Lifesaving Aid Proposal

International Life Saving Federation, Americas Region

The Americas Region of the International Life Saving Federation welcomes your interest in the effort to bring self-sustaining lifesaving and drowning prevention programs to every country of the Western Hemisphere (the Americas Region). We encourage that all efforts are coordinated through the Americas Region so that we build on each other’s successes and maximize the ultimate benefits. Please complete this form to detail your proposal. We endorse proposals that follow the strategies of the Americas Region.

Please focus your narrative on how you will develop and implement strategies to focus donated lifesaving talent, equipment, and funds. Successful efforts have historically been those which have been adjusted to societal, cultural, and political circumstances of each country; and which have included careful consultation with existing aid structures, community, and political leadership. The Americas Region welcomes assistance in these projects and stands ready to provide assistance in the form of guidance, equipment, accepting and expending donations, and other means. We endorse projects which we believe are likely to succeed and which follow our principles.

In an effort to evaluate proposals, we ask that you complete this proposal by responding in detail to the sections below. Please feel free to also provided us with any additional documentation that can help us better understand your proposal and resources.

Please email your completed Application to Peter Davis, Secretary General at: .


Contact name: Click here to enter text.

Contact phone number, mailing address and email address: Click here to enter text.

Name of organization sponsoring project (if any):Click here to enter text.

Name of country in need:Click here to enter text.

Cities or regions in country you will target:Click here to enter text.

Tell us how your project got started:Click here to enter text.

Detail your project goals:Click here to enter text.

Explain when the project start or the next mission date(s):Click here to enter text.

Detail your fundraising efforts or financial resources:Click here to enter text.

Define your training methods and strategy:Click here to enter text.

Define your team or volunteers:Click here to enter text.

Define the country’s current lifeguard operations:Click here to enter text.

Explain which government agencies, if any, are involved with your project:Click here to enter text.

Define how you envision a successful project:Click here to enter text.

Define your project’s long term goals:Click here to enter text.

Please tell us what assistance you would like from the Americas Region: Click here to enter text.