El Sereno Middle School

International Baccalaureate World School

Course Title: Physical Education

Instructors’ Names: Mr. Tellez, Mrs. Cruz, Ms. Siebenthal, Mr. Garcia, Mrs. Villanueva

School Year: 2017-18

Course Overview: This course enables student to develop skills necessary to participate in individual activities, dual activities, dance and rhythms. Students develop an understanding of the components of total health fitness that emphasizes basic physiological and social benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle. All students must also be tested in the state physical fitness assessment; maintaining personal fitness logs and goal setting.

Students will be made aware of the IB learner profile, to develop the characteristics of a globally-minded individual.

Subject Aims:

*use inquiry to explore physical and health education concepts

*participate effectively in a variety of concepts

*understand the value of physical activity

*achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle

*collaborate and communicate effectively

*build positive relationships and demonstrate social responsibility

*reflect on their learning experiences

IB Objectives / Standards (CCSS &/or State)
*An appreciation and understanding of the value of physical education and its relationship to a healthy balanced lifestyle.
*An interest in the promotion of health and wellness
*The motivation to participate fully in all aspects of physical education
*Their optimal level of physical fitness
*Effective communication strategies, verbal, nonverbal and written
*The skills and understanding necessary to participate successfully in a variety of physical activities, for example, learning practicing, refining, adapting, thinking, interacting
*The ability to reflect critically on all aspects of physical education, including being a critical performer
*An understanding of international perspectives on physical activity, sport and health education
*A lifelong interest in an enjoyment of physical activities as a participant / *To achieve a level of physical fitness for health and performance while demonstrating knowledge of fitness concepts and principles of exercise.
*To demonstrate knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles, and strategies that apply to the learning and participation in physical activity.

Global Contexts: In a world of increasing interconnection and complexity, learning in context provides students with opportunities to explore multiple dimensions of meaningful challenges facing young people in the world today, encouraging them to develop creative solutions and understanding. The IB identifies six global contexts for teaching and learning:

Identities and Relationships / Scientific and Technical Innovation / Fairness and Development
Globalization and Sustainability / Personal and Cultural Expression / Orientation in Space & Time

Approaches to Learning: Through ATL in IB programmes, students develop skills that have relevance across the curriculum that help them “learn how to learn.” IB programmes identify five ATL skill categories, expanded into developmentally appropriate skill clusters: Communication, Social (Collaboration), Self-Management (Organization, Affective, Reflection), Research (Information Literacy, Media Literacy), Thinking (Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Transfer),

Units of Study: The curriculum will enable the student to develop oneself in study skills, critical, coherent and independent thinking: and enhance the capacity for goal setting, problem solving, and learning how to make decisions and accept responsibility for learning. The physical education department will incorporate the areas of interaction for all units taught during the school year.

Unit Title / Key & Related Concepts / Global Context / Inquiry Questions / Approaches to Learning Focus / Culminating Task/Summative Assessment & Scoring Criteria
Fitness / Key-Change
Related-Movement and Systems / Fairness and development / To improve muscular systems and cardiovascular systems one must perform and monitor a variety of physical activities / *Self- management
*Thinking / B. Planning for performance
D. Reflecting and improving performance
Team Activities / Key-Communication
Related-Function and Systems / Personal and cultural expression / For a team to function effectively all members involved (coaches and players) must communicate effectively and clearly / *Communication
*Social / B: Planning and performance
D: Reflecting and improving performance

Grading Scale:

Grades will be based on the following percentages:

90 – 100% A

80 – 89% B

70 – 79% C

60 – 69% D

0 – 59% F

P.E. Department Grading Policy:

The following categories will be used to determine student grades, which will be weighted as follows:

Preparedness 55%

Performance 30%

Written/Assessments 15%

El Sereno Middle School Physical Education Guidelines

We, the undersigned, do hereby acknowledge that we have read, reviewed and understand the COURSE INFORMATION SHEET for the El Sereno Middle School Physical Education Department.

We also hereby acknowledge the following rules and expectations of the Physical Education Learning Environment:

Attendance Policy: Students will be ON TIME, prepared, and will not interfere with the educational process in the classroom.

Dressing Policy: Proper El Sereno MS Physical Education attire is required for students’ comfort and hygiene. You can purchase PE clothes in the Student Store. Athletic shoes are highly recommended to ensure the students’ safety while exercising.

Participation Requirement: Students will actively participate in all classroom activities. Students will take proper care of facilities, equipment, classrooms, and classroom supplies. Students will remain in the designated activity area for the duration of the class until the ringing of the final release bell.

Nutrition & Hydration: In order to avoid possible health risks, students are expected to maintain a balanced nutritional diet and proper hydration practices.

Consent for Risk: There is a slight risk of injury when participating in physical activity.

Locker Room Policy: Any negative or unsafe behavior in the locker room will result in locker room privileges being taken away or, if necessary, students(s) will be sent to school official for appropriate action. Lockers are a privilege not a right. The PE department is not responsible for any item/items removed from the locker room.

Make-up Work for excused absences: When absent write a one-page sports report on any sport of your choice for each day that you’re absent. Sports reports will be accepted upon your return. If absent on a run day, please make it up on make-up run days (to be announced). Failure to make-up absences or run days will result in losing points. Maintain your “A”.

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