Internet Programming with Java Course
1.3. Multithreading and Thread Synchronization
Understanding Multithreading
All the sample programs you developed in the preceding chapters have had only a single thread of execution. Each program proceeded sequentially, one instruction after another, until it completed its processing and terminated.
Multithreaded programs are similar to the single-threaded programs that you have been studying. They differ only in the fact that they support more than one concurrent thread of execution-that is, they are able to simultaneously execute multiple sequences of instructions. Each instruction sequence has its own unique flow of control that is independent of all others. These independently executed instruction sequences are known as threads.
If your computer has only a single CPU, you might be wondering how it can execute more than one thread at the same time. In single-processor systems, only a single thread of execution occurs at a given instant. The CPU quickly switches back and forth between several threads to create the illusion that the threads are executing at the same time. Single-processor systems support logical concurrency, not physical concurrency. Logical concurrency is the characteristic exhibited when multiple threads execute with separate, independent flows of control. On multiprocessor systems, several threads do, in fact, execute at the same time, and physical concurrency is achieved. The important feature of multithreaded programs is that they support logical concurrency, not whether physical concurrency is actually achieved.
Many programming languages support multiprogramming. Multiprogramming is the logically concurrent execution of multiple programs. For example, a program can request that the operating system execute programs A, B, and C by having it spawn a separate process for each program. These programs can run in parallel, depending upon the multiprogramming features supported by the underlying operating system. Multithreading differs from multiprogramming in that multithreading provides concurrency within the context of a single process and multiprogramming provides concurrency between processes. Threads are not complete processes in and of themselves. They are a separate flow of control that occurs within a process. Figure 8.1 illustrates the difference between multithreading and multiprogramming.
Figure 8.1 : Multithreading versus multiprogramming.
An executing program is generally associated with a single process. The advantage of multithreading is that concurrency can be used within a process to provide multiple simultaneous services to the user. Multithreading also requires less processing overhead than multiprogramming because concurrent threads are able to share common resources more easily. Multiple executing programs tend to duplicate resources and share data as the result of more time-consuming interprocess communication.
How Java Supports Multithreading
Java's multithreading support is centered around the java.lang.Thread class. The Thread class provides the capability to create objects of class Thread, each with its own separate flow of control. The Thread class encapsulates the data and methods associated with separate threads of execution and allows multithreading to be integrated within the object-oriented framework.
Java provides two approaches to creating threads. In the first approach, you create a subclass of class Thread and override the run() method to provide an entry point into the thread's execution. When you create an instance of your Thread subclass, you invoke its start() method to cause the thread to execute as an independent sequence of instructions. The start() method is inherited from the Thread class. It initializes the Thread object using your operating system's multithreading capabilities and invokes the run() method. You learn how to create threads using this approach in the next section.
The approach to creating threads identified in the previous paragraph is very simple and straightforward. However, it has the drawback of requiring your Thread objects to be under the Thread class in the class hierarchy. In some cases, as you'll see when you study applets in Part VI, "Programming the Web with Applets and Scripts," this requirement can be somewhat limiting.
Java's other approach to creating threads does not limit the location of your Thread objects within the class hierarchy. In this approach, your class implements the java.lang.Runnable interface. The Runnable interface consists of a single method, the run() method, which must be overridden by your class. The run() method provides an entry point into your thread's execution. In order to run an object of your class as an independent thread, you pass it as an argument to a constructor of class Thread. You learn how to create threads using this approach later in this chapter in the section titled "Implementing Runnable."
Creating Subclasses of Thread
In this section, you create your first multithreaded program by creating a subclass of Thread and then creating, initializing, and starting two Thread objects from your class. The threads will execute concurrently and display Java is hot, aromatic, and invigorating. to the console window.
The source code of the ThreadTest1 program.
class ThreadTest1
publicstaticvoid main(String args[])
MyThread thread1 = new MyThread("thread1: ");
MyThread thread2 = new MyThread("thread2: ");
boolean thread1IsAlive = true;
boolean thread2IsAlive = true;
do {
if (thread1IsAlive & !thread1.isAlive()) {
thread1IsAlive = false;
System.out.println("Thread 1 is dead.");
if (thread2IsAlive & !thread2.isAlive()) {
thread2IsAlive = false;
System.out.println("Thread 2 is dead.");
} while(thread1IsAlive || thread2IsAlive);
class MyThread extends Thread
static String message[] =
{ "Java", "is", "hot,", "aromatic,", "and", "invigorating."};
public MyThread(String id)
publicvoid run()
String name = getName();
for (int i=0;i<message.length;++i) {
System.out.println(name + message[i]);
void randomWait()
try {
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
This program creates two threads of execution, thread1 and thread2, from the MyThread class. It then starts both threads and executes a do statement that waits for the threads to die. The threads display the Java is hot, aromatic, and invigorating. message word by word, while waiting a short, random amount of time between each word. Because both threads share the console window, the program's output identifies which threads were able to write to the console at various times during the program's execution.
Run ThreadTest1 to get an idea of the output that it produces. Each time you run the program you might get a different program display. This is because the program uses a random number generator to determine how long each thread should wait before displaying its output. Look at the following output:
C:\java\jdg\ch08>java ThreadTest1
thread1: Java
thread2: Java
thread2: is
thread2: hot,
thread2: aromatic,
thread1: is
thread1: hot,
thread2: and
thread1: aromatic,
thread1: and
thread2: invigorating.
Thread 2 is dead.
thread1: invigorating.
Thread 1 is dead.
This output shows that thread1 executed first and displayed Java to the console window. It then waited to execute while thread2 displayed Java, is, hot,, and aromatic,. After that, thread2 waited while thread1 continued its execution. thread1 displayed is and then hot,. At this point, thread2 took over again. thread2 displayed and and then went back into waiting. thread1 then displayed aromatic, and and. thread2 finished its execution by displaying invigorating.. Having completed its execution, thread2 died, leaving thread1 as the only executing task. thread1 displayed invigorating. and then completed its execution.
The ThreadTest1 class consists of a single main() method. This method begins by creating thread1 and thread2 as new objects of class MyThread. It then starts both threads using the start() method. At this point, main() enters a do loop that continues until both thread1 and thread2 are no longer alive. The loop monitors the execution of the two threads and displays a message when it has detected the death of each thread. It uses the isAlive() method of the Thread class to tell when a thread has died. The thread1IsAlive and thread2IsAlive variables are used to ensure that a thread's obituary is only displayed once.
The MyThread class extends class Thread. It declares a statically initialized array, named message[], that contains the message to be displayed by each thread. It has a single constructor that invokes the Thread class constructor via super(). It contains two access methods: run() and randomWait(). The run() method is required. It uses the getName() method of class Thread to get the name of the currently executing thread. It then prints each word of the output display message while waiting a random length of time between each print. The randomWait() method invokes the sleep() method within a try statement. The sleep() method is another method inherited from class Thread. It causes the currently executing task to "go to sleep" or wait until a randomly specified number of milliseconds has transpired. Because the sleep() method throws the InterruptedException when its sleep is interrupted (how grouchy!), the exception is caught and handled by the randomWait() method. The exception is handled by displaying the fact that an interruption has occurred to the console window.
Implementing Runnable
In the previous section, you created a multithreaded program by creating the MyThread subclass of Thread. In this section, you create a program with similar behavior, but you create your threads as objects of the class MyClass, which is not a subclass of Thread. MyClass will implement the Runnable interface and objects of MyClass will be executed as threads by passing them as arguments to the Thread constructor.
The ThreadTest2 program's source code is shown in Listing 8.2. Enter it into the file and compile it.
The source code of the ThreadTest2 program.
class ThreadTest2
publicstaticvoid main(String args[])
Thread thread1 = new Thread(new MyClass("thread1: "));
Thread thread2 = new Thread(new MyClass("thread2: "));
boolean thread1IsAlive = true;
boolean thread2IsAlive = true;
do {
if (thread1IsAlive & !thread1.isAlive()) {
thread1IsAlive = false;
System.out.println("Thread 1 is dead.");
if (thread2IsAlive & !thread2.isAlive()) {
thread2IsAlive = false;
System.out.println("Thread 2 is dead.");
} while(thread1IsAlive || thread2IsAlive);
class MyClass implements Runnable
static String message[] =
{ "Java", "is", "hot,", "aromatic,", "and", "invigorating."};
String name;
public MyClass(String id)
name = id;
publicvoid run()
for(int i=0;i<message.length;++i) {
void randomWait()
try {
} catch (InterruptedException x) {
The ThreadTest2 program is very similar to ThreadTest1. It differs only in the way that the threads are created. You should run ThreadTest2 a few times to examine its output. Here are the results of a sample run I made on my computer:
C:\java\jdg\ch08>java ThreadTest2
thread2: Java
thread1: Java
thread2: is
thread2: hot,
thread1: is
thread2: aromatic,
thread1: hot,
thread1: aromatic,
thread1: and
thread2: and
thread1: invigorating.
Thread 1 is dead.
thread2: invigorating.
Thread 2 is dead.
These results show thread2 beginning its output before thread1. It does not mean that thread2 began executing before thread1. Thread1 executed first, but went to sleep before generating any output. Thread2 then executed and started its output display before going to sleep. You can follow these results on your own to analyze how thread1 and thread2 switched back and forth during their execution to display their results to the console window.
The main() method of ThreadTest2 differs from that of ThreadTest1 in the way that it creates thread1 and thread2. ThreadTest1 created the threads as new instances of the MyThread class. ThreadTest2 was not able to create the threads directly, because MyClass is not a subclass of Thread. Instead, ThreadTest2 first created instances of MyClass and then passed them to the Thread() constructor, creating instances of class Thread. The Thread() constructor used by ThreadTest2 takes as its argument any class that implements the Runnable interface. This is an example of the flexibility and multiple-inheritance features provided by Java interfaces. The rest of the ThreadTest2main() method is the same as that of ThreadTest1.
MyClass is declared as implementing the Runnable interface. This is a simple interface to implement; it only requires that you implement the run() method. MyClass declares the name variable to hold the names of MyClass objects that are created. In the first example, the MyThread class did not need to do this because a thread-naming capability was provided by Thread and inherited by MyThread. MyClass contains a simple constructor that initializes the name variable.
The run() methods of ThreadTest2 and ThreadTest1 are nearly identical, differing only with respect to the name issue. This is also true of the randomWait() method. In ThreadTest2, the randomWait() method must use the currentThread() method of class Thread to acquire a reference to an instance of the current thread in order to invoke its sleep() method.
Because these two examples are so similar, you might be wondering why you would pick one approach to creating a class over another. The advantage of using the Runnable interface is that your class does not need to extend the Thread class. This will be very helpful feature when you start using multithreading in applets in Part VI of this book. The only disadvantages to this approach are ones of convenience. You have to do a little more work to create your threads and to access their methods.
Thread States
You have now learned how to declare, create, initialize, start, and run Java threads. The ThreadTest1 and ThreadTest2 programs also introduced you to the concept of a thread's death. Threads transition through several states from the time they are created until the time of their death. This section reviews these states.
A thread is created by creating a new object of class Thread or of one of its subclasses. When a thread is first created, it does not exist as an independently executing set of instructions. Instead, it is a template from which an executing thread will be created. It first executes as a thread when it is started using the start() method and run via the run() method. Before a thread is started it is said to be in the new thread state. After a thread is started, it is in the runnable state. When a class is in the runnable state, it may be executing or temporarily waiting to share processing resources with other threads. A runnable thread enters an extended wait state when one of its methods is invoked that causes it to drop from the runnable state into a not runnable state. In the not runnable state, a thread is not just waiting for its share of processing resources, but is blocked waiting for the occurrence of an event that will send it back to the runnable state.
For example, the sleep() method was invoked in the ThreadTest1 and ThreadTest2 programs to cause a thread to wait for a short period of time so that the other thread could execute. The sleep() method causes a thread to enter the not runnable state until the specified time has expired. A thread may also enter the not runnable state while it is waiting for I/O to be completed, or as the result of the invocation of other methods.
A thread leaves the not runnable state and returns to the runnable state when the event that it is waiting for has occurred. For example, a sleeping thread must wait for its specified sleep time to occur. A thread that is waiting on I/O must wait for the I/O operation to be completed.
A thread may transition from the new thread, runnable, or not runnable state to the dead state when its stop() method is invoked or the thread's execution is completed. When a thread enters the dead state, it's a goner. It can't be revived and returned to any other state.
Thread Priority and Scheduling
From an abstract or a logical perspective, multiple threads execute as concurrent sequences of instructions. This may be physically true for multiprocessor systems, under certain conditions. However, in the general case, multiple threads do not always physically execute at the same time. Instead, the threads share execution time with each other based on the availability of the system's CPU (or CPUs).
The approach used to determining which threads should execute at a given time is referred to as scheduling. Scheduling is performed by the Java runtime system. It schedules threads based on their priority. The highest-priority thread that is in the runnable state is the thread that is run at any given instant. The highest-priority thread continues to run until it enters the death state, enters the not runnable state, or has its priority lowered, or when a higher-priority thread becomes runnable.
A thread's priority is an integer value between MIN_PRIORITY and MAX_PRIORITY. These constants are defined in the Thread class. In Java 1.0, MIN_PRIORITY is 1 and MAX_PRIORITY is 10. A thread's priority is set when it is created. It is set to the same priority as the thread that created it. The default priority of a thread is NORM_PRIORITY and is equal to 5. The priority of a thread can be changed using the setPriority() method.
Java's approach to scheduling is referred to as preemptive scheduling. When a thread of higher priority becomes runnable, it preempts threads of lower priority and is immediately executed in their place. If two or more higher-priority threads become runnable, the Java scheduler alternates between them when allocating execution time.
There are many situations in which multiple threads must share access to common objects. For example, all of the programs in this chapter have illustrated the effects of multithreading by having multiple executing threads write to the Java console, a common shared object. These examples have not required any coordination or synchronization in the way the threads access the console window: Whatever thread was currently executing was able to write to the console window. No coordination between concurrent threads was required.
There are times when you might want to coordinate access to shared resources. For example, in a database system, you might not want one thread to be updating a database record while another thread is trying to read it. Java enables you to coordinate the actions of multiple threads using synchronized methods and synchronized statements.
An object for which access is to be coordinated is accessed through the use of synchronized methods. These methods are declared with the synchronized keyword. Only one synchronized method can be invoked for an object at a given point in time. This keeps synchronized methods in multiple threads from conflicting with each other.