International figure skating competition for single skaters

Ozolnieku Zelta rudens kauss 2016


Organiser:Figure skating club “OZO”

Supporters: Ozolnieku Dome


“Ozolnieku Zelta rudens kauss 2016”isan international figure skating competition for single skaters organised by “OZO” figure skating club. The event will be conducted in accordance with theISU Constitution and General Regulations 2014, the Special Regulations &Technical Rules Single Skating and the relevant ISU Communications and validdecisions of the ISU Congress 2016 (

All Members of ISU and any Clubs are invited to take part in the competition.

Venue: OZO skating rink, Stadiona iela 5a, Ozolnieki, Latvia

Dates: October 22 – October 23, 2016


Competition will be held for following categories of skaters:

A class

Pre-chicks A (born 2010 and younger);

Chicks A (born 2009/2008);

Cubs A (born 2006/2007);

Basic Novice A (according to ISU communication No.2024)

Advanced Novice (according to ISU communication No.2024)

Junior A (according to ISU General regulations 2014 Rule 108)

B class

Pre-chicks B (born 2010 and younger);

Chicks B (born 2008/2009);

Cubs B (born 2006/2007);

Basic Novice B (according to ISU communication No.2024)

Springs B (born 2005/2006)

Junior B (born 2006/1997)

Beginners 2007/2009

Beginners 2002/2006

Beginners 1997/2001

Programme requirements are described attachment No1 of this announcement.

All categories will be judged according to ISU Judging System

Elements A

A Elementi 2011

A Elementi 2010

A Elementi 2008-2009

A Elementi 2006-2007 and older

Elements B

B Elementi 2012

B Elementi 2010-2011

B Elementi 2008-2009

B Elementi 2006-2007 and older

Programme requirements for elements are described attachment No2 of this announcement.

All element categories will be judged by panel of three judges by a protocol system

Competition information

Preliminary competition schedule will be available 7 days before the competition.

A detailed Competition schedule will be available 3 days before competition. It will be available on the web page of the organiser club:

Practices. There is a possibility for practices on the ice. Aditional information is available by contacting the organisers.

Draws will be held on October 20, there will be an electronic draw. The starting orders will be available at organisers web page:

The results will be available on the venue rink and on the organisers web page:


Each of participating clubs and teams may nominate one Judgefor the event in which the club has Competitor(s)entered. The Judge should have at least International category. Registration ofJudges must be made by filling the “Entry form” before the deadline.

The travel and accomodation expenses of the nominated jugde must be beared by the nominating club or team.


“Entry form” must be forwarded to Organizing Committee using the officialentry forms latest by October 1, 2016.

With the “Entry forms” the “Program Content Sheet” must return to theOrganizing Committee in time. It is mandatory that the “Program Content Sheet”must be filled in precisely by each Skater/team in English using the terminologyfor the elements listed in the respective ISU Communication.

The official forms must be sent to:


In case competitors need visa, the “Visa form” must be filled and sent to at least 20 days before the entries deadline.The copy of passport also must be sent with filled „Visa form”.


Event charges per participant:

B class55 EUR

A class one programm55 EUR

A class two programms70 EUR

Elements30 EUR

Travel expenses will not be covered by the organizer. The expenses for rooms andmeals, travel and transfer of the Team Leaders, Competitors and other Teamofficials will not be covered by the organizer and are mus be covered by the Teams.


Entry fee must be paid by bank transfer before the competition. Organizer may return 50% of entry feeif club’s skater is cancelled (because of medical reasons, with a doctor’scertificate) in period from entries deadline to the day of the draw.


Pampāļu iela 1-1, Rīga LV-1058




Account No. LV82PARX0013765130001

The name of club and the participant names must be included in the payment details.


All Competitors shall furnish competition music of excellent quality on CDformat, in accordance with ISU Rule 343, paragraph 1.

In accordance with ISU Rule 343, paragraph 1, all discs must show theCompetition event, Competitor’s name, the Nation and the exact runningtime of the music (not skating time) including any starting signal and must besubmitted upon arrival. Each program (short program, freeskating) must be recorded on a separate disc. In additioncompetitors/couples must provide a back-up drive for each program. If musicinformation is not complete, CD are provided in low quality or are not providedthe organisers do not bear any responsibillity about provision of music for the competitor.


The three best placed Skaters in each event will receive medals and trophies.

All participants will receive diplomas and souvenirs.


Each team has the right to submit protest against the judges’ decision.Protests must be submitted to the Referee of the relevant event at the latestimmediately after the event. Upon the submission of the protest a protest feeof 60 EUR must be paid. The referee’s decision is final. In the new ISU JudgingSystems no protests can be filed against the judges (see Rule123), but againstthe right determination of the executed element or any calculation error. Inthe ISU Judging System protest can be submitted in 24 hours after subsegment(e.g. Short Program) and before the awarding ceremony after the finalsegment (e.g. Free Skating). Protest must be done in a written form to thereferee of the relevant segment. Please read ISU Rule 123.


The head of organising comitteeIeva Pujate t.:



Attachment No1

A class

Pre-chicks A girls and boys (born 2010 and younger) 2:00 min ± 10 sec.

1. Maximum four (4) jump elements:

- maximum two (2) jump combinations or sequences;

- a jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps.

2. Maximum two (2) spins of a different abbreviation, each of them must beminimum of three (3) revolutions.

3. One (1) step sequence.

Chicks A girls and boys(born 2008/2009)2:00 min ± 10 sec.

1. Maximum four (4) jump elements:

- one (1) jump must be an Axel-type jump;

- maximum two (2) jump combinations or sequences;

- a jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps.

2. Maximum two (2) spins of a different abbreviation, each of them must beminimum of three (3) revolutions.

3. One (1) step sequence.

Cubs A girls and boys (born 2006/2007)2:30 min ± 10 sec.

1. Maximum four (4) jump elements:

- one (1) jump must be an Axel-type jump;

- maximum two (2) jump combinations or sequences;

- only one (1) jump combination may consist of three (3) jumps.

2. Maximum two (2) spins of a different abbreviation, including:

- one (1) spin combination with one change of foot and at least one change of position (min. 4+4 revolutions);

- other spin of free choice with minimum of 4 revolutions.

3. One (1) step sequence

NB! Additional information for A class categories

1. Vocal music is allowed for all A groups.

2. No jump with the same name may be done more than twice including Axel type jumps.

3. A jump sequence may contain any number of jumps, but only two (2) most difficult jumps will be counted.

4. Time violation: Pre-Chicks A, Chicks A, Cubs A 0,5 point deduction for every 5 seconds in excess

5. Falls: Pre-Chicks A, Chicks A, Cubs A 0,5 point deduction for every fall

6. In all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

7. The Program Components are only judged in:

• Skating Skills

• Transitions

• Performance/Execution

8. The factor for the Program Components is:

1.7 for girls

2.0 for boys

Basic Novice A (according to ISU communication No.2024)

Advanced Novice (according to ISU communication No.2024)

Junior A (according to ISU Special regulations 2014 Rule 611 and 612)

B class

Pre-chicks B girls and boys (born 2010 and younger) 2:00 min ± 10 sec

1. Maximum four (4) jump elements:

- Axel, Lutz, Flip and double jumps are not allowed;

- max two (2) jump combinations or sequences;

- a jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps.

2. Maximum two (2) spins of different abbreviation, each of them must beminimum of three (3) revolutions.

3. One (1) step sequence.

Chicks B girls and boys (born 2008/2009) 2:00 min ± 10 sec

1. Maximum four (4) jump elements:

- Axel and double jumps are not allowed;

- max two (2) jump combinations or sequences;

- a jump combination can contain only two (2) jumps.

2. Maximum two (2) spins of different abbreviation, each of them must beminimum of three (3) revolutions.

3. One (1) step sequence.

Cubs B girls and boys (born 2006/2007) 2:30 min ± 10 sec

1. Maximum four (4) jump elements:

- Axel and one (1) double jump is allowed;

- max two (2) jump combinations or sequences;

- only one (1) jump combination may consist of three (3) jumps.

2. Maximum two (2) spins of different abbreviation, each of them must beminimum of three (3) revolutions.

3. One (1) step sequence.

Basic Novice B (according to ISU communication No.2024)

Springs B girls and boys (born 2005/2006) 2:30 min ± 10 sec

1. Maximum five (5) jump elements:

- one jump (1) must be an Axel type jump;

-maximum two (2) different double jumps are allowed and they cannotbe performed more than twice;

- maximum two (2) jump combinations or jump sequences;

- only one (1) jump combination may consist of three (3) jumps.

2. Maximum three (3) spins of different abbreviation, each of them must beminimum of four (4) revolutions.

3. One (1) step sequence.

Junior B (born 2006/1997)

A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles ladies and men must contain:

1. Maximum five (5) jump elements:

- at least two (2) of them are solo jumps;

- maximum one (1) single Axel and two different (2) double jump are allowed,which may be repeated only once in a jump combination or sequence;

- at least one (1) and no more than two (2) are jump combinations orsequences.

Jump combination may consist of three (three) jumps.

2. At least one (1), but not more than two (2) spins (min. 4 revolutions).

3. Step sequence (2/3 cover of the ice)

NB! Additional information for B groups

1. No jump with the same name may be performed more than twice.

2. A jump sequence can contain any number of jumps, but only two (2)most difficult jumps will be counted.

3. Time violation: Pre-Chicks B,Chicks B, Cubs B0,5 point deduction for every 5seconds in excess

Springs B, Junior B 1 point deduction for every 5seconds in excess

4. Falls: Pre-Chicks B, Chicks B0,25 point deduction for each fall,

Cubs B 0,5 point deduction for each fall

Springs B, Juniro B 1 point deduction for each fall

5. In all elements which are subject to Levels, the Level Basewill be counted. Any additional features will not count for Levelrequirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

6. The Program Components are only judged in:

• Skating Skills

• Transitions

• Performance/Execution

7. The factor for the Program Components is:

1.7 for girls

2.0 for boys

Beginners girls and boys 2007/2009 FS 2:00 min ± 10 sec

A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles boys and girls must contain:

1. Maximum five (5) jump elements:

- at least two (2) of them are solo jumps;

- Axel and double jumps are not allowed;

- at least one (1) and no more than three (3) are jump combinations orsequences;

2. At least one (1), but not more than two (2) spins (min. 3 revolutions).

3. Step sequence (2/3 cover of the ice)

Beginners 2002/2006 ladies and men FS 2:30 min ± 10 sec

A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles ladies and men must contain:

1. Maximum five (5) jump elements:

- at least two (2) of them are solo jumps;

- maximum one (1) single Axel and one (1) double jump are allowed,which may be repeated only once in a jump combination or sequence;

- at least one (1) and no more than three (3) are jump combinations orsequences.

2. At least one (1), but not more than two (2) spins (min. 4 revolutions).

3. Step sequence (2/3 cover of the ice).

Beginners 1997/2001 ladies and men FS 2:30 min ± 10 sec.

A well balanced Free Skating program for Singles ladies and men must contain:

1. Maximum five (5) jump elements:

- at least two (2) of them are solo jumps;

- maximum one (1) single Axel and one (1) double jump are allowed,which may be repeated only once in a jump combination or sequence;

- at least one (1) and no more than three (3) are jump combinations orsequences.

2. At least one (1), but not more than two (2) spins (min. 4 revolutions).

3. Step sequence (2/3 cover of the ice)

NB! Additional information for Beginners

1. Vocal music is allowed for all Beginners groups.

2. Time violation: 1 point deduction for every 5 seconds in excess

3. Falls: 1 point deduction for every fall

4. In all elements which are subject to Levels, only features up to Level 2 will be counted. Any additional features will not count for Level requirements and will be ignored by the Technical Panel.

5. The Program Components are only judged in:

• Skating Skills

• Transitions

• Performance/Execution

6. The factor for the Program Components is: 1.6

Attachment No 2

Elementi A GRUPA

Mūzika 1:30 +/- 10 sek

A Elementi 2010

Slidojums uz priekšu+krosroli ,slidojums uz priekšu māņu solis

3 pārskrējieni atpakaļ+valša solis+ valša lēciens

Slidojums uz priekšu+līdzsvariņš (min.3 sek), slidojums uz priekšu+pistolīte

Piruete uz vienas kājas, no iegājiena,izbrauciens (min.3 apgr.)

A Elementi 2009

Slidojums uz priekšu +krosroli uz priekšu, pagrieziens krosroli atpakaļ

Slidojums uz priekšu mainu solis+salhovs

Slidojums uz priekšu +lidzsvariņš (min.3 sek), slidojums uz priekšu pistolite Piruete no iegājiena (vints,vilciņš vai libela.)

A Elementi 2007-2008

1. Soļu celiņš pa apli/ pa diagonāli (iekļaut trijniekus, citus pagriezienus un soļus pēc izvēles);

2. Trīs valša soļi – valša lēciens;

3. Soļi pēc izvēles + Saļhovs-Tulups (kaskāde);

4. Piruete uz vienas kājas no iegājiena(vints ,vilcins libela)

5. Spirāles līdzsvars uz priekšu (min 3 sek.), otra spirāles pozicija pēc izvēles atpakaļgaitā.

A Elementi 2006-2005 un vecāki

1. Soļu celiņš pa apli/ pa diagonāli (iekļaut trijniekus, dubulttrijniekus, un citus pagriezienus un soļus pēc izvēles);

2. Soļi pēc izvēles + Saļhovs-Tulups (kaskāde)

3. Soļi pēc izvēles + Ritbergers;

4. Piruete pēc izvēles no iegājiena ( min 3 apgr. );

5. Spirāles līdzsvars uz priekšu (min 3 sek.), gredzentiņš atmuguriski (min 3 sek.), trešā spirāles pozicija pēc izvēles.

Elementi B GRUPA

B Elementi 2011

Slidojums uz priekšu+5 lukturisi uz priekšu

Slidojums uz priekšu+stārkiītis,+slidojums uz priekšu pietupiens

Slidojums uz priekšu+bremze+cirkulis

B Elementi 2010-2009

Slidojums uz priekšu+5 lukturīši uz priekšu+palēciens+5 lukturīši atpakaļ+palēciens

Slidojums uz priekšu kazlēni/ šķērītes 3x+slidojums uz priekšu stārķīitis(min. 3 sek)

Slidojums uz priekšu +pietupiens (min.3 sek)

Slidojums uz priekšu+bremze+cikulis+piruete uz divām kājām,izbrauciens

B Elementi 2007-2008

Slidojums uz priekšu+5 krosroli uz priekšu

5 pārskrējiena soļi atpakaļ+valša solis+valša lēciens

Slidojums uz priekšu+līdzsvariņš (min. 3 sek)

Slidojums uz priekšu+pietupiens/pistolite (min. 3sek)

Slidojums uz priekšu+bremze+piruete uz divām kājām, izbrauciens

B Elementi 2005-2006 un vecāki

Slidojums uz priekšu+krosroli uz prieksu+krosroli atpakal

Slidojums uz priekšu+māņu solis+5 pārskrējiena soļi atpakaļ+2 valša soļi+2 valša lēcieni

Slidojums uz priekšu+izklupiens+slidojums uz priekšu+ līdzsvariņš (min. 3sek) slidojums uz priekšu+pistolite

Slidojums uz priekšu+bremze cirkulis+piruete uz vienas kājas, izbrauciens

Attachment No 3


Skate ⅔ ice surface. All elements followedimmediately; Skater have the opportunity todemonstrate elementtwiceif It did not makeit .

Elements B 2011

  1. Basic stroking forward + 5 swizzles forward
  2. Basic stroking forward + stork, Basic stroking forward + dip
  3. Basic stroking forward + stops + pivot

Elements B 2010/2009

  1. Basic stroking forward + 5 swizzles forward + ½ turn jump + 5 swizzles back
  2. Basic stroking forward +bunny hop/scissors 3x ,Basic stroking forward +stork (min. 3 sec.) , Basic stroking forward + dip (min. 3 sec.)
  3. Basic stroking forward + stops + pivot + Spin on two foots,Exit

Elements B 2007-2008

  1. Basic stroking forward + 5 cross rolls forward
  2. 5 Basic stroking back+ waltz step+ waltz jump
  3. Basic stroking forward + Classic spiral (min. 3 sec.)
  4. Basic stroking forward + dip/pistol (min. 3 sec.)
  5. Basic stroking forward + stops + pivot + onetwo foots spin,Exit

ElementsB 2005-2006 and older

  1. 1.Basic stroking forward + cross rolls forward +cross rolls back
  2. Basic stroking forward +Basic stroking back+ 2 waltz steps+ 2 waltz jumps
  3. Basic stroking forward + Lunge+ Basic stroking forward +Classic spiral (min. 3 sec.)
  4. Basic stroking forward + pistol (min. 3 sec.)
  5. Basic stroking forward + stops + pivot + one foot spin,Exit

Elements A 2010

  1. Basic stroking forward + cross rolls forward
  2. 3 Basic stroking back+waltz step+ waltz jump
  3. Basic stroking forward + Classic spiral (min. 3 sec.)
  4. Basic stroking forward + pistol (min. 3 sec.)
  5. Spin from entrance one foot (min 3 rev),Exit

Elements A 2009

  1. Basic stroking forward + cross rolls forward, turn cross rolls back
  2. Basic stroking forward+LFO(Swing step)+ Salchow jump
  3. Basic stroking forward + Classic spiral (min. 3 sec.)
  4. Basic stroking forward + pistol (min. 3 sec.)
  5. Spin from entrance one foot (camel spin, sit spin, upright spin) (min 3 rev),Exit

Elements A 2007-2008

  1. Step sequence circle/diagonal, includingdoublethree turn forward (outward and / orinward) and other turns and steps of free choice
  2. 3 Waltz steps+ waltz jump;
  3. Steps by free choice+Salchow jump + Toeloop;
  4. Basic stroking forward + Classic spiral (min. 3 sek.), Basic stroking forward + pistol squat, third position of spiral, byfreechoice;
  5. Spin from entrance one foot (camel spin, sit spin, upright spin) (min 3 rev),Exit

Elements A 2005-2006 and older

  1. Step sequence circle/diagonal, includingdoublethree turn forward (outward and / orinward) and other turns and steps of free choice
  2. Steps by free choice+ Salchow jump + Toeloop
  3. Steps by free choice + Loop;
  4. Basic stroking forward+ Classic spiral (min. 3 sek.), Ring Spiral back,third position of spiral, byfreechoice;
  5. Spin from entrance one foot (camel spin, sit spin, upright spin) (min 3 rev),Exit



Address :Skolas Iela 16, Ozolnieki, Ozolnieku Pag., Ozolnieku Nov., LV 3018
Fax:+371 63013527


Address:Rīgas iela 34, Ozolnieki

Phone Number:+37122018583, + 371 63050220



Address:Stadiona iela, Ozolnieki, Ozolnieku pagasts, LV-3018

phone Number: +37163 050 516