of the
1:00 P.M. / (3/3) / (xx)
1. /
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - (Led by Hon. Van B. Robinson, President of the Syracuse Common Council)
2. /Invocation (Delivered by Rabbi Socob Rogers, Beit Chayim Synagogue, Syracuse, New York)
3. /Roll Call – (All Present – 9)
4. /Minutes – February 9, 2015 (Adopted 9-0)
5. /Petitions (none)
6. /Committee Reports – Airport (Public Transportation); Neighborhood Preservation (Homeless &Housing Vulnerable)
7. /Communications –From Hon. John A. DeFrancisco, State Senator, acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 3-R 2015; Hon. William B. Magnarelli, NYS Assemblyman, acknowledging receipt of Resolution No,. 3-R 2015; Arleen Fordock advising concerns and recommendation regarding CENTRO proposed route and schedule cuts.
3-68a.Yes -Hudson,
Barrett, Ryan / Authorize – Twenty (20) year delivery agreement with the Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency (OCRRA) to replace a (25) year old delivery agreement recently expired. / D
9-09. / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2015-2016. / 8-R
9-0 / Authorize w/c/b - With Naughton & Associates for IT Services rendered and for future services (until the RFP is awarded) for the Department of Information Technology. Previous contract expired February 6, 2015with no time extension. Total cost not to exceed $48,000 (current expenditures of $35,000 and an estimated $13,000 for future) charged to Account #01.16800.0.415. / 137
9-0 / Advertise Public Hearing - Relative to the Five-Year Consolidated Plan (2105-2019) and the First Year Action Plan (Year 41) to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Community Development Block (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership Program and Emergency Solutions Grant. (Public Hearing to be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 5:00 P.M.) / 138
9-0 / Amend Ord. #944 (10/27/14), “Application & Agreement - To and with NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, NY Works II Environmental Restoration Project, for funds in an amount not to exceed $700,000 to be used to remediate conditions at 101 Chester Street the former site of Brown Manufacturing Corporation which has been vacant and contaminated since 1981. If awarded, the 10% local share of $70,000 will be provided by SURA Midland Lincoln Bellevue funds of $30,000 and bonding for the balance.” Amend to include a maximum cost that is up to three times the project costs along with three times the local match. / 139
9-0 / Approve - Planned Institutional District Plan (PID) amendment for property located within the St Joseph’s Hospital Health Center PID. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal. St. Joseph’s Health Center, owner/applicant. / Gen. #5
9-0 / Approve –Change of Occupancy to a non-conforming structure from an Upholstery Shop and One Dwelling to an Art Studio and One Dwelling on property located at 507-509 Valley Drive. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal. The Commission granted one waiver with regard to signage requirements. Anthony Harris El, owner/applicant. / Gen. #6
9-0 / Special Permit - To modify a restaurant located at 3001-3023 James Street and 114 North Midler Avenue. One person spoke in favor and one spoke in opposition at the Planning Commission hearing. The Commission granted two exceptions to the James Street Overlay District with regardto signagerequirements. Tino Marcoccia,owner/applicant. / Gen.
9-0 / Special Permit - To establish a restaurant located at 508-510 Westcott Street. No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to the proposal. The Commission granted one waiver with regard to signage requirements. Gemmi Boy, LLC, owner; Brandon Roe, applicant. / Gen.
Yes -Hunter,
Barrett, Ryan / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1901-1907 State Street S. & Elizabeth Street, a church unfinished, to Ahmad Ashkar for the total sum of $10,550. / D
9-0 / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as the abandoned portion of the 400 Block of Seneca Street, Syracuse Urban Renewal Agency (SURA) as described in Appendix A, for a total of $1. / 140
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 239 Bruce Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 521 Dakin Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 342 Elm Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1104 Euclid Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1122 Euclid Avenue & Westmoreland, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 106 Kennedy Street E., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 268-270 Leon Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 320 Maple Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 130 Maplewood Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 257 Martin Luther King W., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 151 Nelson Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 309 Parrish Lane, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 250 Richmond Avenue, 2 wood houses & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 624-626 Richmond Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 207 Wall Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 213 Wall Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as a 513 Wilkinson Street, two (2) wood houses,to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 173 Woodbine Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 421 Alvord Street S., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 812 Alvord Street N., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 209 Barrett Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 610 Bear Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 161 Berger Avenue, a wood house & garage unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 232-234 Brighton Avenue W., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 284 Calthrop Avenue W., a wood house & garage unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1109 Carbon Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1116 Carbon Street & Lemoyne Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1317 Carbon Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 101 Commonwealth Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 501-503 Court Street & Carbon Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 217 Davis Street, a wood house & garage unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 201 Dudley Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 203 Fitch Street, a wood house & garage unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 247 Fitch Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 144-146 Forest Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 640 Hiawatha Boulevard E., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 259 Hudson Street & Sterling Avenue, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 311 Marguerite Avenue, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 408 Merriman Avenue, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1407 Park Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 214 Putnam Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 316 Putnam Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 319 Putnam Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 603 Second North Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 617 Second North Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 314 Shonnard Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 319 Shonnard Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 2108 South Avenue & Fairfield Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1204 Spring Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1404 Spring Street, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1606 Spring Street, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 119 Washington Square, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 250 Webster Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
WD / Sell - All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 504 Wolf Street, a wood house unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. / WD
9-0 / Appropriate Funds - From 2014/2015 Unallocated Cash Capital Account #07.01101 in the amount of $1,625,000 to be used for the purchase of Police Department vehicles and related equipment as detailed in Attachment A. Total Cash Capital appropriation for vehicles shall not exceed $1,625,000 / 141
WD / Agreement - With Scientific Consulting of Western New York to provide medical document review services for the Citizen Review Board (CRB). The contract will end on June 30, 2015; the CRB request for the agreement was approved at the December 18, 2014 meeting. The fee for service is $400 per hour, total cost not to exceed $5,000 to be charged to Account #01.10500.0.415. / WD
H / Amend - Ord. #184 (05/11/09), “Establish - Parking Rates at various parking garages owned and managed by the City of Syracuse Department of Public Works as per attached Schedule A. Amend to reduce existing rates for the first two hours as detailed in the revised Schedule A”. Amend to establish new parking garage rates effective July 1, 2015 per attached Schedule A. / H
9-0 / Amend – Ord. #1045 (11/24/14), “Authorize - Parking Agreement with Dey’s Centennial Plaza, LLC and The Bank of New York to lease up to 300 parking permits in the Harrison Street Parking Garage at the rate of $65 plus tax per space for a term to expire on December 31, 2017.” Amend to authorize the City of Syracuse to enter into a parking arrangement with The Bank of New York Mellon, replacing Dey’s Centennial Plaza, LLC. All other terms of the 300-space parking agreement will remain in effect. / 142
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #81 (03/04/13), “Permission - To Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sanitary District, pursuant to Section 3.4 of the Intermunicipal Agreement from 2007, to install and maintain green infrastructure to include landscape, porous concrete sidewalks and other green related improvements, as detailed in revised Appendix A at no cost to the City, for the period of five years with (3) five-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council and to include the 2013 Green Infrastructure Candidate Projects as detailed in Appendix A”. Amend to add the 2015 Green Infrastructure Candidate Project Lists, as detailed in Appendix A. All other provisions of the ordinance to remain in place. / 143
9-0 / Authorize – The City of Syracuse to acquire the premises known as 524 Seymour Street from the Syracuse Urban Renewal Agency (SURA) to be used as a Near Westside neighborhood pedestrian cut through, for the total cost of $1. / 144
9-0 / Application & Agreement - To and with the New York State Dormitory Authority (DASNY) through the State and Municipal Facilities Program (SAM) in the amount of $50,000. Funds to be used toward the conversion of portions of Onondaga Creek Boulevard, Lower Onondaga Park Drive, and Centennial Drive into a pedestrian and bicycle-friendly greenway, and to cover the cost of infrastructure improvements (barriers, planters, road markings, and signage). No local match is required. / 145
9-0 / Authorize - The conversion of portions of Onondaga Creek Boulevard, Lower Onondaga Park Drive, and Centennial Drive into a pedestrian and bicycle-friendly greenway, and to cover the cost of infrastructure improvements (barriers, planters, road markings, and signage). / 146
9-081. / Bond Ordinance –. Authorizing the issuance and sale of bondsof the City of Syracuse in the amount of $50,000 for the Onondaga Creek Boulevard Greenway Project, funds to be used toward infrastructure improvements to portions of Onondaga Creek Boulevard, Lower Onondaga Park Drive, and Centennial Drive. The City will incur all initial costs with 100% New York State reimbursement. / 147
9-0 / Accept - From Price Chopper, a donation in the amount of $4,150 for various Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs events throughout the year (Breakfast with the Bunny $300, Big Rig Day $1,000, Pops in the Park $250, Dancing Under The Stars $500, All-Star Band shirts $300, Spooktacular $500, Festival of Lights $1,000, Breakfast with Santa $300). To be deposited into Account #25.0.0461. / 148
9-0 / Agreement – With Lamar Advertising for the rental of electronic billboards for three months from April 6, 2015 – June 28, 2015 at a cost of $3,000 ($1,000 per month). To better promote the Parks, Recreation and Youth Programs system, and activities that are offered. Total cost not to exceed $3,000 to be charged to Account #01.71400.0.415. / 149
9-0 / Authorize - Payment to Michael Lawler to cover the cost of entertainment services for the Big Rig Day event May 9, 2015. Total cost not to exceed $225 to be charged to Account #25.00461.0.000. / 150
9-0 / Authorize w/c/b - Contract with the Central New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (CNYSPCA) for animal cruelty services for the period of January 1, 2015-December 31, 2015, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs. Total cost not to exceed $10,162 and charged to Account #01.35100.0.415. / 151
H / Amend - The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, Chapter 24, Article 2, entitled “Snow and Ice”: amend Section 24-4 to add a cross reference to Chapter 9, Article 14 to identify the obligation of snow removal contractors; Section 24-5 – Amend to reinstate a fine in the amount of $100 for violation of Section 24-4 (Improper disposal of cleared snow and ice) this ordinance to apply to all persons other than snow removal contractors, still subject to the $150 fine presently in Chapter 9, Article 14 (9-162). / H
T / Local Law – To Amend - “The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, Chapter 9, Article 14, entitled “snow removal contractors,” Enforcement Authority Section 9-164; In addition to Police Officers, the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and management personnel designated by the Commissioner are hereby authorized to issue Appearance Tickets for violations of this ordinance. (Article 14) / T
9-0 / Amend - Ord. #515 (09/10/12), “Authorize - Payment-in-Lieu-of-Tax (PILOT) Agreement, for the period of ten years as detailed in Exhibit “A”, for property located at 700 First North Street and Pond Street with Morgan Pond Street, LLC to renovate a grocery store for a new Tops Friendly Market and create approximately 81 new jobs. SIDA approved the agreement at the September 6, 2012 meeting.” Amend to permit the assignment of the PILOT Agreement from Morgan Pond Street, LLC to Tops Portfolio, LLC. Approval conditioned on SIDA approval at its meeting on March 5, 2015.
Syracuse Common Council
Adjourned at 1:24 P. M. / 152