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ITU-D STUDY GROUPS / Document 2/REP/035(Rev.1)-E
12 September 2001
Original: English
WTDC-98 Resolution 9
Relevant documents
2/205(Rev.2) / WTDC-98 Resolution 9: Draft report2/238 / Progress report of the Joint Group on WTDC-98 Resolution 9
2/239 / Proposed revision of WTDC-98 Resolution 9: Participation of countries, particularly developing countries, in spectrum management
2/244 / Guidance on the regulatory framework for national spectrum management
2/249 / National radio/video monitoring system
2/253 / Rural telecommunications
2/255 / Wireless connections (ISM)
2/255 (Corr. 1) / Wireless connections
2/269 / Questions transmitted from Study Group 1 to Study Group 2
1. Adoption of the Agenda
The co-Chairman of Joint Group on Resolution 9 welcomed all participants and made a brief introduction of the background of the Group and its results. He introduced himself, M.TerryJeacock from the United Kingdom, appointed as a co-Chair of the Group by the ITU-D Study Group 2, and M. Zanga Yene from Cameroon, appointed as the second co-Chair from the ITU-R Study Group 1. He then introduced the draft agenda of the meeting, Doc. 2/OJ/010, adding the following amendments:
- On Item 3, addition of Doc. 2/225 (Corr 1) for consideration
- On Item 5, addition of Doc 2/269.
The agenda, as amended, was adopted.
2. Rapporteur’s progress report (Doc 2/238)
Doc. 2/238 was presented by the co-Chairman M. Jeacock . The document gives an overview of the results achieved by the Joint Group, whose scope was approved both from ITU-D and ITU-R.
A Questionnaire on national spectrum management was sent to Member States and Sector Members and received a very satisfactory feedback. The Joint Group proceeded to the analysis of the Questionnaire, which is given in Doc 2/205(Rev 2). M. Jeacock thanked the BDT for preparing the CD-ROM that was distributed to all participants and which contains the Report of the Joint Group, all the contributions and other relevant information.
On the future work the co-Chairman noted that Stage 1 of the implementation of Resolution 9 has been completed and the work should now go on in Stage 2. This will require a revision of Resolution 9 as proposed in Doc. 2/239.
Mr. Jeacock thanked all participants in the Joint Group for their contribution to the Report, the coChairman, M. Schroeder from USA, M. Motta from Brazil, M. Mège from Thales, M. Yao from Côte d’Ivoire, M. Samake from Mali, Ms. Durant from France, all the BDT Secretariat, Ms. Akpo and Ms. Pileri. He expressed particular appreciation to Ms. Ellen Sellier for the huge work of transferring all the answers in a CD-rom and formatting the Final report.
The progress report was adopted by the meeting.
3. Consideration of contributions received (Docs. 2/244, 2/249, 2/253, 2/255,2/255 Corr 1))
The co-Chairman proposed to present and discuss Doc 2/244 from France under agenda item 8: Any Other Business. The proposal was accepted by the meeting.
Doc 2/249 was introduced by the representative from Thales Communications. The Chairman of Study Group 2 requested the document be submitted to the next meeting of ITU-R WP 1C. M.Mège said that this action had already been taken.
Doc 2/253, a contribution following a meeting of the African experts held in Maputo in May 2001, was introduced from the representative of Benin and noted by the meeting.
Docs 2/255 and 2/255 (Corr 1) were introduced by the representative of Thales Communications M.Mège. The meeting found that the corrections made in the Corr 1 were essential to the right understanding and evaluation of the document, especially in respect to ISM and radiocommunication systems. Following the proposal of the Co-Chairman M. Jeacock, the meeting decided that the document, which deals with frequency ranges around 2400 MHz, should be examined in the second phase of the study on Resolution 9. M. Kisrawi noted that Short Range Devices were not a problem for developing countries. Thales was also invited to send the document as a contribution to ITU-R SG1 WP1B.
4. Adoption of the Report on WTDC-98 Resolution 9 (Doc 2/205(Rev.2))
M. Jeacock presented the Report drawing particular attention to certain sections, including financial management (prepared by Pierre Fontaine, France); Section 5.5 on spectrum control (prepared by M. Mège, Thales) and Section 5.7 on organizational aspects (prepared by M. Motta, Brazil).
Mr. Zange Yene presented Section 6 dealing with requests for assistance from developing countries in the South-Sahara zone. He emphasized the requirements for training, especially for the telecommunication operators, information on what is done in other countries, assistance in participating in Study Group work
Syria proposed that, as the expert on spectrum management had left the BDT, a replacement should be recruited. This was supported by Tanzania, Mali and Cameroon. However, it was suggested that these Administrations should make their proposal to recruit an expert to the WTDC-02.
The USA said that they had a number of editorial amendments to the document, especially to provide updates to the contact list. The information contained in the CDROM is on the Web page of the BDT which has been updated and expanded.
The Chairman of Study Group 2 proposed that the Report should be adopted as presented and that the co-Chairmen should be entrusted to take care of the editorial amendments. This was agreed.
5. Proposal for revised WTDC-98 Resolution 9 (Doc 2/239)
M. Jeacock presented the proposed revision of Resolution 9, together with a proposed amendment received from ITU-D Study Group 1. He said that the purpose of the revision was to enable the work to continue with Stage 2 and for the BDT and BR to continue the excellent co-operation in its preparation. The amendment proposed by Study Group 1 was considered and it was agreed to include the frequency range (960 MHz to 3 GHz) in the resolves. It was decided to refer a further proposal to include a study on spectrum charging to ITU-R Study Group 1. The requirements for developing countries were elaborated in a small drafting group led by Mr. Samake. These are included in the liaison statement to ITU-R Study Group 1 annexed to this Report.
6. Progress report to ITU-R Study Group 1
The progress and action taken by the ITU-D Study Groups will be sent to ITU-R Study Group 1 in the liaison statement mentioned above.
7. Interim activities, if any, before WTDC-02
There were no other interim activities other than the editorial changes.
8. Any other business
The representative of France presented Doc. 2/244. The ITU-D Study Group 2 found this document extremely interesting and supported its inclusion in the studies on ITU-R Question 223/1.
M. Jeacock closed the meeting thanking the participants for the contributions.
Draft Liaison Statement to ITU-R Study Group 1
SUBJECT: WTDC-98 Resolution 9 – conclusions of the ITU-D Study Groups
SOURCE: ITU-D Study Groups
ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2 at their meetings in Caracas, Venezuela (3-14 September 2001) considered the draft report from the Joint Group WTDC Resolution 9. The following action was taken:
· The ITU-D Study Groups adopted the draft Report, subject to some editorial revisions. The final version (2/205 Rev. 3) is attached for the consideration of ITUR Study Group 1.
· The ITU-D Study Groups endorsed a revision of Resolution 9 for submission to WTDC02. If approved by WTDC-02, this Resolution will enable this valuable work to continue and specifies the frequency range to be reviewed in Stage 2 of the study. A copy of the revised Resolution is attached for information. It is hoped that the excellent co-operation between ITU-R and the ITU-D Study Groups will continue through the Joint Group for Resolution 9.
Additionally, the ITU-D Study Groups invites ITU-R Study Group 1 to consider the following:
1. That ITU-R Report SM.2012 should be updated to elaborate the different approaches with respect to:
· determination of the cost of licenses and the tariffs applicable to spectrum use for the applications:
o cellular mobile
o IMT 2000
o private networks
o Satellite (e.g. GMPCS)
o Audiovisual (broadcasting)
· Analytical accounting and or methodology taking into account the principles given in ITUR Report SM.2012
In particular, practical examples from administrations are required. This information perhaps could be obtained through a questionnaire.
The results should be sent to ITU-D Study Group 2 and Joint Group Resolution 9 for consideration.
2. In accordance with ITU-R Question 223-1 (further decides 3), the administration of France submitted Document 2/244 (“Guidance on the regulatory framework for national spectrum management”) to the ITU-D Study Groups for comment. This document is a preliminary version of a contribution that France will be sending to ITU-R Study Group1. The ITU-D Study Groups found this document extremely interesting and support its inclusion in the studies on Question 223-1