June 17,2005-Membership Meeting-Friday (9:30AM)
June 18,2005- Informal Discussions-Saturday (9:30PM)
June 19, 2005-Board Meeting-Sunday(8:30AM)
June 19,2005-Membership Meeting- Sunday (2:30PM)
Queens Building of Southlands College on the Roehampton Campus.
In attendance:
NameInstitutionConference Meetings/Discussions
Dr. Elisabeth Abiri Centre for the Study of Human RightsXX
Göteborg University, SwedenX
R.A. BowieCanterburyChristChurchUniversityCollege XX
Kent, UK
Dr. Anna Broden Centre for the Study of Human RightsXX
Göteborg University, Sweden
Kevin Chin McGill University, CanadaXX
Prof. Allwyn D’SilvaJustice and Peace CommissionXX
Mumbai, India
Dr. Ravindra Fernando Centre for the Study of Human Rights XX
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Dr. Liam GearonRoehampton University, UKXX
Prof. Mark GibneyUniversity of North Carolina,XX
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Prof. Mab HuangSoochowUniversityXX
Taipei, Taiwan
Ruyu Hung, NationalChiayiUniversity, XX
Department of Education
Peter JohanssonCentre for the Study of Human RightsXX
Göteborg University, SwedenX
Ms. Catherine KennyIrish Centre for Human Rights,
NationalUniversity of Ireland, Galway XX
Dr. Michael KilburnEndicottCollegeXX
Massachusetts, USAXX
Prof. Paul Lauritzen, JohnCarrollUniversity,X
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Dr. Rita MaranUniversity of California at BerkeleyX
Berkeley, California, USA
Dr. Michael McGowanSt. Thomas University
Fredricton, New Brunswick, CanadaXX
Prof. Theodore S. OrlinUtica College-HRAPXX
UticaNew York, USA
Dr. Audrey OslerUniversity of Leeds,XX
Leeds, UKX
Minar PimplePDHRE, Peoples Movenment for XX
Human Rights Learning
New York, USA
Rev. Dr. Edmund RydenFujenUniversityX
Dr. Sharon ToddStockholm Institute of EducationXX
Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Reetta ToivanenÅboUniversityUniversityXX
Åbo/ Turku, Finland
Dr. Sumner B. TwissFloridaStateUniversityX
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Prof. Yusef WaghidStellenboschUniversityXX
South Africa
- The IHREC and prospective members were greeted by Dr. Liam Gearon.
- A brief history and explanation of the IHREC was provided by Ted Orlin
- Letters were distributed from Dr. Mark Ensalaco, University of Dayton, Ohio, USA, and Elsa Ballauri, AHRG, Albania expressing regret in not being able to make the meeting.
- The Motion to Approve the Agenda was approved.
- A brief Introduction of members in attendance was made.
- A motion to move the Secretariat from the University of Dayton (Ohio) to UticaCollege (New York) for 4 years (2005-2009) was presented.
Discussion was held and it was explained that UticaCollege will provide an office, secretarial assistance, as well as office expenses.
Action: Approved – Unanimously
7. A motion to incorporate the IHREC as a not for profit organization in New YorkState, the site of the proposed Secretariat was presented and discussed.
Action: Approved-Unanimously
- A motion of thanks for Louis Gigliotti, Esq, (of the New York Bar) for offering to provide legal services in the creation of a not for profit corporation was presented and discussed.
Action:Approved –Unanimously
- A motion to accept a revised organizational scheme was discussed:
Original Proposal:
An Executive Board consisting of nine members:
International President
The Americas- Three Vice – Presidents (Canada, U.S., Latin America)
Europe-Two Vice Presidents (Western and Eastern Europe)
Asia/Pacific- Two Vice Presidents (Subcontinent, the rest of Asia)
Africa- One Vice President
Discussion and Amended Motion: Considerable discussion and suggestions were made over the course of all the meetings. At the Concluding meeting the members agreed to a scheme where there would be an Executive Board consisting of the President, the Immediate Past President, Vice Presidents from Africa (1), Asia (2), Europe (2), North America (2), South America (1) and one Vice President to serve at large. The membership agreed that the Executive Board (a majority agreeing), at the advice of the President is able, to appoint members to vacant posts to be presented for the membership for approval at the next International Meeting. It was also agreed that the term of office is to be four (4) years.
- A Motion to Accept the Draft of the IHREC – Explanatory Statement- was presented-
Discussion: The membership felt additional thought and consideration should be given to the “Statement” – At an open discussion meeting suggestions were proposed. It was agreed that Rita Maran and Minar Pimple along with Ted Orlin and other members of the Executive Board prepare a new draft for membership consideration.
- The membership considered the proposed slate of officers:
The following had come forward and placed their names in nomination:
President: Theodore S. Orlin, Utica College, New York, USA
Vice President: The Americas- Mark Ensalaco, University of Dayton,
Ohio, USA
-Michael McGowan, St. ThomasUniversity,
New Brunswick, Canada
-Vacant-Latin America
Africa- Vacant
Asia-Allwyn D’Silva, Justice and Peace Commission, India
-Mab Huang, Soochow University, Taiwan
Europe:- Liam Gearon, University of Roehampton
-Vacant-Eastern/Central Europe
Discussion: (See earlier item#9)-
The membership agreed to the Executive Board:
Theodore S. Orlin, Utica College, USA
Immediate Past President:
Mark Ensalaco, University of Dayton, USA
Regional Vice Presidents:
Allwyn D’Silva, Justice and Peace Commission, India
Liam Gearon, Roehampton University, UK
Mab Huang, Soochow University, Taiwan
Rita Maran, University of California at Berkeley, USA
Michael McGowan, St. Thomas University, Canada
Vice President at Large:
Reeta Toivanen, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Vacant-Africa, Eastern/Central Europe/South America
12. A motion calling for regional meetings every other year.-2005, 2006, 2007 and an international meeting every other year was presented and discussed.
Action: Approved -Unanimously
A call for sites and date commitments resulted in discussion with a tentative schedule:
A regional conference considered for Bangkok, Spring 2006 (Organizers- D’Silva/ Huang)
An Organizational meeting in Colombo Sri Lanka, Spring 2006 (Organizer –Dr.Fernando)
An Organizational meeting in San Francisco, Fall 2005 (Organizers Maran/Orlin)
A Regional Conference or organizational meeting in Florida, Spring 2006
(Emphasis on Latin American institutions) (Organizers: Ensalaco/FSU?/Orlin)
Some discussion that an international meeting should be held within 2 years was discussed with some suggestions of anAsia site since earlier conferences were in N. America and the UK)
13.A motion to approve the proposed plan of work for Regions was presented and Discussed:
A. Each region, lead by a Vice President and a Regional Committee will conduct a program that includes:
1. The facilitation of cooperation among human rights programs, NGOs, governments and IGOs.
2.The development of human rights education in the regions.
3. The coordination and the encouragement of research.
4. The development of internship experiences with relevant NGOs and academic institutions.
5. Consultations among members for the development and improvement of human rights programs.
B. Each region, will (replaced with- may) be incorporated separately, and will coordinate their activities with the International Secretariat. The International President and/or Vice Presidents will attempt to participate in regional meetings when feasible.
Action: Approved – Unanimously with the above noted amendment.
14. A motion to consider a membership fees for institutions, NGOs and individuals was presented to the membership. Prolonged discussion and considerations of a variety of models were discussed. It was concluded that fees be suggested in order to encourage participation among a broad spectrum of institutions from both the developed and developing world. Consensus was reached that members will be able to choose among suggested amounts.
A form will be sent to members with a membership application with
boxes to check off. The suggested amounts for Universities, Colleges and Institutes of Human Rights will be (US) $500, $350, $200, other.
The suggested amount for individuals and NGOs will be $100, $75, $50, $25, other.
Members will be able to choose the amount unless objected to (for reason) by a majority of the Executive Board.
Dues will be used primarily for support of membership activities and IHREC expenses not provided by the Secretariat.
Action: Approved with the agreement that this proposal will be reconsidered at the next IHREC international meeting (2007?).
Board Action:The Board agreed that the President will have authority to spend up to $500(US) without the approval of the Board. All other expenses require the approval of a majority of Board members. (Voting may be done electronically or via telephone.)
- The development of summer training institutes either credit or non-credit was briefly discussed. The consensus was that it is premature to arrange theses activities, but should be included in future IHREC agendas.
- A discussion of grant prospects and the pursuit of funding sources was discusses with general agreement that the IHREC should pursue grants in cooperation with member institutions.
- A motion of thanks to Bajito-Onda (NGO, Texas) for providing the membership with decals and the organization with a banner was presented.
Action: Approved - Unanimously
- A motion of thanks to the University of Roehampton for assisting in arranging for the IHREC meeting was presented.
Action: Approved – Unanimously
19. Meeting Adjourned June 19th (Sunday afternoon) 2005