Internet survey on key types of measures and related indicators

Altogether 36 answers from 15 Member States.

10 answers – Romania

7 – Germany

3 – Ireland

2 – Finland, Slovakia, United Kingdom

1 – Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants beyond the requirements of the Directive on Urban Waste Water Treatment (more advanced treatment than required in the UWWT Directive or constructions below the size threshold given in the UWWT Directive; please consider only WFD measures) / ...... / 23
INDICATOR 1: Number of plants / projects where the construction or upgrade of wastewater treatment plants beyond the requirements of the Directive on Urban Waste Water Treatment has started in comparison to number of plants / projects planned / ……………... / 17
INDICATOR 2: Permits issued / updated for the construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants beyond the requirements of the Directive on Urban Waste Water Treatment / .... / 4
INDICATOR 3: Population equivalent affected until 2012 by the construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants beyond the requirements of the Directive on Urban Waste Water Treatment / …….. / 9
INDICATOR 4: Estimated total cost of the construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants beyond the requirements of the Directive on Waste Water Treatment until 2012 / … / 4

Other indicators proposedand comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 1:

1) Number of plants/projects in agglomerations < 2000 p.e. where the construction or upgrade of wastewater treatment/collection systems has started in comparison to number of plants/projects planned;

2) Number of plants/projects in agglomerations > 2000 p.e. where the construction or upgrade of wastewater treatment/collection systems has started in comparison to number of plants/projects planned;

3) Number of people affected until 2012 by the construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants/projects in agglomerations < 2000 p.e.

4) Number of people affected until 2012 by the construction or upgrades of wastewater treatment plants/projects in agglomerations > 2000 p.e.

5) Percentage of measures being "not started", "on-going" or "completed"

6) % of wastewater treatment plants that have been assessed to see if there is a need for upgrade beyond UWWT Directive

7) Water companies are commercial companies in England and Wales. Cost information may well be considered commercially confidential and so could be difficult to obtain


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Upgrades or improvements of industrial wastewater treatment plants (including farms) beyond the requirements of the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive (please consider only WFD measures) / ………… / 14
INDICATOR 1: Number of plants / projects where the upgrades or improvements of industrial wastewater treatment plants (including farms) has started in comparison to number of plants / projects planned / ……... / 10
INDICATOR 2: Permits issued / updated for the upgrades or improvements of industrial wastewater treatment plants (including farms) / ….. / 6
INDICATOR 3: Estimated total cost of the upgrades or improvements of industrial wastewater treatment plants (including farms) / .. / 2

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 2:

1) industrial plants (percentage) affected until 2012 with requirements beyond the IPPC

2) Number of large scale developments discharging storm waters to sensitive waters that have included effective SUDS to minimise discharges of silt, fugitive and other contaminants

3) please also consider peat mining in this measure

4) It would not be possible to separate out permits that go beyond IPPC requirements


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Projects, schemes to construct or improve stormwater and combined sewer overflows (tanks, construction gates etc.) / …….. / 9
INDICATOR 1: Number of projects or schemes to construct or improve stormwater and combined sewer overflows / ……. / 8
INDICATOR 2: Number of urban agglomerations affected by projects or schemes to construct or improve stormwater and combined sewer overflows / … / 4
INDICATOR 3: Size / population of urban agglomerations affected by projects, schemes to construct or improve stormwater and combined sewer overflows / ... / 3
INDICATOR 4: Estimated total cost of projects or schemes to construct or improve stormwater and combined sewer overflows / .. / 2

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 3:

1) percentage of urban agglomerations with impact to surface water affected by concepts

2) Companies responsible for sewerage and sewage treatment are commercial companies in England and Wales. Cost information may well be considered commercially confidential and so could be difficult to obtain.

3) Number of developments in sensitive catchments identified that would benefit from upgrades of stormwater improvement schemes and % of these started


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Reduce nutrient pollution in agriculture beyond the requirements of the Nitrates Directive (please consider only WFD measures) / …………………… / 24
INDICATOR 1: Area covered by measures to reduce nutrients pollution in agriculture beyond the requirements of the Nitrates Directive / ……………... / 16
INDICATOR 2: Proportion of land used for agriculture covered by measures to reduce nutrients pollution in agriculture beyond the requirements of the Nitrates Directive / …. / 5

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 4:

1) percentage area covered by measures to reduce nutrients pollution in agriculture beyond the requirements of the Nitrate Directive / area with groundwater bodies "bad"

2) Number of water bodies affected by these measures. It would be possible to use an average to convert water bodies to indicator 1 (area covered).

3) Percentage of measures being "not started", "on-going" or "completed"

4) Measure of reduction of silt problems associated with agricultural activities, bank erosion, drainage, land use changes etc is needed

5) proportion of "at risk" land used for agriculture covered by measures to reduce nutrient pollution in agriculture beyond the requirements of the Nitrates Directive


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Reduce pesticides pollution in agriculture / ………. / 11
INDICATOR 1: Area covered by measures to reduce pesticides pollution in agriculture / ……. / 8
INDICATOR 2: Proportion of land used for agriculture covered by measures to reduce pesticides pollution in agriculture / … / 4

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 5:

1) percentage area covered by measures to reduce nutrients pollution in agriculture beyond the requirements of the Nitrate Directive / area with groundwater bodies "bad"

2) level of legislative process

3) Number of water bodies affected by these measures. It would be possible to use an average to convert water bodies to indicator 1 (area covered).

4) Reduction of the amounts of pesticides used in agriculture (kg/year)

5) Percentage of farmers undergoing training on application of pesticides or on application of alternative plant protection methods

6) Maybe both area and km can be used. We use both in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands this measure is about manure and pesticide free zones around water bodies. A diversion is the two types isn't made


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Remediation of contaminated sites (historical pollution including sediments, groundwater, soil) / …………...... / 16
INDICATOR 1: Total area of the sites where remediation measures have started in relation to the total foreseen / ……… / 9
INDICATOR 2: Total number of suspected contaminated sites / ….. / 6
INDICATOR 3: Total number of confirmed contaminated sites / ….. / 6
INDICATOR 4: Total number of remediated sites / …. / 5

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 6:

1)percentage confirmed /remediated

2) Total number of sites where remediation measures have started in relation to the total foreseen

3) total area remediated

4) Both ha and m3 is used as an indicator in the Netherlands


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Improving longitudinal continuity (e.g. establishing fish passes, demolishing old dams) / …………………. / 23
INDICATOR 1: Number of projects constructed to improve longitudinal continuity in relation to the total foreseen / …………….. / 16

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 7:

1)total costs invested in such projects (it must be possible to summarize 7 – 10)

2) Number of water bodies affected by these measures

3) Indicator should also cover number of projects that are ' in progress'.

4) Percentage of measures being "not started", "on-going" or "completed"


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Improving lateral connectivity (e.g. river restoration, removing of embankments, reconnecting rivers to floodplains) / ……………….. / 22
INDICATOR 1: Length of rivers (in kms) affected by constructed projects to improve lateral connectivity in relation to the total foreseen / ………... / 13

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 8:

1)total costs invested in such projects (it must be possible to summarize 7 – 10)

2) Number of projects constructed to improve lateral connectivity in relation to the total foreseen

3) Number of water bodies affected by these measures. It would be possible to use an average to convert water bodies to indicator 1

4) This type of measure should also be possible for other water bodies than rivers only. In the Netherlands we haven't decided yet what we are going to use number, ha and/or km

5) Percentage of measures being "not started", "on-going" or "completed"

6) River bank protection, river bank restoration both important for water quality. "Room for River" concept necessary in policies and practices

7) Number of projects from the total foreseen


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Improvements of flow regime in existing infrastructures / ………... / 13
INDICATOR 1:Number of projects constructed to improve flow regime in existing infrastructures / ……... / 10

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 9:

1)total costs invested in such projects (it must be possible to summarize 7 – 10)

2) Number of water bodies affected by these measures.

3) Number of instructions issued to change flow regime in existing infrastructures

4) Number of studies to improve flow regime


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Establishment of minimum ecological flows / ……… / 11
INDICATOR 1:Length of rivers (in kms) affected by constructed projects to establish minimum ecological flows / ……... / 10

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 10:

1)total costs invested in such projects (it must be possible to summarize 7 – 10)

2) Number of water bodies affected by constructed projects to establish minimum ecological flows

3) Number of new infrastructures on existing plants

4) Number of permits updated for abstraction where measures for establishment of minimum ecological flows are applied in comparison to total permits updated

5) Number of planning permits affected by established minimum ecological flows

6) For indicator 1 in some MS, as in the case of Malta, length of rivers does not make sense - rather number of watercourses affected by constructed projects to establish minimum ecological flows


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Water efficiency measures for irrigation (technical measures) / …. / 5
INDICATOR 1: Number of projects improving water efficiency in irrigation / … / 4
INDICATOR 2: Area covered by projects improving water efficiency in irrigation / .. / 2
INDICATOR 3: Total water saving potential of projects improving water efficiency in irrigation / / 1

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 11:

1)percentage demand / realised saving potential

2) Number of water bodies affected by these measures


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Water pricing in households / ………………. / 19
INDICATOR 1: Area covered by water pricing measures in households / …………... / 15

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 12:

1)specific fee / m³ wastewater / drinking water

2) Population equivalent affected by water pricing measures in households

3) Charges apply for all mains water supplies. In the majority of cases this is a standard charge which does not relate to the amount of water used. As a result there are programmes running across England and Wales to install meters so that charges can relate to actual volumes of water used, and so promote more efficient use of water. Data could be provided on numbers of meters installed or proportion of population with meters, or similar

4) % of water related costs in relation to the average household income in a basin

5) number of settlements affected by changes in water pricing


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Water pricing in Industry / …………….. / 17
INDICATOR 1: Number of sites affected by water pricing measures in industry / ………… / 12
INDICATOR 2: Percentage of sites affected by water pricing measures in industry related to the total / ... / 3

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 13:

1)specific fee / m³ waste water / removal

2) A pricing scheme for water used by industry has been in use for many years and reflects the costs of regulating (including monitoring) as well as taking into account the type of use of water and its impact on the water environment


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Water pricing in Agriculture / …………... / 14
INDICATOR 1: Area covered by water pricing measures in agriculture / …………... / 14

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 14:

1)A pricing scheme for water used by agriculturer has been in use for many years and reflects the costs of regulating (including monitoring) as well as taking into account the type of use of water and its impact on the water environment


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Advisory services for Agriculture / …………………. / 21
INDICATOR 1: Area covered by advisory services for agriculture / ….. / 6
INDICATOR 2: Proportion of land used for agriculture covered by advisory services for agriculture / …… / 7
INDICATOR 3: Number of farms covered by advisory service for agriculture / ……. / 8

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 15:

1)percentage farmers covered by advisory service (limited to those with pressures)

2) Number of farm inspections Area covered by specific initiatives for advisory services e.g. catchment sensitive farming

3) Percentage of measures being "not started", "on-going" or "completed"

4) Improvements in environmental protection and water management elements of agricultural advisory service /agricultural education may be necessary - particularly in relation to possible supplementary measures that will be required to protect sources of drinking water/high status areas and in some cases to bring about improvements in sensitive catchments - Indicator - agricultural service provider with a water management qualification


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Drinking water protection measures (e.g. establishment of safeguard zones, buffer zones) / ………………. / 21
INDICATOR 1: Number of drinking water protection zones / ….. / 6
INDICATOR 2: Total area of drinking water protection zones / … / 4
INDICATOR 3: Number of drinking water abstractions safeguarded by drinking water protection zones / ………… / 14
INDICATOR 4: Percentage of drinking water abstractions safeguarded by drinking water protection zones / ………… / 14
INDICATOR 5: Number of permits issued/updated for Drinking Water Protected Areas / ... / 3

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 16:

1)% of surface water abstractions with drinking water protection zone

2) % of groundwater abstractions with drinking water protection zone

3) Number of Safeguard Protection Zones based on scientific criteria/risk assessed (as opposed to distance only)

4) Stakeholder involvement in protection zone establishment (to improve stakeholder buy-in)


Answers / 36
TYPE OF MEASURE: Research, improvement of knowledge base reducing uncertainty / ………………….. / 25
INDICATOR 1: Total cost of research / …….. / 9
INDICATOR 2: Number of Research studies, development and demonstration projects / ………………. / 18

Other indicators proposed and comments made for TYPE OF MEASURE 17:

1)Number of water bodies concerned by research studies

2) Various indicators could be considered. There is a very large programme of investigations In England and Wales which will help confirm the cause of problems and so lead to implementing the right measures. the number of investigations completed or possibly the number of new measures identified as a result of the investigations could be used as indicators

3) A measure of effective dissemination of research projects to relevant groups including water management practioners is necessary - this is unsatisfactory at present.

4) Number of water management practitioners involved in professional development to ensure the necessary skills and competencies are in place for practitioners

5) Number of Water Managers/Landuse planners who have undertaken professional development/appropriate training in water management to ensure necessary skills and competencies are available for planning and policy making in water management

6) Total cost of research / monitoring activities


France - Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement Direction de l'eau et de la biodiversité – MEDDTL/DEB Réponse au questionnaire de la Commission Européenne « Internet Survey on key types of measures and indicators » Il convient, en préambule, de souligner quelques points fondamentaux concernant la définition et la construction d’indicateurs de suivi de la mise en œuvre des programmes de mesures.
1. La construction des indicateurs La construction d’indicateurs de suivi de la mise en œuvre des programmes de mesures relève de la subsidiarité des Etats membres, la Directive cadre sur l'eau -DCE- n’ayant aucune exigence dans ce domaine. Il convient, bien évidemment, de chercher à rapprocher les thèmes de mesures et les définitions d’indicateurs, quand c’est possible, afin d’améliorer la lisibilité de la mise en œuvre de la DCE au niveau européen. Cependant, cette recherche de rapprochement est étroitement subordonnée aux types de mesures mises en place au sein des différents bassins, aux informations disponibles au sein des Etats membres, à la structuration de leurs données et aux décisions qu’ils ont déjà pu prendre pour la construction des indicateurs de suivi, car cette construction exige du temps et des moyens spécifiques.
2. La définition de cibles Les plans de gestion adoptés fin 2009 fixent des objectifs d’état des eaux à atteindre, à des échéances fixées. Les moyens nécessaires doivent être prévus pour atteindre ces objectifs. Ces moyens ont été définis globalement dans les programmes de mesures, compte tenu des connaissances disponibles. Dans une approche de planification flexible, les actions sur le terrain sont adaptées aux progrès en cours de la connaissance et à la recherche de la meilleure efficacité possible pour atteindre les objectifs fixés. Dans ces conditions, il ne paraît pas pertinent de fixer des cibles au dénominateur des indicateurs proposés dans le questionnaire de la Commission européenne, car cela ne rendrait pas justice à la logique de résultat qui prévaut dans la mise en œuvre de la directive cadre sur l’eau.
3. La référence aux projets allant au-delà des exigences des directives dans le domaine de l’eau Un grand nombre des indicateurs du questionnaire font référence à des projets allant au-delà des exigences des directives dans le domaine de l’eau. La distinction entre mesures de base et mesures complémentaires peut apparaître pertinent d’un point de vue théorique mais ne correspond pas à la réalité des actions menées sur le terrain. Ainsi, un projet de station d’épuration, par exemple, peut être prévu à la fois pour répondre aux exigences de base de la directive ERU et pour atteindre les objectifs de bon état des masses d’eau concernées. Distinguer, au sein d’un même projet, ce qui relève de tel ou tel domaine apparaît, tout à la fois, pas toujours évident d’un point de vue juridique, trop complexe techniquement et peu compréhensible pour le grand public. Ce n’est pas, en tout cas, la logique adoptée par les bassins français pour définir leurs indicateurs. D’autre part, les mesures de base font partie des mesures nécessaires pour atteindre les objectifs fixés dans le cadre de la DCE. Il apparaît pertinent, dans ces conditions, qu’elles apparaissent dans l’état d’avancement de la mise en œuvre des programmes de mesures, d’autant qu’elles constituent une part importante des coûts associés.
4. Liste des indicateurs alternatifs projetés en France Les indicateurs ci-dessous sont en cours de définition au niveau national. La définition définitive des indicateurs dépend d’une étude de faisabilité technique en cours au sein des différents bassins français. Cette liste est donc encore susceptible d’évoluer.