


Terms and Conditions

  1. Expression of interests with purchase and business models of digital projection systems are invited from competent service providers in line for the twin cinemas of KSFDC Ltd, at Chittoor under constructionand renovation. The dimensions of the theatres are given in Annexure 1. Service providers may visit theatre site also before offering EOI
  1. The service providers who are offering EOI shall be in the line for the last 3 years and shall have minimum of 20 no. of installations to their credit. They shall be having adequate service back up in Kerala. The service provider may attach documentary evidence to the above.
  1. (i) The service provider can offer both purchase and business models of digital cinema projection systems for D-Cinema with provision for 3-D projection. The complete specifications of the models offered shall be enclosed. Offers of both 2 K and 4 K models may be submitted.

(ii) Separate rate for 3-Dattachment may be clearly shown for purchase model.

  1. The service providerwill have to upgrade the systems as and when technology is upgraded and the same shall be carried out by the service provider on request from KSFDC Ltd. Terms for the same if any shall be specified separately.
  1. Details on service back up, AMC etc may be shown clearly. AMC charges if any, cost of replacement of projection lamps etc may be included in the offers.
  1. Provision shall be given for the up gradation of 2 K projection to 4 K projection as and when requested by KSFDC.
  1. The D-Cinema system shall produce images on the screen with the quality parameters, as per DCI/SMPTE standards.The service provider shall demonstrate the same with required measurements before a Committee appointed by KSFDC if requested.
  1. Demonstration of all models shall be carried out before the expert committee appointed by KSFDC if requested.
  1. The service provider offering EOI shall enclose an EMD of Rs. 1 lakh by way of DD favouring KSFDC payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
  1. The service provider who is selected shall enter into an agreement with KSFDC covering all the conditions for installation, specifications, AMC, service back up, up gradation and clauses on business model if opted.
  1. The service provider who is selected for installations of projection system may have to deposit performance guaranteeas decided by KSFDC. This will be retained by KSFDC till the end of the period of agreement (may be released if BG for the amount is made available).
  1. The service provider may propose suitable configuration of equipments depending upon the size and seating capacity of the theatre.
  1. The Managing Director of KSFDC will have the authority to reject any or all EOIs without assigning any reason what so over.
  1. The service provider shall be always available for techno-commercial discussions.
  1. KSFDC may specify additional terms and conditions for inclusion in the final agreement with the service provider.
  1. EOIs with offers as above in sealed covers shall reach the Managing Director, KSFDC Ltd., Chalathithra Kalabhavan, Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram – 14 not later than by 3 PM on 03.04.2018. Sealed covers shall be super scribed with “EOI FOR DIGITAL PROJECTION SYSTEMS”.

Thiruvananthapuram – 14 Managing Director


  1. Dimension of screen 1 at Chittoor ( Below Balcony area of the undivided theatre)
  2. Dimension of screen 2 at Chittoor (Balcony area of the undivided theatre)