La Plata Garden Club

General Meeting

October 27, 2015 at the La Plata Firehouse

Mary Grant called the meeting to order at 7 pm.

Introduction of guests and new members

Tonight, we welcomed four new guests who are friends of Dianne Shisler. They are Joan Smith, Joan Fatulah, Cookie Tanner and Lannie Kalinowski

Hostess Committee- Thank you to October’s Hostess Committee for providing many delicious refreshments on a Halloween theme decorated table for tonight's meeting.Coordinator: Jane Grove along with Linda Abbe, Kathy Hettel, Mary McGary, Merle Mendis-Dennis, Liz Shifflete, Marcia Chewning, Darlene Gardner, and Carol Sprague prepared the goodies.

Speaker Presentation

Mary Beth Chandler introduced Dorrie McDonald, our guest speaker for tonight’s presentation on MUMS the Word. Dorrie is an award winning member of the National Chrysanthemum Society, the Potomac Chrysanthemum Society, and the Chesapeake Garden Club.

Dorrie shared with us the many varieties of Chrysanthemumsthat she grows in her backyard. Some of the mum varieties were Spider, Spray, Spoon, Golden Gate, Quills, and Thistle mums. We learned that Chrysanthemums come in various sizes, forms, and colors.Some were daisy like, decorative, had pompoms, or had giant blooms like the Bola de Oro.Dorrie also discussed how chrysanthemums are classified into 13 categories according to the type and arrangement of disk and ray flowers. It was an informative presentation that was enjoyed by the members of the club.

Business Meeting

Treasurer’s Report – Mary Ann Paesch is now collecting LPGC dues and Design Show ticket money. Please get your dues/ticket money to Mary Ann ASAP. Mary Ann also reported that Jessica Milstead has resigned from the LPGC as she has moved out of the area. As of September 2015, we have a balance of $19,918.77. The club also voted on keeping the dues at $30 for the next two years. (Motion was made byPolly Zimmerman, seconded by Gloria Groeger, with all in favor to approve.)

Parliamentarian Report -Polly Zimmerman gave the club an update on the revision of the By-Laws for the LPGCthat she and her committee (Carol Raucheisen and Kathy Hettel) have been working on for the past few months. Updated by-law additions address discrimination, insurance coverage-especiallyfor meeting locations on/off site, 501C3 regulations, and a proposal regarding membership status. Members will receive the draft online to read/review. As this meeting was the last formal meeting of the year, the LPGC will have discussions on the by-law changes next year.

The La Plata Beautification Committee sent a note to the LPGC to let us know how much they appreciated all of our work in maintaining the Star Garden. See a full report on this in the recent LPGC newsletter.

Design Show– Dianne Shissler still needs volunteers to set up and clean up for the Design Show. Volunteers are needed to retrieve some things in the storage unit that are needed for the show. Cheri Brady volunteered to sell raffle tickets at the show. On November 10th volunteers are needed to collect greens at Carol Sprague’s home (Time TBD).

Also on November 10th, Marge La Mar is having a group at her home for Shabby Chic donations beginning at 10 am. Marge is still collecting Shabby Chic donations for the show. Wreath making will be at Wills Park on November 12th at 9:30 to noonish. Polly Zimmerman also reported that the Silent Auction Committee has secured $1000 in donations and gift certificates for the show.

New Business

The National Garden Club, Inc. has awarded the LPGC a Runner-Up Award in the area of Outdoor Classrooms, Nature Trails. This award also comes with a $300 check for the LPGC. Marge LaMar headed up the project which created interpretative signage on ferns along the Rail Trail.

District 2 Project - Christmas Tree at the State House – Millie Havrilla,Judy Thomason, and Janice Lakey will be decorating the LPGC Christmas Tree to be displayed at the State House in Annapolis. Mary Beth Chandler received a donation of ten Christmas ornaments from Judy Gorney, a member of the La Plata Kiwanis, which can be used to decorate the tree.Judy Gorney will be checking the Waldorf Kiwanis and the Charles County Kiwanis to see if they have additional ornaments they would be willing to donate.


The LPGC voted to give the Southern Maryland Community Foundation a $100 donation. This money will go into the General Scholarship Fund. (Motion was made by Mary Beth Chandler, seconded by Polly Zimmerman, with all in favor to approve.)

The LPGC decided to table a donation to the Hammond-Harwood House at this time.


Marge LaMar will be needing a camera person in the spring when the LPGC awards the two scholarships of $1000 to county high school seniors. Please contact Marge if you are available to assist her and the scholarship committee.

Meeting was adjourned by Mary Grant.

Submitted by:

Kathy Hettel

Recording Secretary