17th Legislative 7th Regular
S.R. 1370
March 28, 2016
Introduced by Mr. Bhatia Gautier and the PDP Delegation
To express the sincerest congratulations of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to Jeffrey Lewis, Senior Vice President of Direct Services of PathStone Corporation for his outstanding effort and commitment to PathStone and his service to people in need, and for bringing training and employment services to farmworkers, youth, unemployed, and low income individuals in Puerto Rico.
PathStone Corporation is a private, nonprofit organization, founded forty six (46) year. PathStone is based in Puerto Rico and in seven different States in the United States of America,and their aim as a company is to provide assistance and support through programs and advocacy in rural and urban communities that foster agriculture and self-sustaining development.
Founded in Rochester, New York in 1969, PathStone has championed the cause of the People of Puerto Rico in employment, education, health, housing and economic development through educational programs that provide job training, wellness, housing, community revitalization, and small business growth.
PathStone has adopted and advocated policies that promote humanitarian relief of citizens and immigrants, increased opportunities for youth, improved quality of life, and equal treatment for all in the United States and Puerto Rico.
Jeffrey Lewis served in the United States Armed Forces, in the Submarine Service of the United States Navy for four (4) years. After graduating from Public Policy at New York State University in Brockport, New York, Mr. Lewis started his career at PathStone as Client Advocate and Staff Trainer in Nutrition and Alternative Meal programs. He later went to administer all New York Community Service Programs. Mr. Lewis developed and implemented multi-state programs for children, youth, adults, and seniors in Vermont and Puerto Rico.
Mr. Lewis has led many development efforts generating millions of dollars to fund PathStone’s services to individuals and families in need. He has served as Director for PathStone New Jersey and Virginia Operations. He has also led PathStone’s Adult Training and Employment Program under CETA, JTPA, WIA, and WIOA; and Youth programs under Learn and Earn, CETA, JTPA, and WIA. Today, after leading so many efforts in favor of PathStone, he is currently serving as Senior Vice President for Direct Services in New York, Ohio, Puerto Rico, and Vermont.
The Senate of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico expresses its sincerest congratulations of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to Jeffrey Lewis, Senior Vice President of Direct Services of PathStone Corporation for his outstanding effort and commitment to PathStone and his service to people in need, and for bringing training and employment services to farmworkers, youth, unemployed, and low income individuals in Puerto Rico.
Section 1. - To express the sincerest congratulations of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to Jeffrey Lewis, Senior Vice President of Direct Services of PathStone Corporation for his outstanding effort and commitment to PathStone and his service to people in need, and for bringing training and employment services to farmworkers, youth, unemployed, and low income individuals in Puerto Rico.
Section 2.- A copy of this Resolution, on a parchment scroll shall be delivered to Jeffrey Lewis, Senior Vice President of PathStone Corporation.
Section 3.- This Resolution shall take effect immediately after its approval.