International Centre for Eye Health
World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Prevention of Blindness
LondonSchool of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Research Activities Outline

June 2003

Research Grouping

International Centre for Eye Health

Disease Grouping / People / Collaboration LSHTM / Countries
Visual loss in children / Gilbert, Muhit,
Wedner, Foster / PHP / HPU:
Vivian Valmanis / Bangladesh
Trachoma, and other ocular infections / Mabey, Foster,
Bailey, Burton
Solomon, Kuper,
Buchan, Zondervan, Polack,
Gilbert, Lecke / ITD
Sandy Cairncross
Simon Brooker / The Gambia
Cataract, and other eye disease with ageing / Gilbert, Foster,
Dineen, Evans,
Jofre-Bonet, Nolan
Wormald, Foot / EPH / EPID
Astrid Fletcher
Jack Dowie / Bangladeh

International Centre for Eye Health

Research Strategy Priorities and Matrix; 2003-2005, by ICEH staff and LSHTM collaborators

Disease / Aetiology / Needs
Assessment / Intervention Evaluation
b)cost / Programme Impact
a)quality of life
Cataract, and other eye disease of ageing / Gilbert / Gilbert; Dineen; Limburg / Foster, Gilbert; Jofre-Bonet; Limburg; Evans, Wormald / Jofre-Bonet, Gilbert
Trachoma, and other ocular infections / Leck / Mabey, Foster, Bailey, Kuper, Solomon, Buchan, Polack, Zondervan, Lecke. / Mabey, Foster, Bailey, Kuper, Solomon, Buchan, Zondervan, Lecke. / Mabey, Foster, Kuper, Solomon, Buchan, Zondervan
Visual loss in children / Muhit, Gilbert, Foster / Gilbert, Muhit, Wedner, Foster / Gilbert, Muhit, Wedner, Foster / Gilbert, Muhit, Wedner

Research Strategy Priorities and Matrix; 2003-2005, by current research grant

Disease / Aetiology / Needs Assessment / Intervention Evaluation
b)cost / Programme Impact
a)quality of life
Cataract, and other eye disease of ageing /
  • Possible protective effect of macular pigment an ARMD
  • Population based surveys
  • Rapid cataract assessment
  • ARMD in UK
  • Cataract outcome monitoring
  • MEH cost-effectiveness
  • ARMD interventions
  • Cochrane EVG
  • MEH cost-effectiveness

Trachoma, and other ocular infections /
  • Of corneal ulcers; rapid diagnosis using PCR
  • TIME
  • Aetiology of corneal ulcers
  • TIME
  • Treatment trial of ulcers
  • Cochrane EVG
  • TIME

Visual loss in children /
  • Of childhood cataract in Bangladesh
  • Causes of blindness in children – blind school studies
  • Bangladesh study
  • Refractive error in children
  • ROP in Latin America
  • Childhood cataract in Bangladesh
  • Refractive error in children
  • ROP in Brazil
  • Cochrane EVG
  • Childhood cataract in Bangladesh
  • Refractive error in children
  • ROP in Brazil

Country / Project / Personnel / Funding / Collaborators - international / Collaborators - UK
Mali, Ghana, Morocco, Vietnam, Niger, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nepal / Evaluation and monitoring of ITI-funded trachoma control activities / Allen Foster,
David mabey
Anthony Solomon, John Buchan, Hannah Kuper, Marcia Zondervan / International Trachoma Initiative / National ITI trachoma control programmes.
Carter Centre, USA / Sandy Cairncross
Sarah Pollack
Simon Brooker
BBC World Service trust
Brunel Univ – Med Anthropology
Bangladesh / National study of the causes of blindness in children, qualitative studies, and the outcome of childhood cataract surgery / Mohammad Muhit, Clare Gilbert / CBMSSI
Muslim Aid
BCPB / Many different agencies within country / Institute of Child Health, London
Bangladesh / National survey of the prevalence and causes of blindness and low vision – data analysis stage / Brendan Dineen, Clare Gilbert and Allen Foster / CBM
SSI / National Institute of Ophthalmology, Dhaka
Belize / Health education intervention to increase awareness of glaucoma, and pilot study to compare different treatments in newly diagnosed cases / Richard Wormald Brendan Dineen / SSI
Brazil / Study to determine risk factors and criteria for screening programmes for retinopathy of prematurity / Clare Gilbert / [applied to BCPB] / Fernandes Figueira Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation,Rio / Health Economist, HPU, LSHTM
The Gambia / Clinical, epidemiological and laboratory studies on different aspects of trachoma pathogenesis and control / Matthew Burton / Wellcome Trust / MRC
India / Clinical trial to compare two different designs of intraocular lenses in adults to prevent posterior capsule opacification / Clare Gilbert / Star Foundation
SSI / Eye Unit, St Thomas’ Hospital
Institute of Ophthalmology, London
India / Rapid diagnosis of suppurative keratitis using PCR / Astrid Leck / BCPB / Joseph Eye Hospital, India
Pakistan / National survey of the prevalence and causes of blindness and low vision - ongoing / Brendan Dineen, Clare Gilbert and Allen Foster / SSI CBM / Pakistan Institute of Community Ophthalmology
Tanzania / Measuring the impact of the SAFE strategy in Rombo District / Anthony Solomon, David Mabey
Allen Foster / Wellcome Trust / Sheila West, USA
Rosanna Peeling, W.H.O.
Robin Bailey, The Gambia
Tanzania / Evaluation of different approaches for the cost effective implementation of school eye health programmes / Susanne Wedner, Clare Gilbert / BCPB / Health Economist, HPU, LSHTM
UK / Genetic and nutritional factors influencing macular pigment optical density: a twin study / Clare Gilbert / The Wellcome Trust / Institute of Ophthalmology, London
St Thomas’ Hospital, London
UK / Macular pigment optical density in individuals with and without age related macular degeneration / Clare / Guide Dogs for the Blind / Institute of Ophthalmology, London
MoorfieldsEyeHospital, London
UK / Pilot study of retinal findings in people with malaria with and without protective immunity / John Buchan
Clare Gilbert / None required / Chris Whitty
Tom Doherty
UK / Cataract barriers / Barny Foot / RCOphth
International / Developing an evidence base for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration / Jennifer Evans / Guide Dogs for the Blind
International / Cochrane Collaboration Vision and Eyes Group / Richard Wormald / Guide Dogs Blind