01 January 2012 to 31 December 2012
Name of Chapter:City/Town and Province:
Number of Paid-Up Members: / #
Order for Yearbooks:
[You will receive these in the fall of 2013 along with an invoice] / #
Telephone Number:
Email Address (Please!):
Mailing Address:
Bank(s)and Branch where chapter funds are located: / Bank #1: Branch:
Bank #2: Branch:
Bank Account Number(s): / Bank #1:
Bank #2:
Summary of All Accounts as of December 31, 2012
(Do not include Flower Fund)
Amount / Interest / Total Amount
Operating Account / $ / $ / $
Other Accounts
(Total of Special Savings, Trust Funds, Opportunity Shop Accounts, etc.) / $ / $ / $
Investment Account / $ / $ / $
Gaming Accounts (Total from Supplementary Financial Statements) / $ / $ / $
We certify that our records are a complete statement of the Chapter Funds and Bank Accounts held on behalf of IODE ______Chapter, as of 31 December 2012.
(Signatures) PresidentTreasurer
1. Membership Fees (total of National, Provincial, Municipal & Primary)
2. Donations - Official Receipt Requested
3. 4500 Total Donations Received– Tax Receipt Requested(Line 1 + Line 2) / $
4. 4530 Donations Received - No Official Receipt Requested / $
5. 4540 Federal Grants Received
6.4550 Provincial Grants Received
7.4560 Municipal Grants Received
8. 4570 Total Grants Received
(Line 5 + Line 6 + Line 7) / $
9. 4580 Interest and Investment Income / $
10. Gross proceeds from chapter projects
11. Proceeds from sale of IODE supplies
12. Net profit from related business
(use separate sheet for detail)
- 4630 Total Proceeds from Fundraising
14. Other Revenue
Transfer from other accounts (name accounts)Account #1:
Account #2:
Account #3:
Account #4:
Echoes Gift Subscriptions
15. 4650 Total Other Revenue / $
"A" Contributions to National Chapter Funds
1. Endowment Fund
2. II War Memorial Fund
3. Education - National Education Fund
4. Education – Labrabook
5. Education - Labrador Bursary
6. Services - National Services Fund
7. Services – Snack Pack
8. Services –IODE Canadian Disaster Fund
9. Citizenship–National Citizenship Fund
10. Citizenship - Canadian Veterans Overseas
11. Citizenship - InternationalPeaceGarden
12. 100thAnniversary Grant Program Fund
13. Public Relations Fund
14. Other (Please specify)
15. Total for "A"
"B" Contributions to Provincial Chapter Funds16. Education
17. Services
18. Citizenship
19. Communications
20. Other (Please specify)
21. Total for "B"
/ $"C" Contributions to Municipal Chapter Funds
22. Education
23. Services
24. Citizenship
25. Other (Please specify)
26. Total for "C"
/ $"D" Contributions to Primary Chapter Projects:
(Do not include bursaries/scholarships (see line 34) or undesignated monetary gifts to other Registered Charities ie. Hospitals see line 60)
27. Education
28. Labrador Adopt-A-Class
29. Services
30. Citizenship (include wreaths)
31. Other Projects (Please specify)
32. Total for "D"
/ $33. Total of A + B + C+ D
/ $34. 4910 Bursaries/Scholarships Given / $
35. 5000 Total Charitable Programs
(Line 33+34) / $
Other Primary Chapter Expenses
36. 4800 Advertising and Promotion
37. 4810 Travel & Delegates Expenses
38. 4820 Bank Charges
39. 4840 Office Supplies, Equipment, Postage, etc.
40. 4850 Occupancy Costs (include rental for meeting rooms)
41. 4860 Professional Fees (auditor, legal)
42. 4880 Wages/Benefits/Honorariums
43. 4890 Costs/Supplies (assets purchased)
44. Liability Insurance @ $3.50 per member
45. National Levy @ $5 per member
46. Echoes Gift Subscriptions
47. Chapter Fee/Officer Fee (if any)
48. 5010 Total Administrative Costs / $
49. Expenses re: Fundraising
50. Supplies
51. 5020 Total Fundraising Costs / $
52. Other Misc. Expenses (Please specify)
53. Transfers to Other Accounts
54. 5040Total Other Misc. Expenses / $
55. National Per Capita Fees @ $30 per member
56. Provincial Per Capita Fees
57. Municipal Per Capita Fees
58. Total Fees / $
59. Total Other Primary Chapter Expenses / $
(add lines 48+51+54+58)
60. 5050 Total Undesignated Gifts to Other Registered Charities[**Attach a list of the Registered Charities with their Charitable Donation Numbers] / $
Name of Charity:
Charitable Number:
[Total Charitable Programs (Line 35) +
Total Other Chapter Expenses (Line 59) +
Gifts to Other Charities (Line 60)] / $
Summary Of Operating Account as of December 31, 2012
(Do not include Flower Fund)
Balance on Hand 31 December 2011 / $
Total Revenue for 2012 / $
Total Expenses for 2012 / $
Balance on Hand 31 December 2012 / $
Investments and Special Accounts (if any)
See Constitution, General Policies, Investments, page C24
(if space is insufficient, list on separate sheet and attach)
Name of Trust Fund/Special Account
Type of Investment (GIC, etc.)
Amount for previous year end - 2011 / $
Revenue, including income, for 2012 / $
Expenses during 2012 / $
Balance in Account 31 December 2012 / $
I certify that this statement agrees with the records of the Chapter which I have reviewed/audited, forthe year ending 31 December 2012, and that the balances on hand have been verified and that in my opinion, the statement correctly sets forth the special funds, bank accounts and investments held on behalf of the Chapter, according to the best of my information, the explanations given me and as shown by the books.
Name of Reviewer/Auditor:
Telephone Number: