Introduction to 1 Thessalonians

·  Where it all begins

o  Acts 17.1-10

§  Paul (and Silas) preached to the Jews in Thessalonica

§  Some converted (house church at Jason’s)

§  Some stirred up a riot to attack Paul at Jason’s

§  But the converts hid him, and so the attackers brought Jason before the authorities instead.

§  They took a bond from Jason and let him go... but the converts told Paul and Silas they must flee.

·  Content

o  Encouragement

o  Exhortations

o  Parousia (2nd Coming of X)

·  Author

o  Paul

o  Generally uncontested

·  Provenance

o  Most likely Corinth

§  1 Thess 3.6: “But now that Timothy has come to us from you”

§  Acts 18.1,5: “After this Paul left Athens and went to Corinth... When Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedonia...”

·  Date

o  According to the provenance and Paul’s missionary journey, he would have written these in early 50 AD.

o  That would make these letters some of his earliest (some date Galatians earlier, but none of the others)

o  In some ways some of the teachings may seem elementary to mature Xns today. But, we should take the time to stop and appreciate how revolutionary some of these teachings would have been at the time.

·  Relation Between the Two Letters

o  Why two letters sent to the same church within just a few months of each other?

·  Occasion

o  He spends some time defending himself against slanderous accusations (along the lines of him having no divine authority or just wanting money)

o  He also spends some time correcting some possible misunderstandings about theology... remember they were a very new and young church.

1 Thess 1

·  v1: Address and Greeting

·  v2ff: Thanksgiving

·  v2: “mentioning you in our prayers”... seems more of a corporate thing that Paul, Silas and Timothy did (in addition to individual).

o  This is similar to how Uptown’s elders pray for the flock!

o  How can we follow that example in our own lives? How and who should we be praying for constantly?

·  v3: faith, love and hope (a Pauline theme)... however, the emphasis is more placed on “work and endurance”. We don’t necessarily know what works or endurance. But suffering certainly may have been likely (see v6).

o  If Paul were writing that same commendation to Uptown Church, to what works of faith and hope and steadfastness in love might he be able to refer?

·  v4: Without getting in to Paul’s full doctrine of election, because we cover this well in other teachings at Uptown Church... what aspect of the doctrine of election does Paul uncover here in this short verse? Answer: That it can be known.

·  So, how can it be known with such confidence? Answer is in verses 5-10... but, let’s break it down: HOW CAN YOU HAVE CONFIDENCE???

·  v5: message not just words, but “power of the Holy Spirit”.

o  How can you put “power of the Holy Spirit” into words your non-Xn friends would understand?

·  v5: “with full conviction (i.e. assurance)” - it is good to have our own assurance... but it is often good or even better to remind each other of that confidence and assurance.

·  v5: Paul’s integrity was being impugned... he takes a moment to defend himself (the message came from godly men). How is the integrity of the gospel message (or messengers) being impugned today?

·  v6: “You became imitators”... imitators of who? “us and Christ”...

o  As we go out and spread the gospel can we confidently ask people to imitate us?

o  I have a daily check list and this is one of the things that is on it for me “was I a godly example to others today”

·  v6: “received the Word in much affliction”

o  It becomes cliche to say it in “Christianese”... but it is true... if you are receiving no persecution for sharing the Word, then perhaps you aren’t really sharing it?

o  We aren’t all missionaries whose lives are in danger, but Paul repeatedly makes it clear that suffering for the gospel is an essential element of the Christian life.

o  How have you suffered for the gospel?

·  v6: “with the joy of the Holy Spirit”... can others see the joy of the Holy Spirit in you?

·  v7: the imitators now become examples!

o  At Uptown Church we encourage discipleship... both to be discipled (imitate others) and to disciple (to be an example to others). Do it!

·  v8: They shared the Word of the Lord

·  v8-9: Their faith spoke for itself... to say it differently: “the display of their faith” (turning from idols, etc...).

o  Is it obvious to others that you have turned from your idols? To the degree that the word would spread on its own?

·  v10: you wait for the day of reckoning... you “anticipate” it...

o  How are you anticipating that day?