Section A - Interview Questionnaire with applicant

1.Confirm accuracy of household information that is on file at present.

No. in Household: ______Adults ______Dependents

List the name, date of birth & PPS Number, of all household members normally resident with and their relationship to the principal applicant & their weekly income.



Date of Birth




Relation to Applicant


Income per week €

Any Special Needs?

I.e. household members - with disabilities etc.


Does applicant need adaptations i.e. ground floor/level deck ______

2.Confirm accuracy of income details and obtain evidence of same.

What is an applicant’s source of income?______

Details of any other household income

(I.e. other members of household)______

Has evidence been produced to support same?______

Has applicant any savings (if so, how much)?______

Is applicant in receipt of maintenance / paying maintenance (if applicable)? ______

Have you a current partner______

Child/Children’s father/mother ______

  1. Confirm applicants preferred areas for re-housing.

1. / 2. / 3.

Enquire generally of reasons for these particular preferences.


4.Establish links with / interest in Preferred Area

Whereis client originally from:______

What links do you have with Preferred Area?

Family \ Indigenous \ Friends / Work etc. ______

Are any other family members on HWL / Tenant in Council property?


5.Establish type of current accommodation.

Landlords Name / Address: ______


Landlords Contact Number: ______

House Type: Detached/Semi-Detached/Terrace/Bungalow: ______

Apartment Bed-sit

If an apartment/bed-sit, is this in an apartment block: Yes/No: ______

If yes, approx. how many other apts. in this block: ______

Who is responsible for common areas/stairways: ______

Are they maintained in clean condition/good repair: Yes/No

If no, please give further details: ______

If house, specify tenure e.g. living with parents, shared dwelling, local authority house etc. ______

Other e.g. hostel, night shelter, institution etc. ______

Facilities available in the dwelling: Tick as appropriate.

Kitchen Living Room Bathroom Toilet Bedroom (No._____)

Central Heating Water Supply - Cold Water Supply – Hot

If no central heating, type of heating: ______

Number of working smoke alarms:

Does accommodation have a fire blanket and fire extinguisher: ______

/ Size / Occupants / Age / Relationship
to app.

How long have you lived in this accommodation?______

Is it in a good state of repair: Yes/No

If no, please give further details: ______
Do you consider that it meets your needs: Yes/No
If no, give details: ______
What efforts have you made to secure better accommodation: ______


What do you see as a solution to your accommodation needs: ______


If renting accommodation:

Weekly rent: ______

Amount of Rent Supplement:______

Tenants Contribution:______

Are you making any additional payments to the Landlord: ______If Yes, give details: ______

Are there any other household costs included in the rental charge i.e. refuse, cable etc. If Yes, give details: ______

Length of time in receipt of rent supplement: ______

How is rent paid to Landlord:______

Is Client currently in arrears of rent:______If Yes, Why: ______


Do you have Tenancy Agreement/Rent Book? Yes/No: ______

Is your Tenancy registered with the PRTB? Yes/No: ______

Did you pay a deposit: ______if so, how much: ______

Where did deposit come from:______

Whose name are the utility bills in:______

Is Landlord related to Tenant:______

Would you be happy to reside in your current accommodation if the Housing Authority secured a RAS lease on the property with your Landlord: ______If no, give details: ______

Do you know if this property was rented as Private Rented Accommodation prior to 1st February 2009? ______

If transferred to RAS preferred payment option:

Bank ____ Swipe Card ____ HHB ____ Office _____

6.Establish accommodation history in previous 5 years (i.e addresses, duration of tenancy, reason for leaving):




7.Details of any assets or previous property ownership:

Has applicant (or partner) ever owned, have / had any interest in or have ever sold property / land? ______


Has the applicant (or partner) every applied for planning permission to build a house? ______

8.Have you every been convicted of an offence or charges pending: If Yes, details: ______

Please read this declaration carefully and sign and date it when you are satisfied that you understand it. Please note that an application will only be accepted when this declaration has been signed.
Collection and Use of Data
The housing authoritywillusethedatawhichyouhavesuppliedtoassessandadministeryourhousingapplication.Datamaybeshared with other public bodies for the purpose of the prevention or detection of fraud.The housing authority may, in conjunction with the Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government, process this data for research purposes including forward planning in relation to the assessment of housing needs.
The housingauthoritymay,forthepurposeofitsfunctionsundertheHousingActsof1966- 2009,requestandobtaininformationfrom another housing authority, the CriminalAssets Bureau,An Garda Síochána,The Department for Social Protection, the Health Service Executive [HSE] or an approved housing body, in relation to occupants or prospective occupants of, or applicants for, local authority housing, and any other person the authority considers may be engaged in anti-social behaviour.
I/We declare that the information and particulars given by me/us on this application are true and correct.
I/we undertake to notify theHousingAuthorityofanychangeinmy/our householdcircumstances(e.g.address, household composition,employment,medicalconditionsetc.)
I/We also authorise the housing authority to make whatever enquiries it considers necessary to verify details of my/our application.
I/We am/are aware thatthefurnishingoffalseormisleadinginformationisanoffenceliabletoprosecution.
Signed: [Applicant] / Date: [dd/mm/yy]
Signed: [Applicant 2: / Date: [dd/mm/yy]
Potential RAS Clients,
The following will be discussed and explained to you at your assessment.
  • Security of tenure

  • Differential Rent Scheme

  • Taking up employment

  • Standard of the property

  • Unable to purchase property

  • Issues relating to condition / repair of property remains landlord responsibility

  • Closure of housing application when transferred to the scheme

  • Rights/responsibilities under the RTA 2004/access to PRTB regarding issues or disputes with landlord

  • Council pays full rent to Landlord / Tenant makes contribution to Council

  • Tenant does not make any rent contribution to Landlord


Rental Accommodation Scheme
Tenant Information
Frequently asked questions

How will RAS work?
Under RAS Offaly County Council will find you suitable accommodation and will pay rent to the landlord directly. You will still contribute to the rent but you will pay it to the Council, not your landlord. Your contribution will be based on the differential rent scheme.

How will the RAS benefit me?

RAS will give you long-term housing security. It will also give you access to a range of housing supports. RAS will also lead to improvements in the quality and standards of private rented accommodation. Finally, if you get a job you can stay in the scheme but you will have to contribute more towards the rent.

Who will qualify for the RAS scheme?
You will qualify for the scheme if you receive a rent supplement under the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme and you are on any of the Housing Lists in the county. People with short term needs will continue to receive rent supplement.

RAS does not apply to:

Asylum seekers,

Foreign-nationals who do not have leave to remain in the state permanently

Will I have to move to new accommodation?
Offaly County Council will make agreements with private landlords to provide accommodation on a medium to long-term basis. You may transfer to the RAS in your current accommodation if:

the quality of your current accommodation meets Offaly County Council's standards,

your landlord is registered with the Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB),

your landlord agrees to move to the RAS scheme,

your landlord is tax compliant,

your current accommodation does not exceed your needs.

Otherwise you local authority will offer you new accommodation.

What happens first?
Offaly County Council will discuss your housing needs with you. If you are transferring to RAS in your current accommodation, the Council will inspect it and make arrangements with your landlord.

When will I get accommodation under RAS?
As soon as possible. In some cases, where the local authority has suitable accommodation available, this will happen quite quickly. If suitable accommodation is not available, your local authority will make every effort to house you as soon as possible. In the meantime, as long as you still qualify, you may stay in your current accommodation and continue to receive rent supplement.

Can I refuse an offer of accommodation?

If you are offered accommodation under RAS, you can refuse it. However, if you refuse two offers of housing within a set period, you will not be entitled to rent supplement for a period of twelve months.

Can I still apply for Local Authority Housing?
No. The Rental Accommodation Scheme is deemed by the Department of Environment Community & Local Government to be of equal status to Social Housing; therefore your current housing application will be closed. However in very exceptional circumstances you may apply for a transfer.

What happens if I am housed through RAS and my landlord decides to withdraw from the Scheme?

If the landlord withdraws your RAS house, you will be accommodated in another RAS house or considered for housing.
Offaly County Council will make sure that any accommodation offered to you will suit your needs and meet our housing standards.

Does RAS affect my rights under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2004?
The Residential Tenancies Act, 2004 protects the rights of private rented sector tenants after a period of six months. The RAS scheme will not affect your rights under this law.

What should I do now?
You don't have to do anything at this stage. Offaly County Council and/or Community Welfare Officer will contact you.

For information about the Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme please contact:
The Community Welfare Officer at your local Health Board / Health Service Executive. See the green pages of your phone book for contact details or contact:
Supplementary Welfare Allowance Section,
Department of Social and Family Affairs,
Áras Mhic Dhiarmada,
Store Street, Dublin 1.
Telephone: (01) 704 3117 or (01) 704 3865 or (01) 704 3951