Ms Laura Skinner
MBA House
Garmen Road
N17 0HW
Via email: / Your ref:
Date: / 18 March 2015
Our ref: / LBH/4058215
Direct dial: / 020 8489 2552
Email: /

Dear Ms Skinner,

Internal Review of the Freedom of Information Act request reference: LBH/3938515

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to review the response we have sent to your Freedom of Information request.

Your Foi request was for:

By way of background, we are a business operating in Garman Road and our staff are continuing to experience parking problems. Please provide the information (or relevant details) including any impact assessments, internal approvals etc. that lead to the following decisions:

1. The proposed sale of Garman Road car park (and the Council's subsequent withdrawal) in or around 1997;

2. Making Garman Road a pay and display car park in or around 2007; and

3. The addition of yellow lines in the Garman Road area in and around 2014.

Please also confirm if there is any information on plans to alleviate the parking problems in the Garman Road area.

Our response was:

1) I regret to inform you that due to the passage of time, the Council no longer holds any records on the car-park that date back to 1997. We are consequently unable to answer your query. Please accept the Council’s apologies on this particular point.

2) Please see the following link of the minutes of the report presented to the Cabinet’s meeting of 19 February 2008 and refer to no134

3) Yellow lines were introduced along Garman Road as part of the parking measures implemented in March 2014. There were introduced to remove obstructive parking taking place and to facilitate traffic flow in area that has historically suffered from traffic congestion. For background papers relating to the wider scheme. please note the following link.

You emailed further to request an internal review:

Grateful if you could provide information on how the concerns of MBA Group Ltd and others have been addressed in relation to the Garman Road car park (which MBA Group Ltd maintained for a period of time) and whether impact assessments were completed for the changes (i.e. making the car park a pay and display area and the addition of yellow lines)?

I have reviewed your original information request and our response and I can confirm that no impact assessments were completed and therefore this information is not held. I apologise this was not made clear in our initial response.

The council considers parking infrastructure in the wider area (as appropriate and necessary) before introducing any additional parking controls.

In this case the council introduced pay and display measures to assist with visitor parking and to manage parking in a council asset. At the time of the conversion of the car park, the carriageway in the proximity was uncontrolled and not subject to any pay and display charges or permits, which meant that motorists could continue to utilise the free parking in the area.

Regarding the double yellow lines, due to the nature of “at any time waiting restrictions” it will mean that any cars previously using the kerb space for parking will need to park elsewhere. This is generally for the purposes of road safety and to ensure that conditions for all road users are enhanced by improving visibility, pedestrian access and traffic flow.

With regards to your concerns about the Garman Road car park; I understand that Vincent Valerio, Parking Schemes Manager, is in the process of arranging a meeting with you (MBA Group Ltd) to discuss your concerns. He will be able to provide further information on these issues at the meeting.

I hope that you are satisfied with my response to your complaint. If you are dissatisfied, you may complain to the Information Commissioner, who may be able to help you. Please note that if you wish to refer this case to the Information Commissioner, they ask that you do so within two months of our response to you.

You can contact the Commissioner at:

Information Commissioner

Wycliffe House

Water Lane






Yours sincerely

Sirkku Pietikainen

Feedback Review Officer