Introduction of HSK and HSKK Test

1. Level of Test

HSK(6) / HSKK(Basic)
HSK(4) / HSKK(Intermediate)
HSK(2) / HSKK(Advanced)

2.Introduction of the Test

The levels of the new HSK correspond to the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages (CLPS) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) as follows:

HSK / HSKK / Vocabulary / CLPS / CEF
(Advanced) / Over 5,000 / 5 / C2
HSK(5) / 2500 / C1
(intermediate) / 1200 / 4 / B2
HSK(3) / 600 / 3 / B1
(Basic) / 300 / 2 / A2
HSK(1) / 150 / 1 / A1


People passing HSK (Level I) can understand and use some basic Chinese words and phrases for daily communication, and are prepared to further study.

People passing HSK (Level II) attain to the basic level of Chinese language for daily talk and communication.

People passing HSK (Level III) can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in their daily, academicand professional lives. They can handle most occasions in Chinese when traveling in China.

People passing HSK (Level IV) can conversein Chinese on a wide range of topics and are able to communicate fluently with native Chinese speakers.

People passing HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese.

People passing HSK (Level VI) can easilycomprehend written and spoken information in Chinese and caneffectively express themselves in Chinese, in both oraland written forms.

Level / Listening / Reading / Writing / Duration
(Min.) / Total score (point)
HSK 1 / 20 / 20 / 40 / 200
HSK 2 / 35 / 25 / 55 / 200
HSK 3 / 40 / 30 / 10 / 90 / 300
HSK 4 / 45 / 40 / 15 / 105 / 300
HSK 5 / 45 / 45 / 10 / 125 / 300
HSK 6 / 50 / 50 / 1 / 140 / 300


People passingHSKK (Basic Level) can understand and use verbal Chinese words for daily talking, and are able to make basic communication.

People passing HSKK (Intermediate Level) can understand and communicate with native Chinese fluently.

People passing HSKK (Advanced Level) can understand and express their own ideas clearly and fluently.

Level / Listen and Repeat / Listen and Retell / Listen and Answer / Picture Descri-ptions / Read Aloud / Answer the Questions / Durat-ion
(Min.) / Total Score
(Basic) / 15 / 10 / 2 / 20 / 100
(Intermediate) / 10 / 2 / 2 / 23 / 100
(Advanced) / 3 / 1 / 2 / 25 / 100

3. Testing purposes

1) A reference for application of Scholarships.

2)Areference for education institutions’ evaluation of students regarding registration, class division, exemption of some language courses, and credits.

3)A reference for employers’ evaluation of employees regarding recruiting, professional training and promotion.

4)A method for Chinese language learners to assess and improve theirproficiency in Chinese.

5)A method for Chinese language training institutions for courseevaluation. (Detailed information you can get: