Updated 8/23/16

Intervention English-Language Arts Syllabus

Year 2016-17

Ms. Rudeen Room 208

Course Description

This English-Language Arts course is designed to support students with content in general education English courses. The lessons are designed to strengthen the foundational skills required in English curriculum and enhance understanding of the content. Students are expected to read, annotate, take notes, discuss, and write about grade level texts with the support of the instructor and designated supports. Students will study informative writing, argumentative writing, and narrative writing at different points throughout the school year. The course is designed to improve the knowledge and skills that students need for future grades.

Materials for Class

  • Writing utensil (pencil, eraser, sharpener)
  • 3-ring binder
  • Fully charged Chromebook
  • Ready minds

Free After School Tutoring 3:30-4:00 Tuesday-Friday

Tutoring is available for all students who need extra support in any subject. If students are struggling in English, it is highly recommended they attend tutoring. The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday: Mrs. Deal Room 109

Wednesday: Mr. Kuecken Room 309

Thursday: Ms. Rudeen Room 208

Friday: Mr. Robinson Room 406

Writing Prompts in Class

During class, students will respond to writing prompts in Google Classroom. On certain days, we will revisit prompts to revise and edit them. Students will be evaluated on their effort and participation in writing.

Grade Breakdown

Classwork Writing Activities / Weighted 50%
Polished Writing Tasks/Presentations/Projects / Weighted 50%

The Effort grade is based on class participation and any extra effort the students put into their grade (keeping track of assignments, quality of work, etc.).

The Citizenship Grade is based on how well students behave and show the Cougar Way in class according to our behavior system. Students are given class dollars based on the average number ofreminders they receive weekly if they are not following rules or procedures in class. The levels are: 0-1 reminders/day = $15, 1-2 reminders/day = $10, 3 or more reminders/day = $0. If students earn too many reminders in a day, they earn a strike. The consequences are as follows:

Strike 1: Phone Call Home/After School Detention

Strike 2: Parent/Teacher Conference

Strike 3: Referral

We giveafter school detentions if necessary. There is always a teacher available to supervise detentions from 3:30-4:15pm:

Tuesday: Ms. Rudeen Room 208

Wednesday: Mr. Robinson Room 406

Thursday: Mr. Kuecken Room 309

Friday: Mrs. Deal Room 109

Class Work Policy/Missed Assignments

Students are required to complete all class work and homework assigned each

day/week. If students are absent, they will need to follow up with the teacher about their missed work. Students will have 1 week to complete their missed work.

Contact Information

Katelin Rudeen

English-Language Arts Education Specialist

(619) 588-3092


English-Language Arts Syllabus