Introductory Section from Angelos, Passing the Test

Introductory Section from Angelos, Passing the Test

Schaaf WR 98


For next class (9/12), you will be reading Julie Traves’ “The Church of Please and Thank You” and submitting an outline of this essay to Blackboard before class.

Outline Format We will use the alphanumeric outline because it is the most common format.

Introductory Section from Angelos, “Passing the Test”

Compare the two outlines below. What are the differences between them? How do those differences affect how the introductory section is presented?

Outline 1

I. Description of Hasibe Koyun on her first day of German class

A. Her emotional state

1. Her nervous feelings that morning

a. Portrayed through her voice

b. Depicted through her face

2. Her hopes for the future

B. The way she speaks German to introduce herself

1. Need to look at the white board

2. Beginner’s accent

II. Contrast between Hasibe and other students

A. Style of dress in Istanbul

B. Hasibe’s style of dress

III. The Exam

  1. Why Hasibe needs to pass
  2. What will happen if she does not pass
  1. Being unable to join her husband Germany
  2. The embarrassment of a canceled wedding

C. All the students in the class share the same concern

Outline 2

I. Hasibe Koyun on her first day of German class

A. Emotional state

1. Nervous feelings that morning

a. Portrayed through her voice

b. Depicted through her face

2. Hopes for the future

B. Speaking German to introduce herself

1. Need to look at the white board

2. Beginner’s accent

II. Hasibe in comparison to the other students

A. Contrast between style of dress

1. Istanbul

2. Rural western Anatolia

B. The Exam

1. Why the students all need to pass

2. What will happen if the students do not pass

a. All unable to join spouses in Germany

b. Weddings already planned

With a partner, create an outline of the final section of Angelos’ article, “Up on Stage.” If you have differences of opinion about how to structure the outline you should preserve them, but you should spend a few minutes at the beginning of the exercise discussing possibilities with your partner before going to work on the outline. If you wish, you may collaborate (work together) throughout the process. As we discussed, remember that the organization of an outline is more than merely listing major points – the structure you use to organize those points and the phrasing you use for each point will shape how the outline represents the text.