International Regimes: institutions and rules
Prof. Luca Galantini
The course aims to provide students with a detailed overview of international and supranational political institutions, their workings, the history and origins of international law governing them, the development of the relationship between international political institutions and the state. Particular emphasis will be placed on the issue of historical development of the international protection of human rights in peace time and during armed conflict.
– Notions and foundations of international community law. The historical development of the order of international law.
– Institutional subjects within the international community. The state and the sovereign relationship with international organisations, the UN, the European Union, The Council of Europe and the Holy See.
– The sources of production and cognition of the rights of international regimes. Treaty law and common law, treaties and agreements.
– Jurisdictional sources of the guarantee of international law. International crown court, universal national jurisdiction, diplomatic sources, arbitrary courts, ad-hoc tribunals.
– Peace-keeping and international security. The use of force within the international community. Armed conflicts within international law.
– International protection of human rights. Hierarchy of human rights. The human rights system from the Geneva Convention up to the present.
B. Conforti, Diritto internazionale, Editoriale Scientifica, 2006 (Introduzione; Parte Prima; Parte Seconda; Parte quarta; Parte quinta).
V. Colombo-L. Galantini, Diritti umani e identità religiosa – Islam e Cristianesimo in medio oriente, Vita&Pensiero, 2013 (pp. 3-43).
AA.VV., La tutela internazionale dei diritti umani, Simone Edizioni Giuridiche, 2011 (Introduzione; Parte Prima; Parte Quarta; Parte Quinta).
Lectures and study seminars including contributions from experts in the field of politics and international law.
Written examinations and participation to seminars.
Further information can be found on the lecturer’s webpage at or on the Faculty notice board.