ACADEMIC YEAR 2016 – 2017

Job title / Associate Professor
Position in the Staff establishment plan / I/10
Faculty / Agriculture
Department / Pedotehnics
Subjects from the curriculum / - Unit operation of food engineering
- Processes and unit operation of food engineering
- Equipments for food industry
Scientific domain / Food engineering
Job description / The job Associate Professor, created on the basis of an indefinite period employment contract, listed as an open vacancy, no. I/10, registered in the the Staff establishment plan approved for the 2016–2017 academic year, entails a workload of 12,0 conventional hours, consisting of course and practical work hours, distributed along the duration of a semester as follows:
Unit operation of food engineering, lectures and practical sessions for II year students, conducted in semester I, of the Faculty of Agriculture – with an average of 2 conventional hours per week/year; and semester II, of the Faculty of Agriculture – with an average of 1 conventional hour per week/year.
Processes and unit operation of food engineering, lectures for II year students, conducted in semester I, of the Faculty of Agriculture – with an average 2 conventional hours per week/year.
Equipments for food industry, practical sessions for II year students, conducted in semester II, of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry– with an average of 3 conventional hours per week/year.
Job specific activities / 1. Lectures and practical sessions for:
- Unit operation of food engineering, I.st semester, of II year students of the Faculty of Agriculture;
- Processes and unit operation of food engineering, I.st semester, of II year students of the Faculty of Agriculture;
- Equipments for food industry, II .nd semester, of II year students of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry;
2. Preparing of the didactical activity;
3. Verifying of the control papers;
4. Students advising for the teaching disciplines;
5. Coordination of graduation projects;
6. Elaboration of didactical materials;
7. Scientific research;
8. Coordination of students’ practice;
9. Attendance of scientific meetings;
10. Advertising activities and cooperation with bussines area;
11. Involvement in civic and cultural activities;
12. Other activities for improvement of theoretical and practical skills of the students.
Topics for the competition tests / Topics
  1. Operations and equipments for products transport;
  2. Operations and equipments for separation of heterogenous systems;
  3. Operations and equipments for mixing up;
  4. Operations and equipments for mincing;
  5. Operations and equipments for heat transfer;
  6. Equipments and apparatus for drying;
  7. Equipments for concentration;
  8. Equipmentsfor distillation and rectification;
  9. Equipmentsfor extraction;
  10. Equipments for crystallization.
1. Țenu Ioan, Operații și aparate în industria alimentară. Vol.I, Editura Ion Ionescu de la Brad, 2008, ISBN 978-973-147-023-8, pg.289.
2. Țenu Ioan, Operații și aparate în industria alimentară. Vol.II, Editura Ion Ionescu de la Brad, 2014, ISBN 978-973-147-149-5, pg.447.
3. Jâșcanu V., Teodorescu L., Operații și aparate în industria alimentară., vol. II, Editura Universității Galați, 1984, pr. 354.
4.Ivan E., Operații și aparate în industria alimentară., Editura Mirton, 2003, ISBN 973-585-991-2, pg. 218.
5. Bratu E. A. Operații unitare în industria chimică., vol I., Editura Tehnică, 1984, pg. 236.
6. Bratu E. A. Operații unitare în industria chimică., vol II., Editura Tehnică, 1984, pg. 315.
7. Bratu E. A. Operații unitare în industria chimică., vol II., Editura Tehnică, 1985, pg. 273.
8. Tudose Z. Radu, Ingineria proceselor fizice din industria chimică.Editura Academiei Române, 2000, ISBN 973-27-0659-7, pg. 457.
9. Băcăoanu Ana, Operații și utilaje în industria chimică și alimentară. Editura Gh. Asachi, 1997, pg. 230.
10. Mămăligă I. Petrescu S. Operații de transfer de masă și utilaje specifice., Editura CERMI, 2007, ISBN 978-973-667-312-2, pg. 405.
11. Banu C., Manualul inginerului de industria alimentară. Vol. I, Editura Tehnică, 1998, ISBN 173-31-1188-0, pg. 1376.
12.Gould W.A., Unit Operations for the Food Industries.,CTI PUBLICATIONS, INC.,1996, ISBN 0-930027-29-9, pg. 167.
13. Singh Paul R., Heldman Dennis R., Introduction to Food Engineering, Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier, 2009, ISBN 978-0-12-370900-4, pg. 864.
14. Heldman Dennis R.,Lund Daryl B., Handbook of food engineering., CRC Press, ISBN 978–0-8247-5331-3, pg. 1038.
15. Saravacos G. D., Handbook of Food Processing Equipment, Kluwer AcademiclPlenum Publishers., 2002, ISBN 978-1-4613-5212-9, pg. 716.
Salary / The pay for the job (title) Associate Professor will be calculated and awarded
according to Government Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2015, Government
Emergency Ordinance No. 20/2016 issued for the modification and completion
of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2015, with the sum of 2437RON.