Introduction to Inquiry Assessment Rubric

Beginning to Build Skills for the Rest of the Year

Intended Learning / Exceeds Learning / Meets Learning / Does not meet Learning
Student can access prior knowledge, opinions, and experiences in order to access texts / Three or more separate pieces of evidence are provided in the form of thoughtful pre-reading writing. / Two separate pieces of evidence are provided in the form of thoughtful pre-reading writing. / One or no separate pieces of evidence are provided in the form of pre-reading writing, or the pieces that are presented show very little effort to consider the pre-reading question or topic seriously.
Student can use reading skills such as re-reading, highlighting for understanding, and note taking in text / Three or more separate pieces of evidence are provided where the student has demonstrated reading for a purpose by using highlighting and note making strategies / Two separate pieces of evidence are provided where the student has demonstrated reading for a purpose by using highlighting and note making strategies / One or no pieces of evidence are provided where the student has demonstrated reading for a purpose by using highlighting and note making strategies.
Student practices socializing intelligence (learning and expanding understanding from speaking with and listening to others) / Three or more shared inquiry self- assessment rubrics or reflections can be evidenced to show that the student is participating in the discussions. The rubric should be based on participation and learning in the discussions. / Two or one shared inquiry self assessment rubrics or reflections can be evidenced to show that the student is participating in the discussions. The rubric should be based on participation and learning in the discussions. / No shared inquiry self assessment rubrics or reflections can be evidenced to show that the student is participating in the discussions.
Student can respond to literature in writing / Three or more pieces of thoughtful writing can be evidenced to show that the student was writing about the literature. / Two pieces of thoughtfulwriting can be evidenced to show that the student was writing about the literature. / One or no pieces of thoughtfulwriting can be evidenced to show that the student was writing about the literature.
Student shows a general preparedness for class by coming with materials / Student has passed at least two materials checks. These include being prepared with all of the following: notebook, folder, pen, planner, vocabulary or literature book (when applicable). / Student has passed at least one materials check. These include being prepared with all of the following: notebook, folder, pen, planner, vocabulary or literature book (when applicable). / Student has passed no materials check. These include being prepared with all of the following: notebook, folder, pen, planner, vocabulary or literature book (when applicable).

Because we have to assign a letter grade:

5 exceeds=A+ 100%Two exceeds and no DNM= B 85%One DNM=C73%

4exceeds=A 95%One exceeds and no DNM=B 80%two DNM=C 70%

3 exceeds but no DNM=A- 90%All meets=C 78%Three or more DNM=F 50%

*Please not there are no D’s. If three of the five intended learnings can not be evidenced to meet the standard, then it would compromise the integrity of the class to provide a passing grade on this unit.