Fleet Meeting
International 505 Class Association, Fleet 3
July 1, 2003
Geoff Nelson’s House
In attendance - Dan Merino, Ben Wood, Geoff Nelson, Rick Denney, Bill Jenkins
Call to order - 7:10pm
Review Agenda - No additions or deletions.
PCCs Wrap-up (Dan) - 22 boats participated. Had hoped for a minimum of 25 boats so all in all it was a good turn out. Only half of fleet 3 showed up to race and only 2 classics raced. It took a lot of time and effort plus luck to get the PCC's to San Diego and it would probably be a long time before they would return to San Diego due to the light wind conditions that we have here. Financially, all items came in at or below budget and the Fleet netted $15.63 profit. Sponsors Sailing Supply and Ballast Point Brewery were satisfied. Dan will provide them with tokens of appreciation. Fleet member Bryce Davis’ contribution of money and product made many of the extras possible. Dan recommends Bryce for a special award of gratitude at the trophy dinner this year. Overall it was a big success and all who raced had a good time. Dan can provide detailed notes for those who are interested, including future regatta planners.
B2B Wrap-up (Bill) - 10 505s and one 18ft skiff participated. The race this year was very long due to light wind. The winning time was ~15 minutes slower than the previous slowest winning time which was recorded the first year the race was run. The party was fun but, due to darkness and the late arrival of most of the fleet, much of the food was not eaten. Due to poor planning (buying too much) and last minute cancellations, the regatta ran over budget by ~$75. Many volunteers made the event possible. Geoff Nelson will present the escort boat personnel with some wine as a token of appreciation. There is a lot of rum and some beer left over. Bill can provide detailed notes for those who are interested, including future regatta planners.
Treasurer’s Report (Mike Jue, presented by Bill) – Fleet financial statement is attached. It is up to date including PCCs and B2B expenses. Accounting for all assets and liabilities, the Fleet currently has $208.17 in cash. Anticipated expenses for the remainder of the year include $35 for perpetual trophy plaques for the MBYC Trophy Dinner, plus $40 to complete the Classic Fleet perpetual trophy currently under construction by Dan Merino. A party to drink the rest of the rum will represent an additional, unknown, expense.
MBYC report (email from Steve Schnelker) – TNTs will continue in the current split mode with half the fleets starting in the bay and the other half starting at the tower. Our fleet was voted 50-50 on the issue, all other fleets except the racer/cruisers favored this arrangement. 505s have RC duty coming up on July 10. Fleet members are encouraged to continue participating in the TNT regattas.
SCRA report (Bill) - Bill and Dan are signed up to do RC in August; Steve Schnelker, Karl Liebat, and Mark Kurzava are signed up to do RC in September. See the SCRA web site for details on what is expected.
Fleet strength
- Fleet building activities – Many ideas were discussed. The ones that were agreed upon (and the responsible person to follow up) are:
- Work with SDYC to have a dinghy regatta in North San Diego Bay. Date TBD. It is hoped that we could get all the boats out for this race. North Bay will make the boats very visible from the land and water. (Bill)
- Post list of boats in the fleet on the web site. (Bill)
- Post names of people who want to crew on the web site. (Bill)
- Look into a “505 Day” at MBYC for taking the uninitiated out for rides. Would target advanced juniors, college students, and adult YC members. Following MBYC, would take the show on the road to other YCs such as SDYC, SWYC, and CorYC. (Ben)
- Fleet participation –
- From Mark Kurzava, via email, a Classic regatta is in the planning stages. Regatta would be totally fun, minimal competitive pressure, non-classics could participate but would be heavily handicapped (and no doubt ridiculed). Date TBD.
- Racing dates – The racing schedule was reviewed. No changes made.
- Rum party - A great idea. Date TBD.
- Election of next year’s officers
- Bill proposed changing the leadership structure to separate the positions of Fleet Captain and MBYC representative (represents the 505 fleet at the monthly MBYC fleet captains meetings). The same person can hold the two positions. Both positions must be filled each year. The position of Secretary/Treasurer would remain and must be filled each year. The position of SCRA rep would remain, but not necessary to be filled. An additional rep to SDYC would be available, but not necessary to be filled. All present agreed to this structure.
- Bill will send out notice of election in time for the MBYC rep to be installed in the first week of December.
Next Meeting - Sept 14 following the regatta, if necessary.
Meeting Adjourned – 8:35pm