Geographic InformationScienceCenter of Excellence Scholars Program

Introduction to the GIScCenter of Excellence

The Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence (GIScCE) is a unique partnership venture between South Dakota State University (SDSU) and the USGSNational Center for Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS Data Center/EDC). It incorporates the educational strengths of SDSU, the state's largest university, and scientific research capabilities of the government’s EROSDataCenter,the largest data management, systems development, and field center for the Geography Discipline of the USGS.

GIScCECenter of Excellence

The GIScCE Senior Center Scientists tasks include establishing new research opportunities, training students and additional scientists, and providing leadership for the Center of Excellence. The Center has quickly embarked on its mission to establish and perpetuate the level of scientific expertise needed to achieve and maintain recognition as the world’s center for GISc/Remote Sensing. One of the next steps in that mission is to implement the Center of Excellence Scholars Program for SDSU students.

The Scholars Program

The GIScCE Center of Excellence Scholars Program is both an academic and a professional curriculum designed to enable SDSU students to achieve educational and research experiences that uniquely qualify them for a career in GISc/Remote Sensing. The goal of the program is to equip students with in-depth knowledge of their fields of study, theoretical understanding, technical know how, and professional experiences necessary to effectively conduct GISc/Remote Sensing applications. The program seeks:to develop the student’s spatial, analytical and critical thinking skills to facilitate the application of GISc/Remote Sensing research; provide mentored hands on practicum/internship experience in professional situations; develop and require research opportunities for students; and ensure student competence in communication, professional development and team skills.

Admission to Program

Admission to the GIScCE Scholars Program is by individual application. Each potential Center Scholar is required to submit an Application for Admission (attached to this form) and two letters of support from SDSU faculty and/or USGS EROS professionals, to the Center Scholars Committee. Every application for admission to the program will be reviewed by the committee to determine the potential for success and final acceptance into the Center of Excellence. The Center Scholars Committee is comprised of the Co-Directors of the GIScCE, the student’s department head and major adviser, the GIScCE Center Scholar Adviser, and one or more Center Senior Scientists appointed by the Co-Directors. One of the GIScCE Co-Directors will serve as Chair of the Center Scholar Committee. In the interest of timeliness, committee members may utilize designees to facilitate the decision making process. At the time of admission, the Center Scholars Committee may identify academic deficiencies, determine any exceptions, and/or additional required coursework.

Experience at EDC and other GISc employers indicates that personal growth potential, work habits, and professional experiences are better indicators of professional success than standardized test scores. The Center Scholar Committee through a petition process may consider individual exceptionsto the admissions process in order to enable a limited number of under-served or late academically maturing students an opportunity to demonstrate individual capabilities as Center Scholars. Students not meeting the GIScCE academic criteria nor granted an exception will,of course,be allowed to continue in their respectivemajor programs, and may take GISc courses. However, they will not be identified on institutional records as Center Scholars.

Requirements for Undergraduate Admission to the Scholar Program

Undergraduate students may apply for admission to the Center Scholars Program during their Sophomore Year, and through the completion of the first semester of the Junior Year. Second semester juniors and seniors may also apply but may need to extend their program to complete the requirements. Successful applicants will begin the Center Scholars Program at the start of their Junior Year. Undergraduate students entering the GIScCE Center Scholars Program must have completed a minimum of 64 credit hours including 17 credits of introductory GISc/Geography credits, with an overall 3.0 cumulative Grade Point Average in those classes (17 credits). Students are also expected to have completedthe general education core and university specified courses in the first two years unless their major curriculum requires different scheduling.

Rigor of the Center of Excellence Scholar Program

Participation in the Center of Excellence is a rigorous undertaking on the part of the student, in collaboration with faculty and scientists. Both undergraduate and graduate students in the Center of Excellence Scholars Programwill be expected to maintain a 3.0 GPA in GISc and major coursework. They will be required to complete a supervised applied scientific individual or team research internship. As an individual or team member, they will be expected to submit a professional paper or presentation in order to earn recognition as a Center of Excellence Scholars Programgraduate (see Program Requirements below). They will have their entire academic program, scholars program, work performance, and research paper/presentation reviewed several times during their time at the Center. Finally, they will be required to present an individual professional portfolio for Center of Excellence review and approval prior to graduation. As a part of that review process, they will also be expected to address any concerns even if the solution requires additional work or time. Some of these expectations will be met by their undergraduate or graduate degree requirements. Other expectations as determined by the Center of Excellence will be clarified in program materials and through advising.


Students entering the Center Scholar Program will,of course,retain their department major advisor. Additionally, since the program requires completion of either the GISc major, minor, or certificate, a faculty member from the Department of Geography willserve as each student’s Center Scholar Advisor. That advisor will track each student’s progress relative to applicable GISc requirements. The advisor will also be responsible for arranging each student’s internship, for selecting a research mentor, for facilitating opportunities to meet all professional development experience expectations, and providingguidance relative to meeting the portfolio requirement.

Program and Graduation Requirements

Graduation as a Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence Scholar will be based on completion of a combination of courses, programs, and professional experiences in addition to successfully completing a traditional undergraduate or graduate major. The following requirements must be completed for a student to earn graduation recognition as a GISc Center Scholar:

UndergraduateCenter Scholar Requirements

1. Completion of one of the following:

  • An earned BS in Geographic Information Science
  • An earned BS in Geography with a GISc Minor or Certificate
  • An earned BS in Software Engineering with a GISc Minor or Certificate
  • An earned BS in a Center Related Major with completion of the GISc Minor or Certificate. Students from every major offered at SDSU are eligible to participate in the Center Scholars Program with the approval of their major department head.

2. Undergraduate students must successfully complete the Regental and

University cores.

3. Successful application for admission to GIScCE

4. Successful completion of a Center of Excellence approved Internship/Practicum


5. Successful completion of a Center of Excellence approved Professional

Development Experience which requires an individual or team presentation of

either one paper orproject to a state, regional, or national group, meeting, or to

have onepublication accepted by a professional journal, USGS, or GISc

industrial or professional periodical before graduation.

6. Successful completion and approval of final Student Portfolio by a

GIScCEPortfolio Review Committee.

7. Undergraduate students must have a GPA of 3.0 in major discipline and GISc

courses attime of graduation.

8. Undergraduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 for all coursework at the time of graduation.

Recognition as a Center of Excellence Scholar

Through the SDSU Office of Academic Affairs, each successful student in the program will be recognized at the SDSU Commencement as a Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence Scholar. The Office of Academic Affairs will also establish the appropriate diploma and transcript recognition and documentation for Center Scholars.

For the Center Scholar Program, the admission requirements, rigor, and graduation requirements are designed to clearly demonstrate that academic expectations are greater for GIScCE scholars. Furthermore, it is believed that the Center of Excellence will attract students with the abilities to analyze spatial data in the natural and social sciences, understand mathematics and statistics, work with research teams, gather, manipulate, interpret, model, and apply GISc/Remote Sensing data and information.

Through the completion of the Center Scholar Program, each student will have demonstrated the direct application of these principles in scientific investigations at a professional meeting or in a quality publication. The student will have also demonstrated and understand the direct and immediate results of these efforts. The Scholars Program is designed to incorporate the unique with the successful in order to take each scholar far, far beyond the expectations of traditional academic program requirements.

Center of Excellence Scholar Programgraduateswill be well qualified to work as GISc professional scientists in government, education,business, and industry throughout the state, nation, and world. They will have the scientific and technical background needed to provide on-going professional core of scientists required to retain world leadership in GISc in eastern South Dakota.

Application for Admission to the

Geographic Information Science

Center of Excellence Scholars Program

South DakotaStateUniversity

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Current Street Address:______

City:______State:______Zip Code:______


Permanent Contact Information

Street Address:______

City:______State:______Zip Code:______



U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident International Student from ______

Native American African American Hispanic American FirstGenerationCollege Student

Academic Information

CurrentCollege or University:______Major:______

Year in College (So., Jr., Grad., etc.)______Expected Graduation Date:______

Current GPA:______GPA in Major:______GPA in GISc courses:______

Please Indicate Research Area(s) of most interest:

GISc Remote Sensing Geography Software Engineering Geospatial Science Biology & Botany

Environmental Science Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Ecology Mathematics and Statistics

Biocomplexity Forestry Water/Hydrosphere Public Health Issues Biogeography Cartography Photogrammetry Applied Earth Systems Science Physical Geography Human Geography Regional Geography Systematic Geography Applied Science Human & Natural Disasters Ecosystems Grasslands

Large Area Research Global Scale Research Land Cover Vegetation Change Natural Resource Management Human Land Use Vegetation Fires Land-Atmosphere Processes Terrestrial Change Climate Change Fuel Management Carbon Satellite Mapping Automatic Mapping Vegetative Mapping Feature Extraction Satellite Imagery Resolution Algorithms & Computational Systems Complex Modeling Decision-Support Systems Geospatial Modeling Data Sets Infrared & Radar Imagery Sensor Calibration Urban/Rural Change

Other (specify)______Other (specify)______

If you have already identified a particular research project and/or Center Senior Scientist that you would be interested in work with, please indicate that below:

First choice:______

Second choice:______

Prior Experience:

Have You Participated in Organized Research Before? Please list and discuss any prior research experience and indicate what projects if any, you have been involved with in the past. Previous research experience is not required for admission to the Center Scholars Program:

Statement of Interest:

Please describe your interest in the GIScCE ScholarsProgram and how it relates to your personal career goals:

References: List the two professional references who will be submitting letters of support on behalf of your application. Please inform them that we may contact them for additional information if needed.



Phone: (____)______Phone: (____)______

Email: ______Email: ______

The Application Process:

To apply for admission to the Center Scholars Program, you must complete and submit this application formand attach an academic transcript. (Note: While you may complete and submit this form electronically, a hard copy transcript is still required for admission).

I certify that all information (including transcripts) is valid and true to the best of my knowledge.


Send application material to:

Dr. Robert Watrel

Coordinator,Center Scholars Program

Geographic InformationScienceCenter of Excellence

South DakotaStateUniversity

Wecota Hall 115, Box 506B

Brookings, SD 57007