Invitation: Prescribing Safety Assessment item writing workshop, 4 November 2015
The Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) is a collaborative project led jointly by the British Pharmacological Society and MSC Assessment, which enables students to demonstrate that they have achieved basic competency in the safe and effective use of medicines. 2015 is due to be a record-breaking year for the PSA: all publicly funded UK medical schools with final year students have participated, and the number of schools requiring their medical students to pass in order to graduate has been steadily increasing.
The PSA is based on a large bank of questions that are developed by a team of authors and it is hoped this group will also grow to a record level in 2015 – perhaps you are interested in joining the team and becoming a registered PSA author, or know a colleague who is?
The British Pharmacological Society and MSC Assessment are pleased to announce an upcoming training workshop on item writing for the PSA, for individuals interested about getting involved with the first large-scale national assessment of prescribing skills anywhere in the world.This workshop will be held on Wednesday 4 November 2015 in London.
The item writing workshop will take place from 10.00 to 16.00 with lunch and refreshments provided. Reasonable travel expenses can be reimbursed for registered PSA authors.
In order to become a registered PSA author, attendees must meet the following eligibility criteria:
•registered UK doctor or pharmacist
•in active clinical practice
•experienced in medical undergraduate and/or Foundation year doctor teaching
•able to attend a PSA item-writer training workshop (see above)
•willing to commit to writing 10-15 items per year for PSA
•able to attend a peer review event on 27 & 28 April 2016 in Warwick
PSA authors from all clinical backgrounds are welcome, but we particularly encourage applications from those with experience in care of the elderly, psychiatry, O&G, gastroenterology, respiratory and endocrinology, as well as GPs who teach in medical schools. You are encouraged to share these details with your colleagues, if you think they may fulfil the criteria above.
You can register to attend this workshop here.Please register as soon as possible to secure your place.If you are interested, but unable to attend this workshop, please let us know via .
Pre-course work
All registered author attendees will have to prepare and submit at least 4 questions for review at the item-writing workshop prior to attendance at the workshop. Further details will be sent with confirmation of registration.In the meantime, you may wish to have a look at background information about the PSA and a number of resources available online.
Further information
Please do not hesitate to contact Dr Anna Zecharia (/ 020 7239 0187) if you need any further information.