Shanghai Singapore International School

Grade 9 MYP Physics 2011/2012

Investigation: What Affects the Strength of Paper

Background Information about the Task

This is an investigation task. The students had six 100 minute periods to complete the investigation during the lesson. A4 Paper was provided to the students. However, the use of this type of paper was optional. Students were also allowed to use their own paper depending on the design of their experiment. Students were able to obtain any other common laboratory materials for the experiment. Students were required to submit a list of the apparatus that they were going to use before their investigation.

The design of the student’s experiment varied greatly for this experiment. For those involving the use of fire, safety precautions were taken and the students were required to sumit a risk assessment of their experiment before they commenced. Students were asked to discuss with the teacher regarding their design method before commencing on the task. This is to ensure that their task was practical. The specific task descriptors for this task was created and discussed in class with the students so that they will be familiar what is expected of their report.

The teacher observed the students during the task to award the level of achievement for Criteria F. Notes of the students’ performance during the task was taken during the actual experiment. This provides evidence for the teacher to award Criteria F appropriately.

The report submitted was graded on Criterion D and Criterion E.

Investigation: What Affects the Strength of Paper


You have completed several experiments and are familiar with the scientific process, regarding investigations. This task will emphasise on Human Ingenuity. ‘Human Ingenuity is the way in which human minds have influenced how we think, work, play, construct and conduct friendships and other relationships, interact with each other, find solutions to problems, cause problems, transform things and rationalise thoughts.’ (MYP Science Guide, 2009) It is hoped that through this task, the student is encouraged to use these scientific skills in their approach towards the learning of Science.


Investigate a factor that affects the strength of paper.

You are allowed to use a selection of different types of paper to design an experiment based on the following processes:

1.  Design a research question and formulate the hypothesis

2.  Select variables

3.  Design an appropriate experimental method using suitable equipment

4.  Collect, observe and present data

5.  Process and analyses results

6.  Conclude and evaluate the approach


Week / Due date / Things to do
G 10 Amber / G 10 Ivory / G10 Ruby
Week1 / 14th Feb. / 13th Feb. / 14th Feb. / Issue of Task
Submission of list of apparatus
Week 2 ~ Week 3 / 20th Feb. ~ 2nd March 2012 / Submission of method of investigation
Investigation of Task
Week4 / 8th March / 7th March / 8th March / Submission of Final Lab Report

Note: The method of investigation must be submitted before you begin your investigation of Task. This should be a type-written plan of what you intend to do. Diagrams can be hand drawn.

Guiding questions

How did you make it a fair test?

What is the appropriate factor that should be varied to represent to strength of the paper?

What is the possible relationship between the variables used?

What other observations can be drawn from your presented data?

The above task will be assessed based on the following criteria. Your report should aim to meet the descriptors of the highest level of achievement.