Investigation into Enhancing the Gate Electric Field of Transistor

SeemaDahiya, PhD Scholar, SRM University, Delhi-NCR

Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh, Asst. Prof, SRM University, Delhi-NCR

Abstract The use of electronic devices is increasing day by day in form ofstatic as well as dynamic devices and simultaneously the energy consumption of these devices is increasingbecause of requirement of information processed is increasing. There is a social need to reduce the power consumption of these devices.Over four decades the efforts of minimizing the transistor size for new and minimized products has introduced new challenges in designing the transistors. As per the technology roadmap for semiconductors,the reduction in power consumption of the MOSFETs used in today's electronic circuits is reaching the fundamental limit and these days new type of device structures are being investigated as possible replacements for traditional metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs).



The motive behind switching the BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor) technology to MOSFET (Metal oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor) to reduce the power consumption of each transistor and make the integration as small as possible.MOSFET technology was a big success for the electronic industry since last 40 years and it helps a lot for the reduced area,lowpower, greater speed, and low cost per chip. In addition different applications of these electronics devices, which demand ultra-low power consumption and prolonged battery lifetime for example radio frequency identification, portableelectronics, implantable biomedical devices andmicro sensors.With the improvements in packaging and chip area (number of transistors per unit area) the problems related to power dissipation, cooling techniques,leakage current, heat removal, and reliability have become a trade off and therefore the requirements of energy constrained designed has increased. A number of power reduction techniques have been adopted by researchers such as supplyvoltage scaling, computer aided design techniques for device sizing and interconnect,switching activity reduction, logic optimization,architectural techniques of pipelining andparallelism etc. out of these techniques, the most prominence approach,which significantly reduces both active and static components of power, is scaling the supplyvoltage. One of the approaches of scaling the device parameters is operating the transistor insubthresholdregion which contributes towards energy efficiency is implemented as follows.

  • The conventional transistors were used to operate between two states either in the strong-inversion (ON condition) or subthreshold (OFF condition) but the sub-threshold transistors operate either in an OFF condition or a weak-OFF condition (still in sub-threshold regime but with weak inversion).
  • Transistors operateon a supply voltage that is less than the threshold of the transistors which is far below the conventional operating voltage levels and consequentlythe transistors work on subthreshold current.

Minimum energy per operation can be achieved byoperating the transistor in the subthreshold region.A transistor operating in subthresholdregion isgood for ultra low power requirement application like RFID, wirelessmicro sensors, biomedical implants.

Following are the probable reasons behind these optimization requirements. If we do not adopt low power design then battery size will increase upto 30% to 40% over next five years

1)Portability - Portable electronic instruments are the main motivation behind the low power design because they depend on the battery backup.

2)Lack of efficient battery technology- Battery capacity has only improved with a factor of 2 to 4 over last 25 years .It is expected battery power time will increase only 90-110watt/kilogram over next five year.

3)Cost of packaging and cooling - Extensive Packaging and cooling strategies are required as the power consumption increases. So there are financial advantages to reduce the power dissipation.

4)Implantable medical electronics

  • Pacemaker
  • Muscle stimulators

5)Reliability issues

  • Electro migration: - It is flow of metal ions under the influence of high electric current densities
  • Every 10 degree rise in temp results double the failure rate of components
  • Power dissipation is increasing twice for every 6.5 years.
  1. High K Dielectric Approach

The continuous process of scaling down the MOS transistor has also scaled down the gate oxide, resulting in development of gate leakage current.The thickness of electric oxide layer (EOT) has to be reduced to suppress the short channel effects. To achieve a small EOT a material with high dielectric constant can be used in comparison to dielectric constant of SiO2. Fully depleted silicon on insulator has improved short channel control and subsequently reduces the requirements for oxide thickness scaling.The interface between high-K dielectric materials and poly-silicon gate has following limitations.

a)Direct shoot up in threshold voltage value

b)Photon scattering which degrades the carrier mobility

c)Thermal instability

Fig.1. MOS Structure with High-K Dielectric

To suppress these limitations, the gate fabricated with metal is used with the high-K gate insulator. The most important consideration for the gate electrode is work function of the material and itmust possess the following properties.

a)High thermal requirements

b)Opportunity to choose the work function of gate

c)Redesign the device to get the best combination of work function and channel doping.

The work function value for gate electrode of depleted FETs lies near the conduction and valence band.The short channel effects are controlled by the device geometry but the threshold voltage is mainly estimated by the gate work function so selection of gate electrode becomes important.

  1. Strained Approach

Fig. 2. Crystal Structure of Strained Technology

In Strain technique mobility of the carriers in MOS channels is increasedfor increasing thedrive current (i.e. drain current). The atoms of silicon layer in strained technique are stretched beyond their normal inter atomic distance. The thicker gate oxide with lower supply voltage under same drain current condition reduces the trade-off among short channel effects,power consumptionand current drive. There are different ways in which the strain can be introduced in a MOS transistor channeli.e. locally or globally.

Biaxial Tensile Strain or Global Strain

It is designed by growing thin layer of epitaxial silicon on material with larger lattice constant, which is responsible for strain production in silicon lattice. This approach has following salient features.

a)This technique was helpful in increasing the electron mobility by 70%even at high electric fields at which the surface roughness scattering was expected to drive the mobility.

b)The speed improvement of transistor around 30%.

c)The self-heating due to the lower thermal conductivity of the thick layer is an issue in this approach, which can be improved by reducing the layer thickness in the MOS structure

d)Dislocation defectsare controlled in epitaxial layer.

The Local or Uni-axial Strain

It is developedduring the fabrication process of transistor using tensile capping layer. This layer increases the mobility of both type of carriers (i.e. Electron as well as Hole), it gives importance to thermally grown advanced gate oxides on pure Si as compare to SiGe and standard CMOS process is promoted with slight modification and low cost.

  1. SOI Technology

The SOI structure is created by developing a buried layer which is formed by the implantation of oxygen ions.For fabricating the advanced CMOS ICs the silicon on insulator technology is becoming popular in comparison to silicon technology because SOI possesses the low supply voltage and minimum power consumption features.

Fig. 3. SOI MOS Structure

The buried oxide layer provides the dielectric isolation between active silicon layer and the substrate. Ahigh resistivity substratecontainreduced parasitic and leakage current in substrate is used in comparison to previous substrate. Following are the salient features of SOI technology.

a)High reliability and high speed is achieved by eliminating the vertical as well as sidewall capacitances

b)Excellent device isolated structure

c)High drive current

d)Low subthreshold leakage

e)Suffers from self heating effect when the transistor is in conduction mode


The most advanced inline approach for improving the energy efficiency and better scalability of MOS ICs is by introduction of a second gate at the other side of the body ofeach transistor called double-gate or tri gate transistor. Which is a more promising approach for enhancing the performance and scaling properties of MOS circuits and it is used to suppress the short channel effects such as threshold voltage roll off,DIBL and to get the precise control over channel current. Multigate transistor technique consist two different approaches namely DGMOSFET and Tri-Gate MOSFET/FinFET.


Double Gate MOSFET possesses the good control of the short channel effects andit is getting popularity for transistors with channel length below 50-nm. A thin silicon channel sandwiched between two gates provides excellent gate control over the channel.It provides the high drain current and low subthreshold leakage for below 50 nm channel length devices. DG MOSFET with independent gates isin development and it useful for low power and mixed signal applications. DGMOSFETs are also explored for subthreshold operations and are envisaged as suitable due to their near ideal subthreshold slope and negligible junction capacitance. It providesthe possibilities for new circuit designswith low power and high performance. The undopedchannel body provides negligible junction capacitance, which largely enhances the circuit performance. The fabrication process of DG-MOSFET is more challenging than their bulk MOSFET transistors. DGMOSFETs have the following advantages over bulk CMOS transistors:

Fig. 4. DG MOSFET Architecture

a)Nearly ideal subthreshold slope.

b)Design flexibility at circuit level by symmetric/asymmetric with tied and independent gate options.

c)Small intrinsic gate capacitance.

d)Reduced Random dopant fluctuations (RDF) due to undoped or lightly doped body and reduced carrier mobility degradation.

e)Smaller junction capacitances.

f)Better immunity to SCEs, although negligible for subthreshold operation.

g)Higher ION/IOFF ratio.

  1. FinFET/Tri-Gate FET

As the transistor scaling approaching below 20-nanometers (nm), it is becoming difficult to get similar down scaling for other transistor parameters, for example the supply voltage, which is factor indetermining dynamic power and optimizing for one variable such as performance comes at a cost of compromises in other areas like power.

FinFET or Tri-Gate FETs are further enhancement to multi gate transistors and becoming popular due to its easy fabrication process than previous one and it can be build on both bulk as well as SOI. It is anon planar structure where a thin channel is developed called fin where gate covers the sidewalls and top of channel. In bulk process of Fin fabrication all fins share a common substrate but in SOI Fins are isolated by very shallow trench isolation.Double Gate structure has the potential to provide the lowest gate leakage current so by rotating the DG structure, FinFET transistor can be manufactured easily using standard lithography techniques.In this technique the layout is similar as planar FET and the gate electrodes are self-aligned(Figure 5).

FinFET possesses the capability of design optimization alternative as compared to planar MOS transistorsfor equal performance at low power requirements orbetter performance at same power.

Fig. 5. FinFET Architecture

When Gordon Moore presented his law in 1965, he envisaged a design of about 50 components. The IC being manufactured today’s consisting of billions of transistors and further improving for “better, sooner, cheaper” products. The high leakage current due to short-channel effects and varying dopant levels have become obstacles for further downscaling.Important points of FinFET technology are as follows.

a)FinFET technology was found in 1990s, when R&D was going on for a possible successor to the planar transistor.

b)The team suggested that a thin-body MOSFET structure would control short-channel effects and suppress leakage by keeping the gate capacitance in closer proximity to the whole of the channel

c)FinFET is a three dimensional device that rise above the planar substrate, it gives more area to individual transistor for same coverage area on the chip.

d)The gate which covers the channel from three directions provide excellent control of the channel and very small current is allowed to leak through the body when the device is in the off state.

e)This allows the use of lower threshold voltages, which results in optimal switching speeds and power

f)Processing cost of FinFET is 2% to 5% higher than that of planar wafer fabrication

g)FinFETs are up to 37% faster while using less than half the dynamic power or cut static leakage current by as much as 90%

h)Designers can run the transistors faster and use the same amount of power, compared to the planar equivalent, or run them at the same performance using less power.

i)Design teams can balance performance throughput, and power to obtain the requirements of each application.


The short channel effects (SCE) are becoming serious problems as the metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) scales down to the deep sub-micron dimension. A silicon tunneling transistor called TFET was proposed as the candidate of MOSFET. This transistor realizes the gate-controlled tunneling at room temperature. As a novel device, there are still many unknowns and challenges in the physics, fabrication, and application of TFETs.

Fig. 6. Alternative to Planer Technology

The transistor which is in production is having a channel length of 22nm and this have been achieved using modified structure of conventional MOSFET and it is called FinFET. To further increase the density of a chip, we have two ways, either vertical manufacturing of existing transistors or design a novel transistor named as Tunnel FET or TFET. Vertical Technology is having its own manufacturing difficulties. Currently researchers are focusing on TFET’s as a replacement of MOSFET Technology

  1. Vertical Device Architecture

Vertical device Architecture is having following salient features.

a)50% reduction in plain view density

b)Vertical orientation may enable new circuit concept

c)Lithography ( may double the number of FE critical Layers)

d)Interlayer contacts(diffusion-diffusion, gate-gate contacts)

e)Thermal processing(top layer may need to be processed over existing bottom layer)

f)Strain engineering(more challenges than single layer)

Fig.7. Vertical Device Architecture

  1. Tunnel FieldEffect Transistor(TFET)

TFET operate by tunneling through the source/drain barrier rather than diffusion over the barrier and it possesses the following salient features.

a)We can further reduce the channel length because of high resistivity.

b)Suitable for low power application because of low leakage current.

c)Sub threshold swing of TFET’s is better than MOSFET’s.

d)Operating speed of TFET’s greater than MOSFET’s.

e)Small drain current as compare to MOSFET’s because of intrinsic channel.

Fig 8. TFET Architecture

f)For boosting tunnel probability require :-

g)Steep doping as compare to MOSFET.

h)High mobility of electrons through channel.

i)Energy band alignment.

j)Sealing of SiO2 (oxide) layer.

Fig.9. Energy Band Diagram of Homo vs. Hetro TFET

Type of TFET(Homo & Hetro Junction)

a)Hetero-junction TFET provide higher drive current resulted due to the reduction in effective tunneling barrier at sourcewithout reducing the band-gap of the channel material

b)HTFET simultaneous enables lower IOFF.

Fig.10. Drain Current for Hetro vs. Homo TFET

c)Het JTEFT exhibit higher drive current with comparable Ion/off ratio to Hom JTFETs. More than 3 order of magnitude improvement in Ion/off ratio achieved in Het JTFET is due to the reduction in defect assisted conduction with InAs termination.


Fig. 11. TFET vs. MOSFET Sub-threshold Swing

When a gate voltage is applied to the gate electrode of a tunnel FET, the width of the barrier between the source and the channel decreases owing to the effect of the electric field.As a result, the electrons pass through the barrier because of the tunnelling effect and current flows through the transistor. Based on this principle, the tunnel FET can switch the current on and off at a lower voltage than that of conventional MOSFETs. The very fast switching of the tunnel FET enables the design of low-power electronic circuits that can operate at lower voltages as follows.

However, because of the use of the tunnelling effect, the tunnel FET has the disadvantage that the current passing through it is smaller than that through the MOSFET. To obtain a higher current efficiency, it is important to apply a stronger electric field to the tunnel junction. A high gate voltage is required to apply a strong electric field, while the tunnel FET needs to operate at a lower gate voltage to reduce power consumption. Tunnel FET having small threshold swing less than 60mV which mitigate the problem of leakage current at low voltage.

The article[1] presents the design of hetero junction tunnel FET based low logic gate for static & dynamic logic topology. Comparison is done with 20nm Si-finFET technology with supply voltage scaling.Points depicting HTFET perform better than FinFET are given below.

Fig.12. Sub-Threshold Swing of HTFET vs. FinFET

a)Due to the steep slope characteristics, HTFET have better configuration than Si-FinFET .