International Partnerships and Collaborations
Articulation Agreements
Implementation Checklist (Gate 3)
TRIM: INT / 2013 /
Purpose: / Pre–implementation ChecklistAgreement level: / Minor/Moderate Initiatives
Proposal Type: / Articulation Agreements – Sequential or Concurrent
Stage: / Gate 3 of ‘International Partnerships and Collaborations–Agreements Lifecycle’ procedure
This template is used to ensure that all aspect of implementation are considered and actioned to enable implementation to occur. It should be completed by the contract manager.
Name of Partner Institution:Country/Address:
Name of Partner Contact:
Position title:
Contract Manager (RMIT):
Program (s)
Type of Articulation ( see below): / Sequential/Concurrent
Type / Description
Sequential Articulation / Is a credit arrangement with a partner institution whereby an articulating studentmay only enrol in the RMIT program after having successfully completed an agreed component with the partner(e.g. a Diploma or part of an award - UG or PGCW). RMIT’s component may be delivered at an RMIT campus, via online or via partnered delivery of offshore programs model. Students may qualify for an award from RMIT or two degrees, one form from each institution.
Includes both vertical (e.g pathway from Diploma to UG) or horizontal (eg1+1 Master) articulation.
Concurrent Articulation / Is a mutual credit arrangement with a partner institution whereby students qualify for an award from each institution.It differs from sequential articulation as theprograms are undertaken concurrently by the student i.e. the student enrols in both RMIT and the partner institution, with both collaborating to deliver their respective qualifications.RMIT’s component may be delivered at an RMIT campus, via online or via partnered delivery of coursework awards model. The awards are promoted to students as a ‘dual award’ where students pursue awards from both institutions.
This type of articulation could also include examples where students undertake the final year or ‘capstone year’ of study with the partner - for example 1+1 Masters where students study first with RMIT and then with the partner with both institutions offering an award).
Activity / Responsibility / Complete
Check / Comments
- Local approvals have been checked and all regulatory, legal and government requirements satisfied e.g. CPE in Singapore (only applies to concurrent)
- Accreditation: where required, evidence has been obtained (or arrangements are in place) to demonstrate professional or other accreditation requirements can be, or will be, met. (only applies to concurrent)
- Marketing and communication planning:
•All marketing material vetted and approved by RMIT before publication (only applies to concurrent) / TNE / ☐ /
- Student recruitment: application period opened with RMIT supporting partner with recruitment events and activities e.g. participation in “Open House” or other program information events. (only applies to concurrent)
- Program and course configuration: including
- Definition of program structures
- Configuration of programs and courses in SAMS
- Admissions: processes and systems are in place covering:
- Assessing and processing of student applications,
- Issuing offers and managing acceptances
- Enrolment: processes and systems are in place, and the following activities undertaken:
- Enrolment processes and responsibilities documented
- Orientation and program timelines set
(School/College for orientation sessions) / ☐ /
- Monitoring targets:
•Decision making process followed to proceed (or not) where lower than agreed minimum numbers obtained for any intake. / TNE / ☐ /
- Monitoring and review plan: framework developed for monitoring and reviewing the offshore program, incorporating PAR and general provisions for possible program discontinuation, aligned to contract renewal dates.
From.Click here to enter a date. To Click here to enter a date. / TNE / ☐ /
- Academic calendar and teaching schedules: schedules have been developed and circulated to partner staff & students
College or School (for teaching schedules) / ☐ /
Completed by
Name and title:Date:
Approved. All aspects of pre-implementation have occurred.
Executive Director, InternationalName