Intervention Planning/Implementation Checklist

Grade Level Planning
___ 1. Collect/Analyze student data across grade level

+Graph Progress Monitoring data from most current supplemental/intensive instruction.Add the class average (or grade level average, if intervention is across grade level) to the graph for before/after intervention.
+Examine most current Formative/Summative/Screening data on students who were not included in supplemental/intensive instruction.
___ 2. Determine which grade level students will be offered available supplemental/intensive instruction slots.

+Look on graphs for greatest gaps between performance/expectation and/or slowest rate of growth

+Available slots should go to lowest performing students across grade level.
+Complete student/reg class teacher name sections of Interventionist Log
+Make edits, add names to Intervention Roster List (even if permission hasn’t been granted yet). Hand Roster List into principal.
___ 3. Determine the basic skill content, etc of intervention
+Complete Interventionist/dates/basic skill content/strategies/materials sections of Interventionist Log
___ 4. GL Contact Teacher talks with Interventionist
+Gives Interventionist Log
+Explains instructional strategy, materials, progress monitoring tool
+Gives materials needed for intervention
+Keeps Interventionist apprised of which students have parental permission

+Determines how students will get to intervention (Interventionist calls? Teacher sends? Where?)

+Communicates with grade level team any info from above items.
___ 5. Individual teachers communicate intervention information to parents.

+Send home Introduction to RtI Permission Letter (include appropriate √’s next to interventions

for which student is recommended) Phone call to parent is encouraged.
+Send home copy of Parent’s Guide to RtI
+Collect permission letters; give to principal
+Make phone calls to parents not heard from within a couple of days. Document permission by phone on permission letter and give to principal
___ 1. Interventionist begins intervention
+Begins on expected date; holds intervention unless school is canceled or mutually agreed
upon with GL Contact Teacher.
+Uses instructional strategy, materials, as specified unless mutually agreed upon with GL
Contact Teacher.
+Provides participating classroom teachers a copy of Interventionist Log (and Intervention
Progress Monitoring sheet in the case of T1/RR only) at end of each two week period.

___ 2. Participating Classroom Teacher
+Collects weekly progress monitoring data on participating students (unless principal indicates interventionist will do)
+Completes Intervention Progress Monitoring sheet (except for T1/RR intervention)
+Provides Interventionist a copy of Intervention Progress Monitoring sheet (except for T1/RR
intervention) at end of each two week period.
After Implementation
___ 1. GL Contact Teacher brings copy of all Intervention Progress Monitoring and
Intervention Logs to Principal.
___ 2. Classroom Teacher contacts parent by phone/note about Intervention Progress
Monitoring results on individual student and next steps.