Introduction to PC Application Software
Fall 2016
Paul McNally
EMS E338, 229-5361
Office Hours: M 10:00pm –10:50, MW 3:15 pm – 3:45 pm? or by Appointment
Home Phone: 964-1200 (I am available most evenings from 6:00 pm until midnight)
(Note if I am not at home my sister is disabled and forgets messages so please be nice to her and try later or email me.)
Prerequisites: None
Special considerations for CS 101:
There are no shortcuts to learning how to use Microsoft Office 2016.
No matter how smart you are, this class will take time, although not necessarily difficult.
Required materials:
Microsoft Office 201 Introductory Edition -- Vermaat.
I will be putting the pages at the end each chapter of the book online so the book becomes optional but for those students who are not familiar with Office 2016 it is very helpful.
You will need access to a computer for MS Office 2016. I believe you can also use Office 365. I am currently validating this. All the College of Engineering & Applied Science computer labs have MS Office 2016. If you plan to use the your own computer this course is version specific so you may need to use either the CEAS Computers, General Access Labs or use Office 365 to have the correct version as there are significant differences between Office 2007, 2008 (MAC), 2010, 2011 (MAC), 2013 and 2016.There are procedures that will allow you to start your homework on your computer and finish it with the correct version. I suggest that you bring a USB flash drive to store your work and will be able to work on it from any computer with the necessary software.
4 Lecture Exams 70%
11 Assignments 30%
Tentative Grade Scale:
A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / C- / D+ / D / D-90-100 / 85-89 / 82-84 / 78-81 / 75-77 / 72-74 / 68-71 / 65-67 / 62-64 / 58-61 / 55-57
Your grade is determined by your performance alone, not by competition with the rest of the class. We will do the sections in the following order: Word, Excel, Access (this is the most difficult section of the class) andPowerPoint .
Everyone can get an A if they work hard enough.
You have to learn something to get a passing grade.
If you do not do the homework the best you can hope for is a C sodo it.
Homework assignments are meant to be done INDIVIDUALLY. Helping other students understanda problem is encouraged. Sharing homework answers is cheating and will result in academic misconduct proceedings.
Late assignments are not accepted, except in documentedemergencies. If you have a problem do to trips/work communicateit to me as soon as possible; preferably before it is due.
Final Exam will be on Wednesday, December 21, 2016
University of Wisconsin policy forbids special treatmentof any student except in cases of a documented disability oremergency. There will be no makeup exams, extra credit, incompletes,changes of grade, etc. under any circumstances other thanthose mentioned above.
We will be doing approximately one chapter for every two classes with one homework per chapter. You will be given class time to work on your homework each week. We will cover the following sections in the order listed: MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access and MS Powerpoint.
Homework: The homework assignments (Content section of D2L) refer to the book pages. I will provided them by storing images of the assigned book pages on D2L. I have also saved the various images that you will use for the assignments also on D2L. Homework will be submitted by placing the document in the appropriate dropbox on D2L. Remember that all the documents should have their document properties set as follows: For Author: Your full name, Title: If one is not specified in the assignment make up an appropriate one i.e. for the first assignment “Photography Contest”, Subject: CompSci 101.
Academic Misconduct: It is hoped students discusssubject matter amongst themselves, but there should be collaborating on assignments. A more detailed description of StudentAcademic Disciplinary Procedures may be found in Regents PolicyStatements, UWS Chapter 14 and UWM Faculty Document#1686.
Late Policy: There is none: assignments must be turnedin when they are due. Exceptions will only be made in case of documented evidence of medical emergency, etc. Otherwise, lateassignments score zero points.
Accommodation for Religious Observances: Students willbe allowed to complete examinations or other requirements that aremissed because of religious observance with advance coordination withthe class instructor.
Participation by Students with Disabilities: If youneed special accommodations in order to meet any of the requirementsof this course, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.
Complaint Procedures: Students may direct complaintsto the instructor or the chairman of the Computer Science Program. Ifthe complaint allegedly violates a specific university policy, it maybe directed to the chairman of the Computer Science Program or to theappropriate university office responsible for enforcing the policy.
Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is reprehensibleand will not be tolerated by the University, the Computer ScienceProgram or by the Instructor. It subverts the mission of theUniversity and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. The University at alllevels will not tolerate behavior between or among members of theUniversity community which creates an unacceptable workingenvironment.
Grade Appeal Procedures: A student may appeal a gradeon the grounds that it is based on a capricious or arbitrary decisionof the instructor. Such an appeal shall follow the procedures adoptedby the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS). Theseprocedures are available in writing from the chairman of the ComputerScience Program or the Dean of CEAS.
Military Service: Accommodations will be made for both Active and Reserve Service. If you have conflict between your military service and class please contact me as soon as possible.
Class Web Page: D2L Class Page.