What is “Refuge”?

…more than a stamp in a passport

Thurs 6th July 2017(9.30) 10.00–4.00 Hayes UB3 2AB

A refugee networking conferencein West London

What is “Refuge”? And do people who have come to West London for refuge find it here?

REAP believes that ‘Refuge’ must be more than a stamp in a passport. If we offer ‘refuge’ we must provide real support for people so they can rebuild their lives in their new society. We need services that work for refugees; that respond to and are accessible to people in all their diversity and complexity. We need attitudes and interaction based on respect and equality. We need refugees to have a voice in this society, and to use that voice.

But at present when the Government gives a refugee permission to stay for a few years they (we) seem to see that as the end of their (our) responsibilities. If they can’t speak English it’s their problem; if they are scared when they walk down the street it’s their fault for being different; if they go to the wrong bit of the NHS they are costing us money; if they are struggling with PTSD that’s beyond what we can cope with: Surely they are grateful to be here? They’ll have to do the best they can.

What is “refuge”? A place without violence, discrimination, persecution, fear. A place where you can be who you are, grow, nurture your children or family as you want to as long as it does no harm to others.

‘Refuge’ has to be created – it can’t just be stamped on a bit of paper.

‘Refuge’ is a place where it won’t happen again.

6th July: A networking conference for refugee support, equality, migrant, voice, welcome/voluntary, community, faith and statutory bodies who support asylum seekers and refugees as they rebuild their lives. The format of the day is short plenaries and a mix of themed and stand-alone workshops, designed to help people share knowledge, views and ideas, to strengthen connections across West London and help us all find opportunities and alliances to support refugees better.

Language and InterpretingWorkshops / Mental and Emotional HealthWorkshops / Support for Supporters / Other ideas welcome
AM1 / What is ‘refuge’ without communication? -English, interpreting, integration / Clarity on Refugees’ Rights and Entitlements to Health and Mental Health services. / The Way Ahead,
1. Helping individual refugees
AM2 / Interpreting and Access
to health, education, advice and life-building services. / Transforming access to Mental & Emotional Health Including young refugees. / 2. Helping organisations that support refugees. / Home,Homelessness, destitution, survival
Follow up to Jan event
PM3 / Working as an interpreter
How are interpreters treated by public services+ agencies? / Refuge as Welcome – What role do we have in inclusion, welcome and wellbeing? / 3. Links with each other, across sectors / Turning Hate into Refuge – tackling hate-crime in the UK

AtBotwell LaneParish Centre (Immaculate Heart of Mary Church Halls)

PLUS 4pm-5.30pm ‘Cream Tea’ Fund-raiser (Full Cream Tea £5) 5pm-6pm REAP AGM

TO BOOK email  your name/s, role, organisation, any access needs.

For fulldetails please see

This event is FREE but unfunded. We will be grateful for donationsof £2 per person towards lunch. Please make a donation if you can help us cover the costs of the event.