
Introduction & Act/Regulations

  1. Preventing another incident is a key reason for investigations
  1. Finding root causes of an event means being able to control the hazards in those root causes
  1. Effective incident and injury investigation means fact-finding not fault-finding. Fix the problem not the blame!
  1. Importance of ‘near miss’ investigation
  1. Investigating incident and injury should:
  • Be time sensitive
  • Be Objective and clear
  • Analyzes potential for harm, even where actual harm was less
  • Investigate near-misses, asks “What if?”
  • Be fact-finding, not fault-finding
  • Makes recommendations and plans for change
  • Implement and Evaluate
  • Use Communication

Introduction & Act/Regulations

  1. Nova Scotia Labour and Advanced Education 24 hour notice:
  2. Workplace incident resulting in death
  3. Explosion involving injuries or not.
  1. 7 days written notice:
  2. a fire resulting in injury
  3. an incident resulting in serious injury
  1. S. 28 Program Requirements
  1. S. 63 ‘Notice of Accidents at the Workplace’
  • Serious bodily injury
  • Accidental explosion
  • Fatality
  1. S. 64 ‘Disturbance of Accident Scene’
  1. S. 65 ‘Duty to Disclose Accident Information’
  1. No person shall disturb the scene of an incident that results in serious injury or death except to:
  • Attend to persons injured or killed;
  • Prevent further injuries; or
  • Protect property that is endangered as a result of the incident.

Module 1 Pre-Assessment Quiz

  1. What is the key reason for investigations?
  2. Preventing another incident
  3. Ensuring another incident occurs
  4. To create new hazards
  1. The Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act requires that all incidents involving death or injury be reported:
  2. True
  3. False
  1. Should “near-misses” be investigated?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  1. After an incident has occurred which resulted in serious injury or death, workers must disturb the scene before an investigation is conducted:
  2. True
  3. False
  4. Investigations are intended to:
  5. Fault-find
  6. Fact-find
  7. Both
  8. neither

Module 1 Post-Assessment Quiz

  1. Investigating incidents should be:
  2. Time Sensitive
  3. Objective and clear
  4. Fact-finding not fault-finding
  5. All of the above
  1. After a workplace incident involving death has occurred, it shall be reported within ______to Nova Scotia Labour and Advanced education?
  2. 24 hours
  3. 48 hours
  4. 7 days
  5. 14 days
  1. After a workplace injury has occurred as a result of fire, it shall be reported within ______to Nova Scotia Labour and Advanced education?
  2. 24 hours
  3. 48 hours
  4. 7 days
  5. 14 days
  1. Program requirements can be found in section ______of the Nova Scotia Occupational Health and Safety Act?
  2. 28
  3. 63
  4. 64
  5. 65
  1. No person shall disturb the scene of an incident that results in injury or death, except to:
  2. Attend to persons injured or killed
  3. Prevent further injuries
  4. Protect property that is endangered as a result of the incident
  5. All the above