International Tender Notice in Tunisia
1-Agency: National Broadcasting Office
2-Tender Items: Acquisition of a software for the planning of analogue and digital Radio and TV networks
3-Number: International Tender N° 8-2004/D.Q.D.R/O.N.T
4-Specifications book: The specification book can be obtained from the ONT head office on payment of the sum of one hundred (100) dinars.
Office National de la Télédiffusion,
Cité Ennasim I Bourgel
1080, Tunis-Belvédère,
6-Deadline for the receipt of offers: August 16, 2004
International Tender Notice in Tunisia
7-Agency: Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports (O.A.C.A)
8-Tender Items: Acquisition of Auto-Switch RSFTA Messages System
9-Number: International Tender N°43/2004
10-Specifications book: The specifications book can be obtained at the following address on payment of the sum of forty (40) dinars:
L’Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports, Bureau N°211, Aéroport International de Tunis-Carthage, Tunisia
An outer envelope should contain
Administrative documents
A first envelope, containing the technical offer
A second envelope, containing the financial offer
Monsieur le Président Directeur Général
de l’Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports,
Siège Social, 2035 Aéroport International de Tunis-Carthage,
12-Deadline for the receipt of offers: September 14, 2004
- Offers are legally binding for 90 days as from the day following the deadline for the receipt of offers.
- The seal of OACA’s mail office is proof of date of receipt.
International Tender Notice in Tunisia
14-Agency: Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports (O.A.C.A)
15-Tender Items: Acquisition of aircraft ATIS/DATIS system for the International Tunis-Carthage Airport Arrivals and Departure
16-Number: International Tender N°42/2004
17-Specifications book: The specifications book can be obtained at the following address on payment of the sum of forty (40) dinars:
L’Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports, Bureau N°211, Aéroport International de Tunis-Carthage, Tunisia
An outer envelope should contain
Administrative documents
A first envelope, containing the technical offer
A second envelope, containing the financial offer
Monsieur le Président Directeur Général
de l’Office de l’Aviation Civile et des Aéroports,
Siège Social, 2035 Aéroport International de Tunis-Carthage,
19-Deadline for the receipt of offers: September 14, 2004
- Offers are legally binding for 90 days as from the day following the deadline for the receipt of offers.
- The seal of OACA’s mail office is proof of date of receipt.
International Tender Notice in Tunisia
21-Agency: Tunisian Republic / Ministry of Communication Technologies and Transport
22-Tender Items: Selection of a business bank to assist the Tunisian government in selecting a strategic partner for Tunisie Telecom
23-Number: International Tender (No Number)
24-Specifications book:
The international tender file can be obtained at the following address on presentation of receipt for payment of ITF cost 100 dinars (1TND = 0,8USD), or can be downloaded at payment electronically by VISA card
Ministère du des Technologies de la Communication et du Transport,
Le cabinet, 3 Bis Rue d’Angleterre, 1000 Tunis, Tunisia
26-Deadline for the receipt of offers: October 18, 2004 at 04:00 pm
27-Others: In case of downloading from the website, paymentcan be made electronically using Visa Card to the Post Office account N° 610 00