Media Arts Digital Photography

Introduction to Photoshop Where, What and How Handout



Open – to open files from your folder

Browse– to view things from your file, double click the image if you want to open it

Save – to save a document to your folder, or

Save as – to rename something and save to your folder or to a different location

Print – to print something in color: 4700 printer, black/white: 8000 printer


Cut – to cut something and then paste it somewhere else

Copy – to copy something and then paste it somewhere else

Paste – after copying or cutting you would then use the paste tool to place the item somewhere

Free transform – this allows you to scale and rotate

Transform – Allows you to scale, rotate, skew, distort, perspective, warp, flip horizontal & vertical


All – allows you to select everything on one layer

Deselect – allows you to deselect whatever is selected

Inverse – once you have something selected, hit inverse and it will select the opposite things in the image that were not originally selected (good for small details)

Filters: Within each filter is another palette of filters to select, play with them



Brush strokesSharpen




Brushes – must be used with the brush tool in the toolbox

Colors – a lot like the one in Illustrator

History – this palette will allow you to revert back to something you did earlier in the project, works just like undo, but in a layer order format

Layers – just like in Illustrator, except new layers will appear automatically each time you add something, like another image or text. In order to select something you must be on that layer to do it. You can also name the layers by double clicking on the layer name. You can also double click the layer to get another pop up window for more options (to add blending options such as drop shadows and textures)

Box labeled NORMAL in the layers palette – this is a drop down menu for different modes (which are pre-made transparencies) In order for any of them to work you must have something underneath the item you are trying to put a mode onto (my leaf example was on top of the forest background)

Opacity in the layers palette – this allows you to change the opacity (to make it see through) of a selected layer

Swatches – looks like the one in Illustrator, but a little different. If you create a color in the Color palette you have to click the “save to swatches” button to save it into the swatch palette


Move Tool – Allows you to move things when you are on specific layer

Rectangular Marque Tool – Allows you to select things within the geometric shape selected

Lasso, Polygonal & Magnetic Lasso Tools – These allow you to select things either free formed, polygonal, or by magnetically sticking to the closest pixels that you place it near

Quick Selection Tool – Allows you to select things by clicking on pixels again and again until the selected amount of pixels are selected

Crop Tool – Allows you to crop an image by clicking and dragging the crop tool over desired area and then double clicking to crop

Brush Tool – You should open the brush palette under windows to select desired brush, use the sliders and brush palette options to get the brush just the way you like it

Eraser Tool – Used to erase selected items

Pen Tool- Works just like the pen tool in Illustrator, remember to click and drag to get anchor points and handle bars

Selection Tools – Black arrow and White arrow, use the white arrow to select anchor points for manipulation

Rectangle Tool, plus all the other shape tools – just like Illustrator, uses these tools to make simple geometric shapes to fill with color

Eyedropper Tool – Use this tool to select a specific color and it will appear in the foreground or background boxes at the bottom of toolbox

Zoom Tool – This allows you to zoom in and out, if you want to zoom out hold down the ALT key while clicking the zoom tool

Foreground/background boxes – These are just like the fill and stroke boxes in Illustrator, they allow you to select a color for either the inside or outside of an object