International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education

International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education

Minutes of the 2011 ICHRIE Annual Business Meeting

International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education

Grand Hyatt, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Call to Order

A Call to order was made at 8:02 am with President Cynthia Deale Presiding. She recognized past presidents, the Board, Federation officers, ICHRIE leaders and conference sponsors.

Approval of Agenda for 2011 Annual Business Meeting

MOTION by Bosselman: “To approve agenda of 2011 annual business meeting.” SECOND by Samenfink. DISCUSSION: none. PASSED without dissent.

Approval of Minutes from 2010 Annual Business Meeting

MOTION by Drysdale: “To approve minutes from 2010 annual business meeting.” SECOND by Bosselman. DISCUSSION: none. PASSED without dissent.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer John Drysdale summarized the annual financial report for year ended 2010. He stated that we are in good financial shape and we had a clean audit.

MOTION by Fournier: “To approve 2011 financial report.” SECOND by DeMicco. DISCUSSION: none. PASSED without dissent.

FutureFund Committee Chair Ray Schmidgall reported that there is $123K in the CHRIE FutureFund™. He discussed fundraising events that are being held at this year’s conference. He thanked Judy Drysdale for her assistance.

President-Elect Report

President-Elect Susan Fournier thanked the Board and the ICHRIE staff for their dedication. She also stated that ICHIRE is strong. However, we need to continue to strengthen our Federations and our membership.

President’s Report

President Deale thanked Drysdale for his service as treasurer. She also thanked the rest of the board and the staff for their support and assistance.

Deale the presented the presidential gavel to Fournier, installing her as president.

Immediate Past President’s Report

Immediate Past President Bill Samenfink welcomed everyone and reflected on his last three years on the board. He stated that the board has an unbelievable culture of stewarding the organization. He thanked everyone for their support. He the thanked the staff and the Board for their hard work.

Deale thanked Samenfink for his hard work and contributions to ICHRIE

Old Business


New Business


Recognition of Outgoing Officers and Board Members

Deale thanked outgoing board members and presented crystal decanters as gifts.

Installation of new Officers and Board Members

Samenfink installed new board members. Fournier took the podium as president. She thanked Deale and each Federation President presented her with a gift.

Adjourn Meeting

MOTION by Mayo: “Adjourn meeting.” SECOND by Bosselman. PASSED without dissent.