Introduction : CS-1121 Introduction to Programming in Visual Basic.NET
Introduction to programming in Visual Basic.NET, including event-driven Windows programming, data types, operators, objects and properties, menus, procedures, control structures, and database file processing. For students with no prior programming experience.
Course Prerequisites
1 yr high school algebra or instructor approval
Requirements : You are responsible for reading the assigned textbook material and for the material covered in class, including lectures, discussion exercises, homework, quizzes, and programming assignments.
Basic Information
Class Meeting Dates :
Lecture: T,Th 8:00-8:50 in LSci-175
Laboratory: W at assigned times, in MWAH-177
Faculty :
· Dr. James Allert , Assistant Professor, UMD Department of Computer Science
web page:
Office: 324A Heller Hall,
Office Hours: MWF 12:00-1:00pm; T,Th 9:00-11:00am; and arranged
Office phone: (218) 726-7194
Teaching Assistants :
· Sri Uppala
Office Hours: M 3-4pm and Th 2-3pm in MWAH-177, Th 4-5pm in HH-314
Section 2 (9:00)
Section 3 (10:00)
· Mugdha Choudhari
Office Hours: M 11-12 and 2-3pm in MWAH-187 and 5-6pm in HH-314
Section 4 (11:00)
· Sathu Bhogapathi
Office Hours: T 6-8pm in HH-314, W 3-4pm in MWAH-177
Section 5 (12:00)
· Bhagyasri Mahule
Office Hours: W 4-5pm in MWAH-177, W 5-6 in HH-314
Section 6 (1:00)
Note: If you contact your instructor or TA by email please include the class (CS-1121) in the Subject line. Do not expect replies to be immediate (especially on weekends or in the evening). Do not attach program files to be graded or debugged. Programs are only graded in lab.
Text :
Hoisington, Shelly. 2009. Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 for Windows, Mobile, Web, Office and Database Applications: Comprehensive, Course Technology, Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 978-1-4239-2716-7, ISBN-10: 1-4239-2716-8.
Textbook materials (files, pictures, etc.) can be found here (on WebVista) in the Student Files folder and on the author's website at:
WebVista (Course Management System) :
This course is maintained on the WebVista course management system. All course documents (syllabus, calendar, powerpoint slides, etc.) are available to students through WebVista. To access course materials, you can go directly through the instructor's web page , or through the MyU Portal ( .
Visual Basic Software : Programming assignments in this course are done using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. You are not required to purchase this software for this course. All projects can be completed using the Windows computers in the UMD full-access computer labs .
Optional: If you have a Windows XP or Vista computer, you can download the required software from several sources for free:
· Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition ( The Express Edition of Visual Basic downloads and installs without special software. It is a trial version, but you can make it permanent by clicking the button that provides a free registration key.
· Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition ( The Professional Edition downloads as a .iso file that must be burnt to a DVD and installed from there. Mac users may need to create a Windows partition (using Bootcamp, or similar software) and install it there.
Syllabus or Calendar Revision :
The instructor reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus or the course calendar at any time, and without prior notice.
Course Policies
Absence from class :
Failure to attend class is the quickest way to a poor grade. If you are unable to attend a class meeting, it is your responsibility to obtain class notes, assignments, and extra copies of handouts. See the Exams and Grading section for details pertaining to missing lab or discussion class meetings or exams. There are no makeups for these activities unless you have an excused absence that qualifies under the UMD Excused Absence Policy . It is especially important to not miss an exam. In general, you should be in class each day unless unforeseen circumstances prevent it.
Student Conduct :
The instructor will enforce and students are expected to follow the University's Student Conduct Code . Appropriate classroom conduct promotes an environment of academic achievement and integrity. Disruptive classroom behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach, or student learning, is prohibited. Disruptive behavior includes inappropriate use of technology in the classroom. Examples include ringing cell phones, text-messaging, watching videos, playing computer games, doing email, or surfing the Internet on your computer instead of note-taking or other instructor-sanctioned activities.
Lecture Hall Etiquette :
Large lecture halls are sometimes difficult places in which to learn. You can enhance your chances by sitting up front or in the middle. Here are other guidelines that apply to this course:
· If you come in late sit toward the back (last 5 rows).
· If you must leave during lecture sit toward the back (last 5 rows).
· All cell phones, pagers and electronic devices that may cause noise must be turned off during lecture.
· If you use a handheld computer or laptop to take notes turn the speaker volume down to its silent setting (mute).
· Please do not distract others by whispering or trying to have a conversation during lecture. Everything you say can usually be heard by those around and in front of you in this lecture hall.
· No food or drink in the lecture halls.
Late Assignments :
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date listed in the course calendar. Late assignments are not accepted.
Extra Credit :
There is no extra credit work available beyond that listed in the syllabus and course calendar.
Withdrawal Policy :
In accordance with UMD policy, cancellation of courses after the end of the eighth week will not be permitted.
Academic Integrity (plagiarism, cheating and facilitating dishonesty) :
Academic dishonesty tarnishes UMD's reputation and discredits the accomplishments of students. UMD is committed to providing students every possible opportunity to grow in mind and spirit. This pledge can only be redeemed in an environment of trust, honesty, and fairness. As a result, academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense by all members of the academic community. In keeping with this ideal, this course will adhere to UMD's Student Academic Integrity Policy . This policy sanctions students engaging in academic dishonesty with penalties up to and including expulsion from the university for repeat offenders.
ACM Standards :
Most professional computer scientists belong to the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) which has its own code of ethics. These will be the guidelines for your programming in this course and include such concerns as respecting the privacy and property of others, giving proper credit for intellectual property and being honest and trustworthy.
Standards for this Class :
From the standpoint of CS-1121, scholastic dishonesty includes the following:
· You may not take credit for work you did not do.
· You may not use any form of outside help on exams (books, notes, computing devices, conversations, etc.)
· You may not assist another in an act of scholastic dishonesty (letting someone else use code you possess or devise is prohibited).
Penalties for violations of ethical standards are at the instructor's discretion and may be severe. In the past they have ranged from a 0 on and exam or assignment to no credit granted for the entire course.
To develop a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts of computer science (Fundamental concepts)
Basic familiarity with computer hardware and software
To understand issues related to software development with Visual Basic.NET (Software development)
Develop familiarity with the software development using the Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
To understand basic data structure and file concepts (Data structures and files)
Learn how to use one and two-dimensional arrays and how to access database files.
To understand key Visual Basic.NET programming constructs (Basic Programming Constructs)
1) Master the essential programming constructs including program structure, variable declaration and scope, data types, operator precedence, input and output, assignment 2) Become familiar with complex program flow control including the implementation of a variety of selection and repetition structures as well as nesting understand value and reference parameters 3) understand value and reference parameters
Equal Opportunity :
As instructor, I shall make every attempt to treat all students equally, without regard to race, religion, color, sex, handicap, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation. I encourage you to talk to me about your concerns of equal opportunity in the classroom. To inquire further about the University's policy on equal opportunity, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, 269-273 DAdB, phone 726-6827 or log on to their website at
Students with Disabilities :
If you have any disability (either permanent or temporary) that might affect your ability to perform in this class, please inform the instructor at the start of the semester. S/he may adapt methods, materials, or testing so that you can participate equitably. To learn about the services that UMD provides to students with disabilities, contact Disability Services and Resources , 256 Kirby Student Center, phone 726-8217 or log onto their website at
Tutoring Center :
The UMD Tutoring Center (located in Campus Center) maintains regular office hours for computer science students with their tutors. This service is free. A representative from the Tutoring Center may visit class during the second or third week to explain the service and distribute office hours. You can log onto the UMD tutoring center website at:
Help with Projects :
Your instructor and your Graduate Teaching Assistants are available during their office hours to answer questions and help you with your programs, although they will not write code for you or tell you any part of the solution. Check with your TA for office hours and locations.
UMD Library :
The UMD Library maintains an extensive collection of materials through their online collection. This includes many electronic works related to topics covered in this class. Entire electronic versions of many books (although not your course textbook) are accessible through the UMD link to Safari Books Online. These, and other materials, can be accessed on the UMD Library website .
General Information
The Department of Computer Science :
The Department of Computer Science is part of the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota Duluth, a campus of the University of Minnesota system. The Department was established in 1986. It offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Computer Science and the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems.
The mission of the Department of Computer Science is four-fold:
· To conduct scholarly research.
· To provide an instructional environment that leads to careers and research in computer science and information systems.
· To contribute to the liberal education mission of the University.
· To serve the community, state, region, and the profession.
Accreditation :
The Bachelor of Science program with a major in Computer Science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology , a specialized accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. During this semester, in compliance with the requirements for the department's upcoming accreditation, a small number of anonymous samples of student work will be collected (student names will be omitted). If you would prefer that your work be excluded from this process please let your instructor know.
Liberal Education Fulfillment :
This course satisfies a Liberal Education requirement under Category 3 - Communication, Computer Science, and Foreign Languages. Courses in this category should develop the ability to use and analyze human and computer languages. Emphasis should be on the theory and/or development of skills in the methods of human and computer languages, and rhetoric. Specifically, the goals and objectives of this course that contribute to this liberal education requirement are as follows:
· to understand the basic concepts in the field of Computer Science,
· to develop competency in computer-related skills, and
· to provide students with the skills necessary to use computer systems as an effective tool for electronic communication, knowledge acquisition, and personal productivity.
Assessment and Grading
Outcomes :
Graded assignments and examinations will assess the following learning outcomes.
· Students can design, develop, and analyze significant software systems.
· Students understand data structures and related algorithms, programming languages, and the fundamentals of computer organization and architecture.
· Students can apply computer science principles and practices to a variety of problems.
Assessment :
There are four categories of graded assignments:
· 11 Programming Projects (155 points)
o Projects 1 and 2 are worth 10 points, all others 15
o Projects are due at the start of your lab session and are not accepted late
o You must demonstrate your project to the TA in person (emailing a project is not acceptable)
o Your project must be your own work to receive credit
· Exercises (70 points)
o Exercises are conducted in class
o There will be 16 exercises worth 5 points each. (16 x 5 points each = 80 pts.)
o You can miss up to 2 without penalty. Points above 70 count as extra credit.
· Chapter Quizzes (120 points)
o Chapter quizzes are done online from the WebVista course web site.
o There are 12 quizzes, worth 10 points each
o Quizzes are only available on your lab day
o A quiz can only be submitted once
o You may use your text (but may not consult with friends)
· Exams (500 points)
o Exam I (100 pts) Covers Chapters 1-3.
o Exam II (100 pts) Covers Chapters 4,5
o Exam III (100 pts) Covers Chapters 6,8
o Final Examination (200 pts) Half of the exam covers Chapters 9,10. The rest of the exam covers key concepts from earlier in the course.
Grades :
Your current and final grades are based on your total points. Total points are posted to the WebVista gradebook. Keep all old assignments in case you need to verify a score with your TA. Points will be posted regularly by your TA. If scores are missing please be sure to contact your TA right away. The key percentage cutoffs for minus grades are: A- = 90%, B- = 80%, C- = 70%, D = 60%. These cutoff percentages may be lowered but will not be raised.