a county chooses to pay all $8,000 now, the Project Office will work with them to do so.

Dwight Reiland moved that the equipment purchases and county invoices be approved. Colleen Pearce seconded the motion and it carried.

The Association has set up a separate account for the project funds. Mary Miller and Joyce Jensen are joint leaders for the CLRIS Account.

Project Budget

Participants reviewed the service provider invoices and accounts payable. Sue Vande Kamp moved that the invoices and accounts payable be approved. Joyce Jensen seconded the motion and it was approved.

County Project Plans

Discussions are continuing with service providers about their county project plans. The Scope of Work for each includes development of mapping and conversion, messaging, three-year maintenance agreement, installation and data and imaging transfer. The Recorders will be responsible for reviewing the mapping and conversion of data such as document types and parsed names.

CLRIS Application Development

User Interface/Style Review

A domain name for the portal has not been determined but and have been secured. The Project Office is negotiating with ACS to purchase from them.

Task Force and Association members were asked to submit, via email, any comments or suggestions about the user interfaces and style of the portal. To date, very few comments have been received.

ABCV and the Project Team have been focusing on the functionality of the portal and are now ready to begin discussing the style, look and feel. Before beginning the discussion, three principle comments were made:

1.  The banner will be replaced and “CLRIS” will be removed.

2.  The color scheme will change.

3.  The left side banner will be removed on search pages.

Payment Procedure

The Task Force has decided that if a county chooses to charge a fee, that fee will be on a per page basis. Each county can set the price per page. The Task Force will need to discuss and consider what a user’s reaction could be when going from all access in a non-charging county to limited access in a charging county.

Merchant Accounts

The Project Team has had discussions with Iowa Interactive and EDS about providing CLRIS with a merchant account. If Iowa Interactive or EDS is chosen, they will be a third party service provider. Advantages to using one of these companies are that each already have interfaces and the merchant account and transaction costs would be included.

Using another company, such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or US Bank, the Association would be responsible for the user interfaces. Possibly, the transaction costs would be higher because usage would be low at the start.

During the next month, the Project Team will be fact finding with the intention to review merchant account possibilities at the next Task Force meeting. A decision must be made soon in order for ABCV to complete related development work.

Electronic Submission

Electronic submission includes authentication, proprietary and legal issues. In their county project plans, service providers are providing the communication methodology with the portal in order to enable electronic submission and electronic recording. Technical challenges may arise for some service providers.

Affiliate Planning

Bob Rafferty spoke on affiliate planning noting that the first obligation to the project is the Recorders and the second is to create a design which will make be capable of handling other functions. Meetings have been held with supervisors, auditors, assessors and treasurers. All groups have an underlying concern of losing control of their own information. The treasurers group offers a challenging and complicated relationship with the project and it is important to work through any problems that might arise. The Task Force will need to discuss whether or not to use the treasurers’ payment service.

The ISAC Board has approved an application for an innovations fund grant to create an ISAC Technology Clearing House.


Task Force members and Association members were thanked for attending the meeting. The next Task Force meeting will be on Tuesday, September 14th at the ISAC Office.