Internet Use Expectations

1.When blogging or using the wikis, be sure to be RESPECTFUL of others. Putting others down, telling someone their comment was stupid, etc. will NOT be tolerated.
2.Comments, sound, pictures, etc. that are posted on the blog/wiki should all be APPROPRIATE. When deciding if something is appropriate or not, think of a rated R movie. Inappropriate comments or pictures would be something that would cause a movie to be rated R, which includes language, nudity, sexual themes, violence or graphic scenes. If you are not sure if something is appropriate, ask Mr. Kostial or Mr. Testerman before you post.
3.DO NOT post any information that would be personally revealing that you would not want the rest of the world to know. This would include telephone numbers, addresses, deep dark secrets, etc. An appropriate personal photo next to your user name is optional, but those that have opted out from the Directory Release of Information cannot post any personal photos. It will be indicated next to your user name and password sheet if you cannot use a personal photo.
4.When searching the internet for information, use only appropriate sites. If the site is not allowed by the school's filter, then it is inappropriate to access that site. Using programs to get around school filters will be considered to be the same as visiting inappropriate sites.


1.You will be using the site Use your username and password, and do not share it with anyone. You will be held responsible for any inappropriate or disrespectful postings under your username.
2.Please go to your appropriate period folder to blog. Blogging in the wrong period folder will not give you participation points.
3.You will be expected to blog a minimum of two times a week on a given subject. This can be in the form of creating a new tag or comment, or responding to someone else's comments. A participation grade of five points a week will be given for blogging. In order to get the full participation grade, the comments need to be insightful and consist of several sentences. If one or two of your blogs are very short, then you should blog more than the minimum two times in order to receive the maximum points.
4.Once a day, a student will be chosen to create a "summary blog" about what was done in class that day. Each student will have a chance to do one summary blog. To find out when you are going to be doing the blog, you will need to check the summary blog folder to see if you will be doing a summary blog that week. Summary blogs are expected to be done by the end of the following day. Summary blogs are worth five points, with maximum points given for a complete summary.
5.You are not being graded on grammar for these blogs. Feel free to use your own form of language, and except for some common abbreviations (BTW, LOL, JK, etc.) please try to keep the abbreviations to a minimum.
6.You are allowed to go "off subject" with the blogs. If you want to blog about anything outside of science, you can, whether it is about politics, sports, other going ons, etc. This does not include gossip about other people in school, and you are still expected to be respectful and appropriate. Blogging off subject does not count towards maximizing your participation score, but it can help if your subject blogs are a little weak.


1.Wikis will be used in class for projects and other collaborative work. When using wikis with an assigned group, make sure to only use your group page for posting work or information.
2.Teachers will be able to track on the wikis who is and who is not collaborating.

Consequences for Disrespectful or Inappropriate Internet Behavior

Consequences will vary depending on the severity. Consequences can be loss of participation points, lunch detention, revoking of user account for the lapinescience pbwiki page, or suspension.
I have read the expectations and consequences for the use of internet, blogging and wikis in this class, and I agree to follow respectful and appropriate internet use policies:
Print name:______
Sign name:______Date______